Chapeter 17 Satellite communication

Example 17.1 Page no 678

In [3]:
stn_long = 95
stn_lat = 30
sat_long =121
rad_pos = 137

azimuth = 360-rad_pos

print"The elevation setting for the antenna is 45 degree"
print"The azimuth setting for the antenna is ",azimuth,"degree"
The elevation setting for the antenna is 45 degree
The azimuth setting for the antenna is  223 degree

Example 17.2 Page no 681

In [1]:
flo = 2*10**9
fd =3840*10**6
B =36*10**6

fu =fd+flo
C =2*B

print"The uplink frequency is ",fu/10.0**9,"GHz"
print"The data rate is ", C/10**6,"Mbps"
The uplink frequency is  5.84 GHz
The data rate is  72 Mbps

Example 17.3 Page no 691

In [3]:
fs = 4.08*10**9
fIF1 = 770*10**6
fIF2 = 140*10**6

flo1 = fs - fIF1
flo2 = fIF1 - fIF2

print"The local oscillator frequency for first IF is ",flo1/10**6,"MHz"
print"The local oscillator frequency for the second IF is ",flo2/10**6,"MHz"
The local oscillator frequency for first IF is  3310.0 MHz
The local oscillator frequency for the second IF is  630 MHz