#Variable declaration
I_DSS=12.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=-5.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
print("ID=%d[1 + VGS/%d]²mA."%(I_DSS,abs(V_GS_off)));
#Variable declaration
I_DSS=32.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=-8.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
V_GS=-4.5; #Gate-source voltage, V
I_D=I_DSS*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("The drain current=%.2fmA."%I_D);
from math import sqrt
#Variable declaration
I_DSS=10.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=-6.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
I_D=5.0; #Drain current mA
#Since, I_D=I_DSS*[1 - (V_GS/V_GS_off)]²
V_GS=V_GS_off*(1-sqrt(I_D/I_DSS)); #Gate-source voltage, V
V_P=-V_GS_off; #Pinch-off voltage, V
print("(i) VGS=%.2fV."%V_GS);
print("(ii) VP=%dV"%V_P);
#Variable declaration
V_GS_off=-4.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
I_DSS=12.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
R_D=560.0; #Drain resistor, Ω
V_P=-V_GS_off; #Pinch-off voltage, V
V_DS=V_P; #Minimum drain-source voltage for JFET to be in constant current region, V
I_D=I_DSS; #Maximum drain current, mA (V_GS=0)
V_RD=(I_D/1000)*R_D; #Voltage across drain resistor, V (OHM's LAW)
V_DD=V_DS+V_RD; #Minimum value of supply voltage to drain, V
print("The minimum value of VDD required =%.2fV."%V_DD);
#Variable declaration
I_DSS=3.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=-6.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
V_GS=-2.0; #Gate-source voltage, V
I_D=I_DSS*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("The drain current=%.2fmA."%I_D);
#Variable declaration
VGS_off=4; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
VGS=6; #Gate source voltage, V
print("p-channel JFET requires a positive gate-to-source voltage to pass drain current.");
print("More positive voltage, the less the drain current. ");
print("Any further increase in VGS keeps the JFET cut-off. Therefore, ID=0A.");
#Variable declaration
V_GS=15.0; #Gate-source voltage, V
I_G=1e-03; #Gate current, μA
R_GS=(V_GS/(I_G*10**-6))/10**6; #Gate to source resistance, MΩ (OHM's LAW)
print("The gate to source resistance=%dMΩ."%R_GS);
#Variable declaration
V_GS_max=-3.1; #Maximum gate to source voltage, V
V_GS_min=-3.0; #Minimum gate to source voltage, V
I_D_max=1.3; #Maximum drain current, mA
I_D_min=1.0; #Minimum drain current, mA
delta_V_GS=abs(V_GS_max-V_GS_min); #Change in gate to source voltage, V
delta_I_D=I_D_max-I_D_min; #Change in drain current, mA
g_fs=(delta_I_D/delta_V_GS)*1000; #Transconductance, μ mho
print("Transconductance=%.0f μ mho"%g_fs);
#Variable declaration
V_GS=[0,0,-0.2]; #Readings of Gate-source voltage, V
V_DS=[7,15,15]; #Readings of Drain-source voltage, V
ID=[10,10.25,9.65]; #Readings of drain current, mA
#Displaying the readings:
print("VGS= %dV %dV %.1fV"%(V_GS[0],V_GS[1],V_GS[2]));
print("VDS= %dV %dV %dV"%(V_DS[0],V_DS[1],V_DS[2]));
print("ID = %dV %.2fV %.2fV"%(ID[0],ID[1],ID[2]));
#V_GS constant at 0V,
delta_VDS=V_DS[1]-V_DS[0]; #Change in drain-source voltage, V
delta_ID=ID[1]-ID[0]; #Change in drain current, mA
rd=delta_VDS/delta_ID; #a.c drain resistance, kΩ
#V_DS constant at 15V,
delta_VGS=V_GS[2]-V_GS[1]; #Change in gate-source voltage, V
delta_ID=ID[2]-ID[1]; #Change in drain current, mA
g_fs=round((delta_ID/delta_VGS)*1000,); #Transconductance, μ mho
amplification_factor=rd*1000*g_fs*10**-6; #Amplification factor
print("(i) The a.c drain resistance=%dkΩ."%rd);
print("(ii) The transconductance=%d μ mho."%g_fs);
print("(iii) The amplification factor=%d."%amplification_factor );
#Variable declaration
g_mo=4000.0; #Maximum transconductance, μS
V_GS=-3.0; #Gate to source voltage, V
V_GS_off=-8.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
g_m=g_mo*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off)); #Transconductance, μS
print("The transconductance=%d μS."%g_m);
#Variable declaration
g_mo=5000.0; #Maximum transconductance, μS
V_GS=-4.0; #Gate to source voltage, V
V_GS_off=-6.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
I_DSS=3.0; #Shorted-gate drain current, mA
g_m=g_mo*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off)); #Transconductance, μS
I_D=(I_DSS*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off))**2)*1000; #Drain current μA
print("The transconductance=%.0f μS."%g_m);
print("The drain current=%d μA."%I_D);
#Variable declaration
V_GS_off=-8.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
I_DSS=16.0; #Shorted-gate drain current, mA
R_D=2.2; #Drain resistor, kΩ
R_G=1.0; #Gate resistor, MΩ
V_DD=10.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
V_GG=-5.0; #Gate supply voltage, V
V_GS=V_GG; #Gate-source voltage, V
I_D=I_DSS*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off))**2; #Drain current μA
V_DS=V_DD-I_D*R_D; #Drain-source voltage, V (Kirchhoff's voltage law)
print("The gate-source voltage=%dV."%V_GS);
print("The drain current=%.2fmA."%I_D);
print("The drain-source voltage=%.2fV."%V_DS);
#Variable declaration
I_D=5.0; #Drain current mA
V_DD=15.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
V_G=0; #Gate voltage, V
R_D=1.0; #Drain resistor, kΩ
R_S=470.0; #Source resistor, Ω
V_S=(I_D/1000)*R_S; #Source voltage, V (OHM's LAW)
V_D=V_DD-I_D*R_D; #Drain voltage, V (Kirchhoff's voltage law)
V_DS=V_D-V_S; #Drain-source voltage, V
V_GS=V_G-V_S; #Gate-source voltage, V
print("The drain-source voltage=%.2fV."%V_DS);
print("The gate-source voltage=%.2fV."%V_GS);
#Variable declaration
V_GS=-5.0; #Gate-source voltage, V
I_D=6.25; #Drain current mA
R_S=abs(V_GS/(I_D/1000)); #Required source resistor, Ω (OHM's LAW)
print("The required source resistor=%d Ω."%R_S);
#Variable declaration
I_DSS=25.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=15.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
V_GS=5.0; #Gate-source voltage, V
I_D=I_DSS*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
R_S=V_GS/(I_D/1000); #Required source resistor, Ω (OHM's LAW)
print("The source resistance=%.0fΩ."%R_S);
#Variable declaration
I_DSS=15.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=-8.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
V_DD=12.0; #Drain supply voltage,V
V_D=V_DD/2; #Drain voltage(half of V_DD), V
I_D=I_DSS/2; #Drain current(approximately half of I_DSS), mA
V_GS=V_GS_off/3.4; #Gate-source voltage, V
R_S=abs(V_GS/(I_D/1000)); #Source resistor, Ω (OHM's LAW)
R_D=(V_DD-V_D)/(I_D/1000); #Drain resistor, Ω (OHM's LAW)
print(" RS=%d Ω and RD=%d Ω."%(R_S,R_D));
from math import sqrt
#Variable declaration
I_DSS=5.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
V_GS_off=-2.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
V_DS=10.0; #Drain-source voltage,V
I_D=1.5; #Drain current, mA
V_DD=20.0; #Drain supply voltage,V
V_G=0; #Gate voltage, V
#Since, Drain current, I_D=I_DSS*(1-(V_GS/V_GS_off))**2;
V_GS=V_GS_off*(1-sqrt(I_D/I_DSS)); #Gate-source voltage, V
#Since, V_GS=V_G-V_S,
V_S=V_G-V_GS; #Source voltage, V
R_S=V_S/I_D; #Source resistor, kΩ
#Since, V_DD=I_D*R_D +V_DS+ I_D*R_S,
R_D=(V_DD-I_D*R_S-V_DS)/I_D; #Drain resistor, kΩ
print("The source resistance=%.1f kΩ"%R_S);
print("The drain resistance=%d kΩ."%R_D);
#Variable declaration
V_DD=30.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
R_D=5.0; #Drain resistor, kΩ
I_D=2.5; #Drain current, mA
R_S=200.0; #Source resistor, Ω
V_DS=V_DD-I_D*(R_D+(R_S/1000)); #Drain-source voltage, V
V_GS=-(I_D/1000)*R_S; #Gate-source voltage, V
print("The drain-source voltage=%dV."%V_DS);
print("The gate-source voltage=%.1fV."%V_GS);
#Variable declaration
ID_1=2.15; #First stage drain current, mA
ID_2=9.15; #Second stage drain current, mA
VDD=30; #Drain supply voltage, V
RS_1=0.68; #Source resistance of 1st stage, kΩ
RS_2=0.22; #Source resistance of 2nd stage, kΩ
RD_1=8.2; #Drain resistor of 1st stage, kΩ
RD_2=2; #Drain resistor of 2nd stage, kΩ
V_RD1=ID_1*RD_1; #Voltage drop across 8.2kΩ
VD_1=VDD-V_RD1; #Drain voltage of 1st stage, V
VS_1=ID_1*RS_1; #D.C potential of source of first stage, V
V_RD2=ID_2*RD_2; #Voltage drop across 2kΩ
VD_2=VDD-V_RD2; #Drain voltage of 2nd stage, V
VS_2=ID_2*RS_2; #D.C potential of source of 2nd stage, V
print("drain voltage of 1st stage=%.2fV."%VD_1);
print("Source voltage of 1st stage=%.2fV."%VS_1);
print("drain voltage of 2nd stage=%.1fV."%VD_2);
print("Source voltage of 2nd stage=%.2fV."%VS_2);
#Variable declaration
VDD=12; #Drain supply voltage, V
VD=7; #Drain voltage, V
R1=6.8; #Resistor R1, MΩ
R2=1; #Resistor R2, MΩ
RS=1.8; #Source resistance, kΩ
RD=3.3; #Drain resistor, kΩ
ID=(VDD-VD)/RD; #Second stage drain current, mA
VS=ID*RS; #Source voltage, V
VG=VDD*R2/(R1+R2); #Drain voltage, V
VGS=VG-VS; #Drain-source voltage, V
print("Drain current=%.2fmA."%ID);
print("Gate-source voltage=%.1fV."%VGS);
from math import sqrt
#Variable declaration
VDD=30; #Drain supply voltage, V
ID=2.5; #Drain current, mA
VDS=8; #Drain-source voltage, V
VGS_off=-5; #Gate-source cutoff voltage, V
R1=1; #Resistor R1, MΩ
R2=500; #Resistor R2, kΩ
IDSS=10; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
VGS=VGS_off*(1-sqrt(ID/IDSS)); #Gate-source voltage, V
V2=VDD*R2/(R1*1000+R2); #Voltage across R2, V
RS=(V2-VGS)/ID; #Source resistor, kΩ
print("Source resistor, RS=%dkΩ."%RS);
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Variable declaration
VDD=20.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
RS=50.0; #Source resistor, Ω
RD=150.0; #Drain resistor, Ω
VDS_max=VDD; #Maximum drain source voltage, V
ID_max=(VDD/(RD+RS))*1000; #Maximum drain current, mA
x=[i for i in range(0,(int)(VDS_max+1))]; #Plot variable for V_DS
y=[(i/(RD+RS))*1000 for i in reversed(x[:])]; #Plot variable for ID
plt.title("d.c load line");
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Variable declaration
VDD=20; #Drain supply voltage, V
RD=500.0; #Drain resistor, Ω
VDS_max=VDD; #Maximum drain source voltage, v
ID_max=(VDD/RD)*1000; #Maximum drain current, mA
x=[i for i in range(0,(int)(VDS_max+1))]; #Plot variable for V_DS
y=[(i/RD)*1000 for i in reversed(x[:])]; #Plot variable for ID
plt.title("d.c load line");
#Variable declaration
VDD=20; #Drain supply voltage, V
RD=12.0; #Drain resistor, kΩ
RL=8.0; #Load resistor, kΩ
RG=1.0; #Gate resistor, MΩ
gm=1.0; #transconductance, mA/V
gm=gm*10**-3; #transconductance, mho
RAC=(RD*RL)/(RD+RL); #Total a.c load, kΩ
Av=gm*RAC*1000; #Voltage gain
print("Voltage gain=%.1f."%Av);
#Variable declaration
gm=3000; #transconductance, μmho
RD=10; #Drain resistance, kΩ
Av=gm*10**-6*RD*1000; #Voltage gain
print("Voltage gain=%d."%Av);
#Variable declaration
IDSS=8; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
VGS_off=-10; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
ID=1.9; #Drain current, mA
RD=3.3; #Drain resistance, kΩ
RS=2.7; #Source resistor, kΩ
vin=100; #Input voltage, mV
VGS=-ID*RS; #Gate-source voltage, V
gmo=2*IDSS*10**-3/abs(VGS_off); #Maximum transconductance, S
gm=gmo*(1-(VGS/VGS_off)); #Transconductance, S
Av=gm*RD*1000; #Voltage gain
vout=Av*vin; #Output voltage, mA
print("Output voltage=%dmV(r.m.s)."%vout);
#Variable declaration
RL=4.7; #Load resistor, Ω
RD=3.3; #Drain resistance, kΩ
gm=779*10**-6; #Transconductance, S
vin=100; #Input voltage, mV
RAC=RD*RL/(RD+RL); #Total a.c drain resistance, kΩ
Av=gm*RAC*1000; #Voltage gain
vout=Av*vin; #Output voltage, mA
print("Output voltage=%dmV(r.m.s)."%vout);
#Variable declaration
RD=1.5; #Drain resistance, kΩ
gm=4; #Transconductance, mS
RS=560; #Source resistance, Ω
print("Voltage gain=%.2f."%Av);
#If RS is bypassed by a capacitor
print("Voltage gain, if RS resistor is bypassed=%d."%Av);
#Variable declaration
from math import sqrt
IDSS=10; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
VGS_off=-3.5; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
RD=1.5; #Drain resistance, kΩ
RS=750; #Source resistance, Ω
#From d.c biasing
ID=2.3; #Drain current, mA
VGS=round(VGS_off*(1-sqrt(ID/IDSS)),1); #Gate-source voltage, V
gm=round(round((2*IDSS/abs(VGS_off)),1)*round((1-(VGS/VGS_off)),3),2); #Transconductance, mS
Av=gm*RD; #Voltage gain with RS resistor bypassed
print("(i) Voltage gain with RS bypassed=%.3f."%Av);
print("(ii) Voltage gain with RS unbypassed=%.2f."%Av);
#Variable declaration
IDSS=10.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
VGS_off=-8.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
print("(i) n-channel D-MOSFET");
print("(i) p-channel D-MOSFET");
VGS=-3.0; #Gate-source voltage, V
ID=IDSS*(1-(VGS/VGS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("(ii) Drain current=%.2fmA"%ID);
VGS=3.0; #Gate-source voltage, V
ID=IDSS*(1-(VGS/VGS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("(iii) Drain current=%.1fmA"%ID);
#Variable declaration
IDSS=1.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
VGS_off=-6.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
#Point 1
VGS=0; #Gate source voltage, V
ID=IDSS; #Drain current, mA
print("Point 1: VGS=%dV and ID=%dmA."%(VGS,ID));
#Point 2
VGS=VGS_off; #Gate source voltage, V
ID=0; #Drain current, mA
print("Point 2: VGS=%dV and ID=%dmA."%(VGS,ID));
#locating more points by changing VG values
VGS=-3; #Gate source voltage, V
ID=IDSS*(1-(VGS/VGS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("Point 3: VGS=%dV and ID=%.2fmA."%(VGS,ID));
VGS=-1; #Gate source voltage, V
ID=IDSS*(1-(VGS/VGS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("Point 4: VGS=%dV and ID=%.3fmA."%(VGS,ID));
VGS=1; #Gate source voltage, V
ID=IDSS*(1-(VGS/VGS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("Point 5: VGS=%dV and ID=%.2fmA."%(VGS,ID));
VGS=3; #Gate source voltage, V
ID=IDSS*(1-(VGS/VGS_off))**2; #Drain current mA
print("Point 6: VGS=%dV and ID=%.2fmA."%(VGS,ID));
#Variable declaration
VDD=18; #Drain supply voltage, V
RD=620.0; #Drain resistor, Ω
IDSS=12.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
VGS_off=-8.0; #Gate-source cut-off voltage, V
ID=IDSS; #Drain current, mA
VDS=VDD-IDSS*(RD/1000); #Drain source voltage, V
print("Drain source voltage=%.1fV."%VDS);
#Variable declaration
VDD=15; #Drain supply voltage
RD=620.0; #Drain resistor, Ω
RL=8.2; #Load resistor, kΩ
vin=500.0; #Input voltage, V
IDSS=12.0; #Shorted gate drain current, mA
gm=3.2; #Transconductance, mS
VDS=VDD-IDSS*(RD/1000.0); #Drain source voltage, V
RAC=RD*RL*1000/(RD+RL*1000); #Total a.c drain resistace, Ω
vout=(gm/1000.0)*RAC*vin; #Output voltage, V
print("(i) Drain source voltage=%.2fV."%VDS);
print("(ii) Output voltage=%dmV"%vout);
#Variable declaration
ID_on=500.0; #Drain current for MOSFET ON, mA
VGS_on=10.0; #Gate-source voltage for MOSFET ON, V
VGS_th=1.0; #Threshold value of gate-source voltage, V
VGS=5; #Gate-source voltage, V
K=round(ID_on/(VGS_on-VGS_th)**2,2); #Constant for a E-MOSFET, mA/V²
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
print("Drain current=%.1fmA"%ID);
#Variable declaration
ID_on=3.0; #Drain current for MOSFET ON, mA
VGS_on=10.0; #Gate-source voltage for MOSFET ON, V
VGS_th=3.0; #Threshold value of gate-source voltage, V
K=round((ID_on/(VGS_on-VGS_th)**2),3); #Constant for a E-MOSFET, mA/V²
#Determining different points for plotting
VGS=5; #Gate-source voltage, V
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
print("For VGS=5V, Drain current=%.3fmA"%ID);
VGS=8; #Gate-source voltage, V
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
print("For VGS=8V, Drain current=%.3fmA"%ID);
VGS=10; #Gate-source voltage, V
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
print("For VGS=10V, Drain current=%.dmA"%ID);
VGS=12; #Gate-source voltage, V
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
print("For VGS=12V, Drain current=%.2fmA"%ID);
#Variable declaration
VDD=24.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
RD=470.0; #Drain resistor, Ω
R1=100.0; #Resistor R1, kΩ
R2=15.0; #Resistor R2, kΩ
ID_on=500.0; #Drain current for MOSFET ON, mA
VGS_on=10.0; #Gate-source voltage for MOSFET ON, V
VGS_th=1.0; #Threshold value of gate-source voltage, V
VGS=VDD*R2/(R1+R2); #Gate-source voltage, V (Voltage divider rule)
K=round((ID_on/(VGS_on-VGS_th)**2),2); #Constant for a E-MOSFET, mA/V²
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
VDS=VDD-(ID/1000)*RD; #Drain-source voltage, V
print("Drain-source voltage=%.1fV."%VDS);
#Variable declaration
VDD=20.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
RD=1.0; #Drain resistor, kΩ
RG=5.0; #Gate resistor , MΩ
ID_on=10.0; #Drain current for MOSFET ON, mA
#since, VGS=VDS
ID=ID_on; #Drain current, mA
VDS=VDD-ID*RD; #Drain-source voltage, V
print("Drain current=%dmA."%ID);
print("Drain-source voltage=%dV."%VDS);
#Variable declaration
VDD=10.0; #Drain supply voltage, V
RD=3.0; #Drain resistor, kΩ
R1=1.0; #Resistor R1, MΩ
R2=1.0; #Resistor R2, MΩ
ID_on=10.0; #Drain current for MOSFET ON, mA
VGS_on=10.0; #Gate-source voltage for MOSFET ON, V
VGS_th=1.5; #Threshold value of gate-source voltage, V
K=round((ID_on/(VGS_on-VGS_th)**2),3); #Constant for a E-MOSFET, mA/V²
VGS=VDD*R2/(R1+R2); #Gate-source voltage, V (Voltage divider rule)
ID=K*(VGS-VGS_th)**2; #Drain current, mA
print("Drain current=%.2fmA."%ID);