Chapter 13 : Information Theory and Coding

Example 13.1 Page No : 631

In [1]:
import math 

#Given probabilities p1  =  p4  =  1/8 & p2  =  p3  =  3/8
p1  =  1./8
p4  =  1./8
p2  =  3./8
p3  =  3./8

#The average information H is p1*math.log2 (1/p1)+p2*math.log2 (1/p2)+p3*math.log2 (1/p3)+p4*math.log2 (1/p4) bits/message
H  =  p1*math.log (1/p1,2)+p2*math.log (1/p2,2)+p3*math.log (1/p3,2)+p4*math.log(1/p4,2)

#information rate R is r*H bits/sec where r is 2*B
#R1  =  R/B
R1  =  2*H

print 'The average information is ',round(H,4),' bits/message'
print 'Information rate ',round(R1,4),'*B bits/sec'
The average information is  1.8113  bits/message
Information rate  3.6226 *B bits/sec

Example 13.4 Page No : 649

In [2]:
import math 

#Given bandwidth(B)  =  4000Hertz & Noise PSD(n/2)  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz
B  =  4000.
n  =  2*10.**-9

#Chanel capacity(C)  =  B*math.log2 (1+S/(n*B))

#case 1
#Signal energy(S)  =   0.1Joule
S  =  0.1

C  =  B*math.log (1+S/(n*B),2)

print 'Channel capacity for bandwidth  =  4000Hertz, Noise PSD  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S)  \
\n=   0.1Joule is ',C,' bits/sec'

#case 2
#Signal energy(S)  =   0.001Joule
S  =  0.001

C  =  B*math.log (1+S/(n*B),2)

print 'Channel capacity for bandwidth  =  4000Hertz, Noise PSD  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S)  =   \
\n0.001Joule is ',round(C,4),' bits/sec'

#case 3
#Signal energy(S)  =   0.001Joule & incresed bandwidth(B)  =  10000Hertz
B  =  10000.
S  =  0.001

C  =  B*math.log (1+S/(n*B),2)

print 'Channel capacity for bandwidth  =  10000Hertz, Noise PSD  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S)  \
\n=   0.001Joule is ',round(C,4),' bits/sec'
Channel capacity for bandwidth  =  4000Hertz, Noise PSD  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S)  
=   0.1Joule is  54439.0235417  bits/sec
Channel capacity for bandwidth  =  4000Hertz, Noise PSD  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S)  =   
0.001Joule is  27909.1197  bits/sec
Channel capacity for bandwidth  =  10000Hertz, Noise PSD  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S)  
=   0.001Joule is  56724.2534  bits/sec

Example 13.8 Page No : 675

In [3]:
#With math.single parity bit added, the code size  =  4. An error evades parity check if any 2 or all symbols ofthe code arrives are erroneous.
#Probability of any symbol from n are erroneous  =  nCm*(p**m)*(1-p)**(n-m)

#Thus, the probability of error undetected, P_undeterr  =  (4C2*(p**2)*(1-p)**2)+4C4*(p**4)  =  6*(p**2)*(1-p)**2)+(p**4)

#Probability of error in detection(P_undeterr1) for p  =  0.1
p  =  0.1
P_undeterr1  =  6*(p**2)*((1-p)**2)+(p**4)

print 'Probability of error in detection for p  =  0.1 is ',P_undeterr1

#Probability of error in detection(P_undeterr2) for p  =  0.01
p  =  0.01
P_undeterr2  =  6*(p**2)*((1-p)**2)+(p**4)

print 'Probability of error in detection for p  =  0.01 is ',round(P_undeterr2,4)
Probability of error in detection for p  =  0.1 is  0.0487
Probability of error in detection for p  =  0.01 is  0.0006

Example 13.11 Page No : 696

In [7]:
from numpy import zeros
import math 

#The output equations are as follows v1  =  s1 xor s2 xor s3 & v2  =  s1 xor s3
#the no of bits in output mode(bits_out) is v*(L+K), v  =  no of outputs for commutatot  =  2, L  =  length of input  =  3 & K  =  no of memeory elements  =  3
v  =  2.
L  =  3.
K  =  3.
bits_out  =  v*(L+K)

#Taking in, s1, s2 , s3, v1 & v2 as row matrix where each column represents its corresponding input or output, in means input
in1  =  [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

s1  =  zeros(7,dtype=int)
s2  =  zeros(7,dtype=int)
s3  =  zeros(7,dtype=int)
v1  =  zeros(7,dtype=int)
v2  =  zeros(7,dtype=int)

for i  in range(1,7):
    s3[i]  =  s2[i-1]
    s2[i]  =  s1[i-1]
    s1[i]  =  in1[i-1]
    v1[i-1]  =  s1[i]^(s2[i]^s3[i])
    v2[i-1]  =  (s1[i]^s3[i])

#Output matrix is out
out  =  zeros(12)
for i  in range(0,11,2):
    out[i]  =  v1[(i+3)/2]
    out[i+1]  =  v2[(i+3)/2]

print ('output is'),
print (out)
output is [ 1.  1.  1.  0.  0.  0.  1.  0.  1.  1.  0.  0.]

Example 13.12 Page No : 697

In [20]:
import math 
from numpy import zeros,array

#The qeneratr matrix requires impulse response of the coder.
#This is the ourput generated when the initially reset coder is fed with a math.single 1.
#The no of bits in the output code  =  2(1+3)  =  8

#Taking in, s1, s2 , s3, v1 & v2 as row matrix where each column represents its corresponding input or output, in means input
in1  =  [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

s1  =  zeros(5,dtype=int)
s2  =  zeros(5,dtype=int)
s3  =  zeros(5,dtype=int)
v1  =  zeros(5,dtype=int)
v2  =  zeros(5,dtype=int)

for i  in range(1,5):
    s3[i]  =  s2[i-1]
    s2[i]  =  s1[i-1]
    s1[i]  =  in1[i-1]
    v1[i-1]  =  s1[i]^(s2[i]^s3[i])
    v2[i-1]  =  (s1[i]^s3[i])

#Output matrix is out
out  =  zeros(8)
for i  in range(0,7,2):
    out[i]  =  v1[(i+3)/2]
    out[i+1]  =  v2[(i+3)/2]

print ('impulse response is'),
print (out)

#Then generator matrix is G
G  =  array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]])

#Note that, in G, impulse responses appear in staggered apper in a staggered manner in each row while the rest of the elements are 0.

#Now, output is b_o  =  b_i*G where input b_i  = [1 0 1] 
b_i  =  array([[1], [0], [1]])

b_o  =  b_i*G
print b_o

#Here multiplication means Exor operation so whereever two occurs it should be changed to 1

for i  in range(12):
    if  b_o[2,i] > 1:
        b_o[2,i]  =  0;

print ('output is '),
print (b_o)
#print ('The output obtained is exactly same as example 13.1')
impulse response is [ 1.  1.  1.  0.  1.  1.  0.  0.]
[[1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0]]
output is  [[1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0]]

Example 13.14 Page No : 701

In [4]:
#Given, Tw  =  10microsec, BCH(1023973) code is used implies k as 973 & n as 1023, P_A  =  0.99, T1  =  40microsec & N  =  4
Tw  =  10.*10**-6
k  =  973.
n  =  1023.
P_A  =  0.99
T1  =  40.*10**-6
N  =  4.

#efficiency of Stop-and-Wait ARQ(n_SandW)  =  (k/n)*(P_A/(1+(T1/Tw)))
n_SandW  =  (k/n)*(P_A/(1+(T1/Tw)))

#efficiency of Go-Back-N ARQ(n_GBN)  =  (k/n)*(1/(1+(N*(1-P_A)/P_A)))
n_GBN  =  (k/n)*(1/(1+(N*(1-P_A)/P_A)))

#efficiency of Selective Repeat ARQ(n_SR)  =  (k/n)*P_A
n_SR  =  (k/n)*P_A

print 'efficiency of Stop-and-Wait ARQ is %.4f'%n_SandW
print 'efficiency of Go-Back-N ARQ is %.4f'%n_GBN
print 'efficiency of Selective Repeat ARQ is %.4f'%n_SR
efficiency of Stop-and-Wait ARQ is 0.1883
efficiency of Go-Back-N ARQ is 0.9142
efficiency of Selective Repeat ARQ is 0.9416

Example 13.15 Page No : 718

In [22]:
#Bit interval T  =  1/10**6  =  10**-6 sec 
T  =  10.**-6

#White Noise Power Spectral Density n/2  =  10**-9 W/Hz
n  =  2.*10**-9

#Power required Ps  =  Eb/T, where Eb  =  energy per bit

#For information system feedback system Eb  =  n
Ps  =  n/T

print 'power required for information system feedback system is ',Ps,' Watt'

#For optimal system Ps  =  (0.69 * n)/T
Ps  =  (0.69 * n)/T;

print 'power required for optimal system is ',Ps,' Watt'
power required for information system feedback system is  0.002  Watt
power required for optimal system is  0.00138  Watt

Example 13.16 Page No : 719

In [5]:
#Given, Eb  =  10**-9Joule, n/2  =  10**-9 Watt/Hertz
Eb  =  10.**-8
n  =  2.*10**-9

#Probability of error for trellis-decoded modulation(Pe)  =  (1/2)*erfc(math.sqrt(1.5*Eb/n))
Pe  =  (1./2)*math.erfc(math.sqrt(1.5*Eb/n))

print 'Probability of error for trellis-decoded modulation is %.3e'%Pe

#Probability of error for Qpsk modulation(Pe)  =  (1/2)*erfc(math.sqrt(Eb/n))
Pe  =  (1./2)*math.erfc(math.sqrt(Eb/n))

print 'Probability of error for Qpsk modulation is %f'%Pe
Probability of error for trellis-decoded modulation is 5.376e-05
Probability of error for Qpsk modulation is 0.000783