Vmax = 5.9
Vmin = 1.2
m = (Vmax-Vmin)/(Vmax+Vmin)
Vc = (Vmax+Vmin)/2.0
Vm = (Vmax-Vmin)/2.0
m = Vm/Vc
print"(a) The modulation index is ",round(m,2)
print"Vc= ",Vc,"Vm= ",Vm,"(for 2 volt/div on verticle scale)"
frq =980*10**3
frq_range = 5*10**3
fusb = frq+frq_range
flsb = frq-frq_range
print"The upper sideband is at ",fusb/10**3,"Khz"
print"Lower sideband is at ",flsb/10**3,"Khz"
print"the babdwidth is ",bw/10**3,"KHz"
Pc = 30
Pt = Pc*(1+ (m**2/2.0))
Psb_both =Pt-Pc
Psb_one = Psb_both/2.0
print"The total power is ",round(Pt,1),"watt"
print"The power in one sideband is ",round(Psb_one,1),"Watt"
R = 40
I = 4.8
Pc = I**2*R
Pt = (I*(1+(m**2/2.0))**0.5)**2*R
Psb = Pt-Pc
print"(a) The carrier power is ",Pc," watt"
print"(b) Total power = ",round(Pt,0),"watt"
print"(c) Sideband Power = ",round(Psb,1),"watt"
It = 5.1
Ic =4.8
print"The percentage of modulation is ",round(m*100,0)
m = 0.9
Pc = 921.6
Psb = (m**2*Pc)/4.0
print"The power in one sideband ",round(Psb,1),"Watt"
Vpp = 178
R = 75.0
Vp =Vpp/2.0
Vrms = 0.707*Vp
PEP =(Vrms**2/R)
print"The peak envelop power is ", round(PEP,1),"Watt"
Vs =24
Im =9.3
PEP = Vs*Im
Pavg1 = PEP/3.0
Pavg2 = PEP/4.0
print"(a) The peak envelope power is ",PEP,"watt"
print"(b) Average power of transmitter is ",Pavg2,"watt to",Pavg1,"watt"