Chapter 2 : Random Variables and Processes

Example 2.1 Page No : 85

In [1]:
#A & B are two events occured in sample space S, where P(A) & P(B) are their corresponding probability
P_S = 1

#Given A&B are not mutually exclusive events, 
#Probability of A is 0.2  =  P_A
#Probability of B is 0.4  =  P_B
#Probability of either A or B is 0.5  =  P_AUB
P_A  =  0.2
P_B  =   0.4
P_AUB  =  0.5

#Probability of both of A&B jointly occur is P_AinterB  =  P_A+P_B-P_AUB where inter is intersection
P_AinterB  =  P_A+P_B-P_AUB
print 'Probability of both of A&B jointly occur is ',(P_AinterB)

#Probability of none of AorB are occur is P_NOAB  =  Total occurence(P_S) - Probability of either AorB(P_AUB)
print 'Probability of none of AorB are occur is ',(P_NOAB)
Probability of both of A&B jointly occur is  0.1
Probability of none of AorB are occur is  0.5

Example 2.2 Page No : 86

In [2]:
#Probability that A will occur if B has already occurred(P_AB)  =  ratio of Probability of joint occurence of  A&B (P_A_B) & Probability of B(P_B)
#P_A_B(robability of joint occurence)  =  Probability that A&B both occur(P_AinterB)

#From given values P_AinterB  =  0.1 implies P_A_B  =  0.1 & P_B  =  0.4
P_AinterB  =  0.1
P_A_B  =  P_AinterB 
P_B  =  0.4

P_AB  =  P_A_B/P_B

#Probability that B will occur if A has already occurred(P_BA)  =  ratio of Probability of joint occurence of  A&B (P_A_B) & Probability of B(P_A)

#From given values P_A  =  0.2
P_A  =  0.2

P_BA  =  P_A_B/P_A

#Bayes theorem says that P_AB  =  (P_A/P_B)*P_BA
#After Calculating LHS & RHS if both are equal then bayes theorem is satisfying

#Calculating LHS
LHS  =  P_AB

#Calculating RHS
RHS  =  (P_A/P_B)*P_BA

print 'P(A/B)  =  ',(P_AB);

if LHS  ==  RHS:
    print ('LHS  =  RHS, Hence Bayes theorem is verified' );
P(A/B)  =   0.25
LHS  =  RHS, Hence Bayes theorem is verified

Example 2.5 Page No : 95

In [3]:
#Given, The probability that m0 is sent is 0.7  =  P_m0
P_m0  =  0.7

#The probability that m0 is sent is 0.3  =  P_m1
P_m1  =  0.3

#The probability that r0 is received given that m0 is sent is 0.9  =  P_r0m0 where r is voltage & m is message
P_r0m0  =  0.9

#the probability that r1 is received given that m0 is sent is 0.1  =  P_r1m0 where r is voltage & m is message
P_r1m0  =  0.1

#The probability that r1 is received given that m1 is sent is 0.6  =  P_r1m1
P_r1m1  =  0.6

#the probability that r0 is received given that m1 is sent is 0.4  =  P_r0m1 where r is voltage & m is message
P_r0m1  =  0.4

#With the given values check eqations P_r0m0*P_m0(P00) > P_r0m1*P_m1(P01)
P00  =  P_r0m0*P_m0
P01  =  P_r0m1*P_m1

if P00>P01:
    print ('as P(r0|m0)*P(m0) > P(r0|m1)*P(m1) is valid, we whould select m0 whenever r0 is received')

#With the given values check eqations P_r1m1*P_m1(P11) > P_r1m0*P_m0(P10)
P11  =  P_r1m1*P_m1
P10  =  P_r1m0*P_m0

if P11>P10:
    print ('as P(r1|m1)*P(m1) > P(r1|m0)*P(m0) is valid, we whould select m1 whenever r1 is received')
as P(r0|m0)*P(m0) > P(r0|m1)*P(m1) is valid, we whould select m0 whenever r0 is received
as P(r1|m1)*P(m1) > P(r1|m0)*P(m0) is valid, we whould select m1 whenever r1 is received

Example 2.6 Page No : 96

In [4]:
#Given, the probability that r0 is received given that m0 is sent is 0.9  =  P_r0m0 where r is voltage & m is message
P_r0m0  =  0.9

#The probability that m0 is sent is 0.7  =  P_m0
P_m0  =  0.7

#The probability that r1 is received given that m1 is sent is 0.6  =  P_r1m1
P_r1m1  =  0.6

#The probability that m0 is sent is 0.3  =  P_m1
P_m1  =  0.3

#The probability that the transmitted signal is correctly read at receiver is P(c)(P_c)  =  the probability that m0 was sent when r0 was read(P_r0m0*P_m0) + the probability that m1 was sent when r1 was read(P_r1m1*P_m1)

P_c  =  P_r0m0*P_m0+P_r1m1*P_m1

#P(e)(P_e)  =  1-P(c)
P_e  =  1-P_c

print 'P(e)  =  ',P_e
print 'P(c)  =  ',P_c
P(e)  =   0.19
P(c)  =   0.81

Example 2.7 Page No : 96

In [5]:
#Here P(ra|mb) is denoted as P_ramb where a is 0,1,2 & b is 0,1
#P(X) is denoted as P_X where X is m0, m1, C & E

#From given values P_m0  =  0.6, P_m1  =  0.4, P_r0m0  = 0.6, P_r1m1  =  0.7, P_r0m1  =  0, P_r1m0  =  0.2, P_r2m0  =  0.2 & P_r2m1  =  0.3
P_m0  =  0.6
P_m1  =  0.4
P_r0m0  = 0.6
P_r1m1  =  0.7
P_r0m1  =  0
P_r1m0  =  0.2
P_r2m0  =  0.2
P_r2m1  =  0.3

#Comaparing P(r0|m0)*P(m0) & P(r0|m1)*P(m1) gives result
LHS  =  P_r0m0*P_m0
RHS  =  P_r0m1*P_m1

print 'As P(r0|m0)*P(m0)[',LHS,'] > P(r0|m1)*P(m1)[',RHS,']'
print ('we select m0 whenever r0 is received')

#Similarly compare P(r1|m1)*P(m1) & P(r1|m0)*P(m0)
LHS  =  P_r1m1*P_m1
RHS  =  P_r1m0*P_m0

print 'As P(r1|m1)*P(m1)[',LHS,'] > P(r1|m0)*P(m0)[',RHS,']'
print ('we select m1 whenever r1 is received')

#compare P(r2|m0)*P(m0) & P(r2|m1)*P(m1)
LHS  =  P_r2m0*P_m0
RHS  =  P_r2m1*P_m1

print 'As P(r2|m0)*P(m0)[',LHS,']  =  P(r2|m1)*P(m1)[',RHS,']'
print ('We can accordingly make either assignment and we arbitrarily associate r2 with m0')

#The probability of being correct is P(C)  =  P(r0|m0)*P(m0)+P(r1|m1)*P(m1)+P(r2|m0)*P(m0)
P_C  =  P_r0m0*P_m0+P_r1m1*P_m1+P_r2m0*P_m0

#The probability of error is P(E)  =  1-P(C)
P_E  =  1 - P_C;

print 'Probability of being correct is P(C)  =  ',(P_C)
print 'Probability of error is P(E)  =  ',(P_E)
As P(r0|m0)*P(m0)[ 0.36 ] > P(r0|m1)*P(m1)[ 0.0 ]
we select m0 whenever r0 is received
As P(r1|m1)*P(m1)[ 0.28 ] > P(r1|m0)*P(m0)[ 0.12 ]
we select m1 whenever r1 is received
As P(r2|m0)*P(m0)[ 0.12 ]  =  P(r2|m1)*P(m1)[ 0.12 ]
We can accordingly make either assignment and we arbitrarily associate r2 with m0
Probability of being correct is P(C)  =   0.76
Probability of error is P(E)  =   0.24

Example 2.8 Page No : 99

In [1]:
import math 
from scipy.integrate import quad 

#Given, probability density function of X is fX_x where fX_x  =  a*e**(-0.2*x) for x greater than & equal to 0 &  =  0 eleswhere

#a  =  fX_x/(a*e**(-0.2*x))
#from definition integration of fX_x with limits -infinity to +infinity is 1
#As per given fX_x, integration of a*e**(-0.2*x) with limits 0 & +inffinity and obtained value be P
#a  =  1/p

def f7(x): 
	 return math.e**(-0.2*x)

P  =   quad(f7,0,100)[0]

a  =  1./P

print 'a  =  ',round(a,4)
a  =   0.2

Example 2.10 Page No : 105

In [2]:
import math 

#We know that, Probabilty of error(P_error) for the signal correpted by Gaussian channel variance sigma**2 where signal having voltage levels as 0&V is (1/2)*erfc(V/(2*math.sqrt(2)*sigma))

#P_error for V  =  4 & sigma**2  = 2
V  =  4
sigma  =  math.sqrt(2)
P_error  =  (1./2)*math.erfc(V/(2*math.sqrt(2)*sigma))

print 'Probabilty of error for V  =  4 & sigma**2  = 2 is %.4f'%P_error

#P_error for V  =  2 & sigma**2  = 2
V  =  2
sigma  =  math.sqrt(2)
P_error  =  (1./2)*math.erfc(V/(2*math.sqrt(2)*sigma))

print 'Probabilty of error for V  =  2 & sigma**2  = 2 is %.4f'%P_error

#P_error for V  =  4 & sigma**2  = 4
V  =  4
sigma  =  math.sqrt(4)
P_error  =  (1./2)*math.erfc(V/(2*math.sqrt(2)*sigma))

print 'Probabilty of error for V  =  4 & sigma**2  = 4 is %.4f'%P_error

#P_error for V  =  8 & sigma**2  = 2
V  =  8
sigma  =  math.sqrt(2)
P_error  =  (1./2)*math.erfc(V/(2*math.sqrt(2)*sigma))

print 'Probabilty of error for V  =  8 & sigma**2  = 2 is %.4f'%P_error
Probabilty of error for V  =  4 & sigma**2  = 2 is 0.0786
Probabilty of error for V  =  2 & sigma**2  = 2 is 0.2398
Probabilty of error for V  =  4 & sigma**2  = 4 is 0.1587
Probabilty of error for V  =  8 & sigma**2  = 2 is 0.0023

Example 2.11 Page No : 106

In [3]:
import math 

#out of n attempts the probability of message reaching correctly for k times is given by binomial distribution pX(k)  =  nCk*(q**k)*(1-q)**(n-k) where q is probability of correctly reaching

#Here n  =  10, k  =  1, q  =  0.001
n  =  10.
k  =  1.
q  =  0.001

#pX(k) is denoted as p_X_1
#10C1  = 10
p_X_1  =  10*(q**k)*(1-q)**(n-k)

print 'The probability that out of 10 transmissions 9 are corrent and 1 is incorrect is %.4f'%p_X_1

#probability that more than two erroneous out of 100 transmissions(p_100_2)  =  1-probability of less than or equal to two error in transmission
#p_100_2  =  1-pX(0)-pX(1)-pX(2)
#p_100_2  = 1-100C0*((0.001)**0)*((1-0.001)**100)-100C1*((0.001)**1)*((1-0.001)**99)-100C0*((0.001)**2)*((1-0.001)**98)

#Since, calculation of above is cumbersome we may use Poisson ditribution to approximate above
#Poisson distribution  =  pX(k)  =  (alfa**k)*(e**-alfa)/k!, where alfa  =  n*T

#Here n  =  100 & q  =  0.001
n  =  100
q  =  0.001

alfa  =  n*q

p_100_2  =  1-(alfa**0)*(math.e**-0.1)/math.factorial(0)-(alfa**1)*(math.e**-0.1)/math.factorial(1)-(alfa**2)*(math.e**-0.1)/math.factorial(2)

print 'probability that more than two erroneous out of 100 transmissions is %.4f'%p_100_2

#from(b), required probability i.e probability of more than one are erroneous out of 100 transmission(p_100_1) is
p_100_1  =  1-(alfa**0)*(math.e**-0.1)/math.factorial(0)-(alfa**1)*(math.e**-0.1)/math.factorial(1)

print 'probability that more than one erroneous out of 100 transmissions is %.4f'%p_100_1
The probability that out of 10 transmissions 9 are corrent and 1 is incorrect is 0.0099
probability that more than two erroneous out of 100 transmissions is 0.0002
probability that more than one erroneous out of 100 transmissions is 0.0047

Example 2.13 Page No : 115

In [14]:
#Given, Error probability is 10**-4  =  P_e, no of ecperiments conducted  =  N  =  4*10**5 & estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more than 50%
P_e  =  10.**-4
N  =  4.*10**5

#Tchebycheff's inequality is P(|p-Pe|> = E)< = P_e/(N*E**2)
#From given values we can find that E  =  50*10**-4
E  =  50.*10**-4

#Here R.H.S of Tchebycheff's inequality is denoted as Tc_RHS
Tc_RHS  =  P_e/(N*E**2)

#Tc_RHS in persentage is Tc_RHSper
Tc_RHSper  =  Tc_RHS/100

#print (Tc_RHSper,Tc_RHS,'or P(|p-10**-4|> = 0.5*10**-2)< = ',Tc_RHS,'The probability of estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more than 50% is less than equal to')

#given solution has been computed wrong, obtaines solution is 10**-7
print 'The probability of estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more \
\nthan 50% is less than equal to ',Tc_RHS,'or P(|p-10**-4|> = 0.5*10**-2)< = ',Tc_RHS,'  =  ',Tc_RHSper,'%'
The probability of estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more 
than 50% is less than equal to  1e-05 or P(|p-10**-4|> = 0.5*10**-2)< =  1e-05   =   1e-07 %