Example 22.1 : Page number 606

In [2]:
#Variable declaration
I_g=1;                  #Full scale deflection current, mA

MS=1/(I_g/1000.0);        #Multimeter sensitivity, Ω per volt

print("The multimeter sensitivity=%d Ω per volt."%MS);
The multimeter sensitivity=1000 Ω per volt.

Example 22.2 : Page number 606-607

In [3]:
#Variable declaration
meter_sensitivity=1000.0;                  #Meter sensitivity, Ω per volt
V_full_scale=50.0;                        #Full scale volts
R=50000.0;                                #Resistance to be measured, Ω

meter_resistance=V_full_scale*meter_sensitivity;            #Meter resistance, Ω
R_p=R*meter_resistance/(R+meter_resistance);                #Parallel resistance, Ω

print("When the meter is used to measure the voltage across the resistance %dΩ, total resistance =%dΩ."%(R,R_p));
print("∴ Meter will give highly incorrect reading.");
When the meter is used to measure the voltage across the resistance 50000Ω, total resistance =25000Ω.
∴ Meter will give highly incorrect reading.

Example 22.3 : Page number 607

In [5]:
#Variable declaration
meter_sensitivity=4.0;                #Meter sensitivity, kΩ/V
R_1=10.0;                             #Resistance across which voltage is to be measured, kΩ
R_2=10.0;                             #Resistance, kΩ
range_max=10.0;                       #Maximum range of the meter, V
range_min=0;                        #Minimum range of the meter, V
V=20.0;                               #Battery voltage, V

R_meter=meter_sensitivity*range_max;                       #Resistance of the meter, kΩ
R_T=(R_meter*R_1)/(R_1+R_meter) +  R_2;                     #Total circuit resistance, kΩ
I_circuit=round(V/R_T,2);                                            #Circuit current, mA
V_multimeter=I_circuit*((R_meter*R_1)/(R_1+R_meter));       #Voltage read by multimeter, V

print("Voltage read by multimeter=%.2fV."%V_multimeter);
Voltage read by multimeter=8.88V.

Example 22.4 : Page number 607-608

In [7]:
#Variable declaration
meter_sensitivity=20.0;                #Meter sensitivity, kΩ/V
R_1=10.0;                             #Resistance across which voltage is to be measured, kΩ
R_2=10.0;                             #Resistance, kΩ
range_max=10.0;                       #Maximum range of the meter, V
range_min=0;                        #Minimum range of the meter, V
V=20.0;                               #Battery voltage, V

R_meter=meter_sensitivity*range_max;                       #Resistance of the meter, kΩ
R_T=round((R_meter*R_1)/(R_1+R_meter) +  R_2,1);                     #Total circuit resistance, kΩ
I_circuit=round(V/R_T,2);                                           #Circuit current, mA
V_multimeter=I_circuit*((R_meter*R_1)/(R_1+R_meter));       #Voltage read by multimeter, V

print("Voltage read by multimeter=%.2fV."%V_multimeter);

#Note: The circuit current=1.0256mA, has been approximated in the text  as 1.04mA. But, in the code 1.03 mA has been used. Therefore, the final answer is obtained as 9.81V and not 9.88V.
Voltage read by multimeter=9.81V.

Example 22.5 : Page number 608-609

In [8]:
from math import floor

#Variable declaration
R_A=20.0;             #Resistance after point A, kΩ
R_B=20.0;             #Resistance after point B, kΩ
R_C=30.0;             #Resistance after point C, kΩ
R_D=30.0;             #Resistance after point D, kΩ
R_meter=60.0;         #Resistance of the meter, kΩ
V=100.0;              #Battery voltage, V

#(i) When meter is not connected:
R_T=R_A+R_B+R_C+R_D;                    #Total circuit resistance, kΩ
I_circuit=V/R_T;                        #Circuit current, mA
V_A=V;                                  #Voltage at point A, V
V_B=V-(I_circuit*R_A);                  #Voltage at point B, V
V_C=V-(I_circuit*(R_A+R_B));            #Voltage at point C, V
V_D=V-(I_circuit*(R_T-R_D));            #Voltage at point D, V

print("(i) When meter is not connected:");
print("    Voltage at point A=%dV."%V_A);
print("    Voltage at point B=%dV."%V_B);
print("    Voltage at point C=%dV."%V_C);
print("    Voltage at point D=%dV."%V_D);

#(ii) When meter is connected:
#(a) Since, point A is directly connected to the source, voltage at point A is equal to source voltage.
V_A=V;                                      #Voltage at point A, V

R_T_B=R_A  + round((R_T-R_A)*R_meter/(R_meter + (R_T-R_A)),2);             #Total circuit resistance, kΩ
I_circuit=round(V/R_T_B,2);                                                #Circuit current, mA
V_B=I_circuit*(R_T-R_A)*R_meter/(R_meter + (R_T-R_A));                   #Voltage at point B, V

R_T_C=(R_A+R_B)  + (R_T-R_A-R_B)*R_meter/(R_meter + (R_T-R_A-R_B));               #Total circuit resistance, kΩ
I_circuit=V/R_T_C;                                                                #Circuit current, mA
V_C=floor((I_circuit*(R_T-R_A-R_B)*R_meter/(R_meter + (R_T-R_A-R_B)))*10)/10;     #Voltage at point C, V

R_T_D=(R_T-R_D)  + R_D*R_meter/(R_meter + R_D);             #Total circuit resistance, kΩ
I_circuit=round(V/R_T_D,2);                                 #Circuit current, mA
V_D=I_circuit*(R_D*R_meter)/(R_meter + R_D);                #Voltage at point D, V

print("(ii) When meter is connected:");
print("     Voltage at point A=%dV."%V_A);
print("     Voltage at point B=%dV."%V_B);
print("     Voltage at point C=%.1fV."%V_C);
print("     Voltage at point D=%.1fV."%V_D);
(i) When meter is not connected:
    Voltage at point A=100V.
    Voltage at point B=80V.
    Voltage at point C=60V.
    Voltage at point D=30V.
(ii) When meter is connected:
     Voltage at point A=100V.
     Voltage at point B=63V.
     Voltage at point C=42.8V.
     Voltage at point D=22.2V.

Example 22.6 : Page number 614

In [13]:
#Variable declaration
VCC=12.0;                     #Supply voltage, V
R_m=1.0;                      #Meter resistance, kΩ
I_m_fsd=2.0;                  #Full scale deflection of meter current, mA
beta=80.0;                    #Base current amplification factor
E=5.0;                        #Voltage to be measured, V
V_BE=0.7;                   #Base-emitter voltage, V

V_E=E-V_BE;                 #Emitter voltage, V

#I_m_fsd=V_E/(R_s+R_m), (OHM's LAW)
R_s=((V_E/I_m_fsd)-R_m)*1000;                  #Multiplier resistor, Ω

IB=I_m_fsd/beta;     				#Base current, mA
R_i=E/IB;                    			#Input resistance of voltmeter, kΩ

print("(i)  The multiplier resistor=%dΩ."%R_s);
print("(ii) The voltmeter input resistance=%dkΩ"%R_i);
(i)  The multiplier resistor=1150Ω.
(ii) The voltmeter input resistance=200kΩ

Example 22.7 : Page number 614

In [14]:
#Variable declaration
VCC=20;                     #Supply voltage, V
Rs_Rm=9.3;                  #Sum of multipier resistance and meter resistance, kΩ
I_m=1;                      #Meter current, mA
beta=100;                   #Base current amplification factor
E=10;                       #Voltage to be measured, V
V_BE=0.7;                   #Base-emitter voltage, V

V_E=E-V_BE;             #Emitter voltage, V
I_m=V_E/Rs_Rm;          #Meter current, mA

I_B=I_m/beta;               #Base current, mA
R_i_T=(E/I_B)/1000;         #Input resistance of voltmeter, with transistor, MΩ
R_i_WT=Rs_Rm;               #Input resistance of voltmeter, without transistor, kΩ

print("(i) The meter current=%dmA"%I_m);
print("(ii) The input resistance of voltmeter with transistor=%dMΩ."%R_i_T);
print("     The input resistance of voltmeter without transistor=%.1fkΩ."%R_i_WT);
(i) The meter current=1mA
(ii) The input resistance of voltmeter with transistor=1MΩ.
     The input resistance of voltmeter without transistor=9.3kΩ.

Example 22.8 : Page number 614-615

In [15]:
#Variable declaration
VCC=20;                     #Supply voltage, V
Rs_Rm=9.3;                  #Sum of multipier resistance and meter resistance, kΩ
I_m=1;                      #Meter current, mA
beta=100;                   #Base current amplification factor
E=5;                        #Voltage to be measured, V
V_BE=0.7;                   #Base-emitter voltage, V

I_m=(E-V_BE)/Rs_Rm;          #Meter current, mA

print("The meter current=%.2fmA"%I_m);
The meter current=0.46mA

Example 22.9 : Page number 616

In [16]:
from math import sqrt
from math import floor

#Variable declaration
I_m_fsd=100.0;                  #Full scale deflection of meter current, μA
R_m=1.0;                        #Meter resistance, kΩ
V_rms=100.0;                    #r.m.s voltage to be measured, V
V_F=0.7;                      #Forward voltage drop of rectifier diode, V 

V_m=round(sqrt(2)*V_rms,1);                                                          #Peak value of applied voltage, V
V_rectifier_drop=2*V_F;                                                              #Total rectifier drop, V
I_peak=round(I_m_fsd/0.637,2);                                                       #Peak f.s.d current, μA
R_s=floor(((((V_m-V_rectifier_drop)/(I_peak*10**-6))-(R_m*1000))/1000)*10)/10;       #Multiplier resistance, kΩ (OHM's LAW)

print("The multiplier resistance=%.1fkΩ."%R_s);
The multiplier resistance=890.7kΩ.

Example 22.10 : Page number 616

In [17]:
from math import sqrt

#Variable declaration
I_av=75;                  #Full scale deflection of meter current, μA
R_s=708;                     #Multiplier resistor, kΩ
R_m=900;                     #Meter coil resistor, Ω

I_peak=I_av*10**-6/0.637;                   #Peak f.s.d meter current, A
R_T=R_s*1000+R_m;                                #Total circuit resistance, Ω

#I_peak=(Vm-V_drop)/R_T; (OHM's LAW)
#And, Vm=sqrt(2)*Vrms
V_rms=(I_peak*R_T+(2*0.7))/sqrt(2) ;             #applied r.m.s voltage, V

print("The applied r.m.s voltage=%dV"%V_rms);
The applied r.m.s voltage=60V

Example 22.11 : Page number 618

In [18]:
#Variable declaration
deflection_sensitivity=0.01;            #Deflection sensitivity, mm/V
V=400;                                  #Applied voltage, V

spot_shift=V*deflection_sensitivity;         #Spot shift produced, mm

print("The shift produced in the spot=%dmm."%spot_shift);
The shift produced in the spot=4mm.

Example 22.12 : Page number 618-619

In [19]:
#Variable declaration
deflection_sensitivity=0.03;            #Deflection sensitivity, mm/V
spot_shift=3;                           #Spot shift produced, mm

#Since, spot_shift=Applied_Voltage*deflection_sensitivity,
V=spot_shift/deflection_sensitivity;    #Applied voltage, V

print("Applied voltage=%dV."%V);
Applied voltage=100V.

Example 22.13 : Page number 622

In [20]:
#Variable declaration
deflection=2;                            #Deflection produced by applied voltage, cm
V=200;                                   #Applied voltage, V
deflection_by_another_voltage=3;         #Deflection by another voltage, cm

deflection_sensitivity=V/deflection;                                #deflection sensitivity, V/cm
V_unknown=deflection_sensitivity*deflection_by_another_voltage;     #Unknown voltage, V

print("The unknown voltage=%dV."%V_unknown);
The unknown voltage=300V.

Example 22.14 : Page number 622

In [21]:
#Variable declaration
f_H=1000;                   #Frequency applied to horizontal plates, Hz

Loops_H=1;                        #Number of loops cut by horizontal line
Loops_V=1;                        #Number of loops cut by vertical line
f_V=f_H*(Loops_H/Loops_V);        #Unknown frequency, Hz

print("(i)   Unknown frequency=%dHz."%f_V);

Loops_H=2;                        #Number of loops cut by horizontal line
Loops_V=1;                        #Number of loops cut by vertical line
f_V=f_H*(Loops_H/Loops_V);        #Unknown frequency, Hz

print("(ii)  Unknown frequency=%dHz."%f_V);

Loops_H=6;                        #Number of loops cut by horizontal line
Loops_V=1;                        #Number of loops cut by vertical line
f_V=f_H*(Loops_H/Loops_V);        #Unknown frequency, Hz

print("(iii) Unknown frequency=%dHz."%f_V);
(i)   Unknown frequency=1000Hz.
(ii)  Unknown frequency=2000Hz.
(iii) Unknown frequency=6000Hz.