Chapter 12 : Noise in Pulse Code Modulation and Delta Modulation Systems

Example 12.2 Page No : 608

In [3]:
import math 

#Baseband cutoff signal fM  =  4 kHz
fM  =  4 * 10**3;

#White noise power spectral density n
n  =  2*10**(-9);

# Part (a)

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.001
Si_a  =  0.001;

#No of levels used for PCM Coding M  =  8
M_a  =  8;

N_a  =  math.log(M_a,2);

#Input SNR is SNR_ip
SNR_ip  =  Si_a/(n*fM);

#Output SNR is SNR_op
SNR_op  =  (2**(2*N_a))/(1 + (2**(2*N_a + 1))*math.erfc((SNR_ip*(1/(2*N_a))))**0.5);

print 'Input SNR for (a) is %.4f'%(10*math.log10(SNR_ip)),' dB'
print 'Output SNR (a) is %.4f'%(10*math.log10(SNR_op)),' dB'

# Part (b)

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.001
Si_b  =  0.001;

#No of levels used for PCM Coding M  =  256
M_b  =  256;

N_b  =  math.log(M_b,2);

#Input SNR is SNR_ip_b
SNR_ip_b  =  Si_b/(n*fM);

#Output SNR is SNR_op_b
SNR_op_b  =  (2**(2*N_b))/(1 + (2**(2*N_b + 1))*math.erfc((SNR_ip_b*(1/(2*N_b))))**0.5);

#Unfortunately in scilab the function erfc approximates the output value to a larger extent due to which an exact value cannot be obtained.
#The difference in the textbook answer and obatined answer is significant because of converting the answer into dB.

print 'Input SNR for (b) is %.4f'%(10*math.log10(SNR_ip_b)),' dB'
print 'Output SNR for (b) is %.4f'%(10*math.log10(SNR_op_b)),' dB'

# Part (c)

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.01
Si_c  =  0.01;

#No of levels used for PCM Coding M  =  256
M_c  =  256;

N_c  =  math.log(M_c,2);

#Input SNR is SNR_ip_c
SNR_ip_c  =  Si_c/(n*fM);

#Output SNR is SNR_op_c
SNR_op_c  =  (2**(2*N_c))/(1 + (2**(2*N_c + 1))*math.erfc((SNR_ip_c*(1/(2*N_c))))**0.5);

print 'Input SNR for (c) is %.4f'%(10*math.log10(SNR_ip_c)),' dB'
print 'Output SNR for (c) is %.4f'%(10*math.log10(SNR_op_c)),' dB'
Input SNR for (a) is 20.9691  dB
Output SNR (a) is 18.0618  dB
Input SNR for (b) is 20.9691  dB
Output SNR for (b) is 48.1648  dB
Input SNR for (c) is 30.9691  dB
Output SNR for (c) is 48.1648  dB

Example 12.3 Page No : 609

In [4]:
import math 

#Baseband cutoff signal fM  =  4 kHz
fM  =  4 * 10**3;

#White noise power spectral density n
n  =  2*10**(-9);

# Part (a)

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.001
Si  =  0.001;

#No of levels used for PCM Coding M  =  8
M  =  8;

N  =  math.log(M,2);

#Input SNR is SNR_ip
SNR_ip  =  Si/(n*fM);

#Output SNR is SNR_op
SNR_op  =  (2**(2*N))/(1 + (2**(2*N + 1))*math.erfc((SNR_ip*(3/(10*N))))**0.5);

print 'Input SNR for (a) is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_ip),4),' dB'
print 'Output SNR (a) is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_op),4),' dB'

# Part (b)

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.001
Si  =  0.001;

#No of levels used for PCM Coding M  =  256
M_b  =  256;

N_b  =  math.log(M_b,2);

#Input SNR is SNR_ip_b
SNR_ip_b  =  Si/(n*fM);

#Output SNR is SNR_op_b
SNR_op_b  =  (2**(2*N_b))/(1 + (2**(2*N_b + 1))*math.erfc((SNR_ip_b*(3/(10*N_b))))**0.5);

#Unfortunately in scilab the function math.erfc approximates the output value to a larger extent due to which an exact value cannot be obtained.
#The difference in the textbook answer and obatined answer is significant because of converting the answer into dB.

print 'Input SNR for (b) is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_ip_b),4),' dB'
print 'Output SNR for (b) is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_op_b),4),' dB'

# Part (c)

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.01
Si  =  0.01;

#No of levels used for PCM Coding M  =  256
M  =  256;

N  =  math.log(M,2);

#Input SNR is SNR_ip_c
SNR_ip_c  =  Si/(n*fM);

#Output SNR is SNR_op_c
SNR_op_c  =  (2**(2*N))/(1 + (2**(2*N + 1))*math.erfc((SNR_ip_c*(3/(10*N))))**0.5);

print 'Input SNR for (c) is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_ip_c),4),' dB'
print 'Output SNR for (c) is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_op_c),4),' dB'
Input SNR for (a) is  20.9691  dB
Output SNR (a) is  18.0618  dB
Input SNR for (b) is  20.9691  dB
Output SNR for (b) is  45.7056  dB
Input SNR for (c) is  30.9691  dB
Output SNR for (c) is  48.1648  dB

Example 12.4 Page No : 618

In [5]:
import math 

#Upper cut off frequecny fb  =  3200 Hz
fM  =  3200;

#Lower cut off frequecny fl  =  300 Hz
fl  =  300;

#Data rate fb  =  32000 bps
fb  =  32000;

#White noise power spectral density n
n  =  2*10**(-9);

#Input Signal energy Si  =  0.001
Si  =  0.001;

#Output SNR is SNR_op
SNR_op  =  (0.6*(fb/fM)**3)/(1 + (0.3*(fb**2/(fl*fM)))*math.erfc(Si/(n*fb)));

print 'Output SNR  is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_op),4),'dB'

#Data rate fb_n  =  32000 bps
fb_n  =  2*32000;

#Output SNR is SNR_op_n
SNR_op_n  =  (0.6*(fb_n/fM)**3)/(1 + (0.3*(fb_n**2/(fl*fM)))*math.erfc(Si/(n*fb_n)));

print 'Output SNR when data rate is doubled is ',round(10*math.log10(SNR_op_n),4),'dB'
Output SNR  is  27.7815 dB
Output SNR when data rate is doubled is  36.8124 dB