Chapter7- Permeability


In [1]:
#Calculate the hydraulic conductivity in cm/sec.
import math
##initialisation of variables
L= 30. ##cm
A= 177. ##cm^2
h= 50. ##cm
Q= 350. ##cm^3
t= 300. ##sec
print'%s %.4f %s'% ('hydraulic conductivity = ',k,' cm/sec ')
hydraulic conductivity =  0.0040  cm/sec 


In [2]:
#Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in in./sec.
import math
##initialisation of variables
L= 203. ##mm
A= 10.3 ##cm^2
a= 0.39 ##cm^2
h0= 508. ##mm
h180= 305. ##mm
t= 180. ##sec
k= 2.303*a*L*math.log10(h0/h180)/(A*t)
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('hydraulic conductivity of sand = ',k,' in/sec ')
hydraulic conductivity of sand =  0.02  in/sec 


In [3]:
#The hydraulic conductivity of a clayey soil is 3  107 cm/sec. The viscosity of water at 25°C is 0.0911  104 g # sec/cm2 
#Calculate the absolute permeability of the soil.
import math
##initialisation of varilables
k= 3e-7 ##cm/sec
n= 0.0911e-4 ##g*sec/cm^2
dw= 1. ##g/cc
K= k*n/dw
print'%s %.2e %s'% ('absolute premeability = ',K,' cm^2 ')
absolute premeability =  2.73e-12  cm^2 


In [5]:
#With k  5.3  105 m/sec for the permeable layer, calculate the rate of seepage through it in m3 /hr/m width if H  3 m and a  8°.

import math
##initialisation of variables
k= 5.3e-5 ##m/sec
H= 3 ##m
a= 0.139 ##radians
A= H*math.cos(a)
i= math.sin(a)
q= k*i*A*3600
print'%s %.4f %s'% ('rate of seepage = ',q,' m^3/hr/m ')
rate of seepage =  0.0785  m^3/hr/m 


In [8]:
import math
#calculate flow rate
##initialisation of variables
L= 50. ##m
k= 0.08e-2##m/sec
h= 4. ##m
H1= 3. ##m
H= 8. ##m
a= 0.139 ##radians
i= h*math.cos(a)/L
A= H1*math.cos(a)
q= k*i*A
print'%s %.5f %s'% ('flow rate = ',q,' m^3/sec/m ')
flow rate =  0.00019  m^3/sec/m 


In [18]:
#calculate hydraulic conductivity at void ratio of 0.65
##initialisation of variables
k1= 0.02 ##cm/sec
e1= 0.5 
e2= 0.65
k2= k1*(e2**3/(1.+e2))/(e1**3/(1.+e1))
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('hydraulic conductivity at void ratio of 0.65 =',k2,'cm/sec ')
hydraulic conductivity at void ratio of 0.65 = 0.04 cm/sec 


In [2]:
#calculate the value of grain size and plot the graph
import math
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
from math import log
import numpy
from math import tan
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot



pyplot.xlabel('Percent passing')
pyplot.ylabel('grain size,mm')
pyplot.title('Graph of percent passinge vs grain size')
print('look at the axis reverse in text book')
look at the axis reverse in text book


In [17]:
#calculate hydraulic conductivity
##initialisation of variables
e= 0.6
D10= 0.09 ##mm
k= 2.4622*(D10**2*(e**3/(1+e)))**0.7825
print'%s %.4f %s'% ('hydraulic conductivity = ',k,' cm/sec ')
hydraulic conductivity =  0.0119  cm/sec 


In [11]:
#calculate hydraulic conductivity
##initialisation of variables
e= 0.6
D10= 0.09 ##mm
D60= 0.16 ##mm
k= 35*(e**3/(1+e))*(Cu**0.6)*(D10**2.32)
print'%s %.3f %s'% ('hydraulic conductivity =',k,'cm/sec ')
hydraulic conductivity = 0.025 cm/sec 


In [16]:
import math
#calculate hydraulic conductivity
##initialisation of variables
k1= 0.302e-7 ##cm/sec
k2= 0.12e-7 ##cm/sec
e1= 1.1
e2= 0.9
e= 0.75
n= (math.log10((k1/k2)*((1+e1)/(1+e2))))/math.log10(e1/e2)
C= k1/(e1**n/(1+e1))
k= C*(e**n/(1+e))
print'%s %.e %s'% ('hydraulic conductivity =',k,'cm/sec')
hydraulic conductivity = 5e-09 cm/sec


In [13]:
#calculate ration of equivalent hydraulic conductivity
##initialisation of variables
H1= 2. ##m
H2= 3. ##m
H3= 4. ##m
k1= 1e-4 ##cm/sec
k2= 3.2e-2 ##cm/sec
k3= 4.1e-5 ##cm/sec
H= H1+H2+H3
Kh= (1./H)*((k1*H1)+(k2*H2)+(k3*H3))
Kv= H/((H1/k1)+(H2/k2)+(H3/k3))
P= Kh/Kv
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('ration of equivalent hydraulic conductivity =',P,' ')
ration of equivalent hydraulic conductivity = 139.97  


In [15]:
import math
#calculate rate of water supply
##initialisation of variables
H= 450. ##mm
h= 150. ##mm
k1= 1e-2 ##cm/sec
k2= 3e-3 ##cm/sec
k3= 4.9e-4 ##cm/sec
h1= 300. ##mm
Kv= H/(h*(1./k1+1./k2+1./k3))
i= h1/H
q= Kv*i*100.*3600.
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('rate of water supply =',q,' cm/hr ')
rate of water supply = 291.01  cm/hr