stn_long = 95
stn_lat = 30
sat_long =121
rad_pos = 137
azimuth = 360-rad_pos
print"The elevation setting for the antenna is 45 degree"
print"The azimuth setting for the antenna is ",azimuth,"degree"
flo = 2*10**9
fd =3840*10**6
B =36*10**6
fu =fd+flo
C =2*B
print"The uplink frequency is ",fu/10.0**9,"GHz"
print"The data rate is ", C/10**6,"Mbps"
fs = 4.08*10**9
fIF1 = 770*10**6
fIF2 = 140*10**6
flo1 = fs - fIF1
flo2 = fIF1 - fIF2
print"The local oscillator frequency for first IF is ",flo1/10**6,"MHz"
print"The local oscillator frequency for the second IF is ",flo2/10**6,"MHz"