#Variable declaration
A=100.0; #Open-circuit voltage gain of differential amplifier
V1=3.25; #Input voltage to terminal 1 in V
V2=3.15; #Input voltage to terminal 2 in V
V0=A*(V1-V2); #Output voltage in V
print("The output voltage of the differential amplifier = %dV"%V0);
from math import log10
#Variable declaration
A_DM=2000.0; #Differential mode voltage gain
A_CM=0.2; #Common mode voltage gain
CMRR=A_DM/A_CM; #Common mode rejection ratio
CMRR_dB=20*log10(CMRR); #Common mode rejection ratio in dB
print("The common mode rejection ratio = %d."%CMRR);
print("The common mode rejection ratio in decibels= %ddB."%CMRR_dB);
from math import log10
#Variable declaration
VD_in=10.0; #Differential mode input in mV
VD_out=1.0; #Output for differential mode input in V
VC_in=10.0; #Common mode input in mV
VC_out=5.0; #Output for common mode input in mV\
A_DM=(VD_out*1000)/VD_in; #Differntial mode voltage gain
A_CM=VC_out/VC_in; #Common mode voltage gain
CMRR=A_DM/A_CM; #Common mode rejection ratio
CMRR_dB=20*log10(CMRR); #Common mode rejection ratio in dB
print("The common mode rejection ratio in decibels= %ddB."%CMRR_dB);
#Variable declaration
A_DM=150.0; #Differential mode voltage gain
CMRR_dB=90.0; #Common mode rejection ratio
V1=100.0; #Input voltage for terminal 1 in mV
V2=50.0; #Input voltage for terminal 2 in mV
V_noise=1.0; #Voltage of noise signal in mV
V_out=A_DM*(V1-V2)/1000.0; #Output voltage for differntial mode input, in V
#Since CMRR_dB=20*log10(differential mode gain/common mode gain),
A_CM=A_DM/pow(10,(CMRR_dB/20)); #Common mode gain
V_OUT_noise=A_CM*(V_noise/1000); #Noise on output in V
print("Output voltage =%.1fV"%V_out);
print("Noise on output = %.1fx10^-6V"%(V_OUT_noise*pow(10,6)));
from math import log10
#Variable declaration
A_DM=2500.0; #Differential mode voltage gain
CMRR=30000.0; #Common mode rejection ratio
Input_signal=500.0; #Single ended input r.m.s signal in microvolts
Interference=1.0; #Interference signal, in V
A_CM=A_DM/CMRR; #Common mode gain
CMRR_dB=20*log10(CMRR); #Common mode rejection ratio in decibels
V_out=A_DM*(Input_signal/pow(10,6)-0); #r.m.s output signal in V
Interference_out=A_CM*Interference; #r.m.s interference output in V
Interference_out=Interference_out*1000; #r.m.s interference output in mV
print("Common mode gain =%.3f"%A_CM);
print("Common mode rejection ratio in decibels=%.1fdB"%CMRR_dB);
print("r.m.s output signal =%.2fV"%V_out);
print("r.m.s interfernce output voltage = %dmV"%Interference_out);
#Variable declaration
VCC=12; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=12; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RB=10; #Base resistor, kΩ
RC2=10; #Collector resistor, kΩ
RE=25; #Emitter resistor, kΩ
VBE=0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
beta=100; #Base amplification factor
VE=-VBE; #Emitter voltage, V (Ignoring the base current)
IE=(VEE-VBE)/RE; #Tail current, mA
IE1=IE/2; #Emitter current of 1st transistor, mA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, mA
IC1=IE1; #Collector current(= emitter current) of 1st transistor, mA
IC2=IC1; #Collector current of 2nd transistor, mA
IB1=(IC1/beta)*1000; #Base current of 1st transistor, μA
IB2=IB1; #Base current of 2nd transistor, μA
VC1=VCC; #Collector voltage of 1st transistor, V
VC2=VCC-IC2*RC2; #Collector voltage of 2nd transistor, V
#Variable declaration
VCC=15; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=15; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RB=33; #Base resistor, kΩ
RC=15; #Collector resistor, kΩ
RE=15; #Emitter resistor, kΩ
VBE=0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
IE_tail=(VEE-VBE)/RE; #Tail current, mA
IE=round(IE_tail/2,3); #Emitter current in each transistor, mA
IC=IE; #Collector current(=emitter current), mA
Vout=VCC-IC*RC; #Output voltage, V
print("The output voltage=%.2fV."%Vout);
#Variable declaration
VCC=15.0; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=15.0; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RB=33.0; #Base resistor, kΩ
RC=15.0; #Collector resistor, kΩ
RE=15.0; #Emitter resistor, kΩ
VBE=0; #Base-emitter voltage, V
beta_dc_l=90.0; #base current amplification factor for left transistor
beta_dc_r=110.0; #base current amplification factor for right transistor
IE_tail=(VEE-VBE)/RE; #Tail current, mA
IE=IE_tail/2; #Emitter current in each transistor, mA
IB1=(IE/beta_dc_l)*1000; #Base current of 1st transistor, μA
IB2=(IE/beta_dc_r)*1000; #Base current of 2nd transistor, μA
VB1=-IB1/1000*RB; #Base voltage of 1st transistor, V
VB2=-IB2/1000*RB; #Base voltage of 1st transistor, V
print("(i) IB1=%.2fμA"%IB1);
print(" IB2=%.2fμA"%IB2);
print("(ii) VB1=%.3fV"%VB1);
print(" VB2=%.2fV"%VB2);
#Variable declaration
VCC=15.0; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=15.0; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RB=10.0; #Base resistor, kΩ
RC1=10.0; #Collector resistor of 1st transistor, kΩ
RC2=10.0; #Collector resistor of 2nd transistor, kΩ
IE=1.0; #Tail current, mA
VBE=0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
VE=-VBE; #Emitter voltage, V (Ignoring the base current)
IE1=IE/2.0; #Emitter current of 1st transistor, mA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, mA
IC1=IE1; #Collector current(= emitter current) of 1st transistor, mA
IC2=IE2; #Collector current of 2nd transistor, mA
VC1=VCC-IC1*RC1; #Collector voltage of 1st transistor, V
VC2=VCC-IC2*RC2; #Collector voltage of 2nd transistor, V
print("Emitter current in each transistor=%.1fmA."%(IE/2.0));
print("IC1~IE1=%.1fmA and IC2~IE2=%.1fmA"%(IE1,IE2));
#Variable declaration
VCC=12.0; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=12.0; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RC2=10.0; #Collector resistor of 2nd transistor, kΩ
RE=25.0; #Emitter current, kΩ
VBE=-0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
VE=-VBE; #Emitter voltage, V (Ignoring the base current)
IE=(VCC-VE)/RE; #Tail current, mA
IE1=IE/2.0; #Emitter current of 1st transistor, mA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, mA
IC1=IE1; #Collector current(= emitter current) of 1st transistor, mA
IC2=IE2; #Collector current of 2nd transistor, mA
VC1=-VEE; #Collector voltage of 1st transistor, V
VC2=-VEE+IC2*RC2; #Collector voltage of 2nd transistor, V
print("Tail current=%.3fmA."%IE);
print("Emitter current in each transistor=%.3fmA."%(IE/2.0));
print("IC1~IE1=%.3fmA and IC2~IE2=%.3fmA"%(IC1,IC2));
#Variable declaration
VCC=15; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=15; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RB=1; #Base resistor, MΩ
RC2=1; #Collector resistor, MΩ
RE=1; #Emitter resistor, MΩ
VBE=0; #Base-emitter voltage, V (Neglected)
beta_dc_l=90.0; #base current amplification factor for left transistor
beta_dc_r=110.0; #base current amplification factor for right transistor
IE=(VEE-VBE)/RE; #Tail current, μA
IE1=IE/2.0; #Emitter current of 1st transistor, μA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, μA
IB1=round((IE1/beta_dc_l)*1000,1); #Base current of 1st transistor, nA
IB2=round((IE2/beta_dc_r)*1000,1); #Base current of 2nd transistor, nA
I_in_offset=IB1-IB2; #Input offset current, nA
I_in_bias=(IB1+IB2)/2; #Input bias current, nA
print("(i) The input offset current=%.1fnA"%I_in_offset);
print("(ii) The input bias current=%.1fnA"%I_in_bias);
#Variable declaration
I_in_offset=20; #Input offset current, nA
I_in_bias=80; #Input bias current, nA
IB1=I_in_bias+I_in_offset/2; #Base current in 1st transistor, nA
IB2=I_in_bias-I_in_offset/2; #Base current in 2nd transistor, nA
print("The two base currents are: IB1=%dnA and IB2=%dnA."%(IB1,IB2));
#Variable declration
I_in_offset=20; #Input offset current, nA
I_in_bias=80; #Input bias current, nA
A=150; #Voltage gain
RB=100; #Base resistor, kΩ
V_io=(I_in_offset*10**-9*RB*1000)*1000; #Input offset voltage, mV
V_out_offset=(A*V_io)/1000; #Output offset voltage, V
print("The input offset voltage=%dmV."%V_io);
print("The output offset voltage=%.1fV."%V_out_offset);
#Variable declaration
VCC=15; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=15; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RE=1; #Emitter resistor, MΩ
RC=1; #Collector resistor, MΩ
IE=VEE/RE; #Tail current, μA
IE1=IE/2.0; #Emitter current of 1st transistor, μA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, μA
re=25/IE1; #a.c emitter resistance, kΩ
A_DM=RC/(2.0*re); #Differential voltage gain,
vin=1; #Input voltage, V
Vout=A_DM*vin; #Output voltage, V
print("(i) Output voltage=%.2fV."%Vout);
vin=-1; #Input voltage, V
Vout=A_DM*vin; #Output voltage, V;
print("(ii) Output voltage=%.2fV."%Vout);
#Variable declaration
VCC=12; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=12; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RE=100; #Emitter resistor, kΩ
RC1=120; #Collector resistor of 1st transistor, kΩ
RC2=120; #Collector resistor of 2nd transistor, kΩ
beta=220; #Base amplification factor
VBE=0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
IE=((VEE-VBE)/RE)*1000; #Tail current, μA
IE1=IE/2.0; #Emitter current of 1st transistor, μA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, μA
re=(25/IE1)*1000; #a.c emitter resistance, Ω
Zin=2*beta*re/1000; #Input impedance, kΩ
A_DM=RC1*1000/(2.0*re); #Differential voltage gain,
print("(i) The input impedance=%dkΩ."%Zin);
print("(ii) The differential voltage gain=%.0f."%A_DM);
#Variable declaration
VCC=12; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=12; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RE=200; #Emitter resistor, kΩ
RC=100; #Collector resistor, kΩ
VBE=0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
IE=round((VEE-VBE)/RE,4); #Tail current, mA
IE1=round(IE/2,4); #Emitter current of 1st transistor, mA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, mA
re=round(25/IE1,1); #a.c emitter resistance, Ω
A_DM=RC*1000/(2*re); #Differential voltage gain,
print("Differential voltage gain=%.1f."%A_DM);
from math import log10
#Variable declaration
v1=0.5; #Voltage in terminal 1, mV
v2=-0.5; #Voltage in terminal 2, mV
vo=8.0; #Output voltage, V
vo_cm=12.0; #Common mode output, mV
vin=v1-v2; #Differential input, mV
A_DM=vo/(vin/1000.0); #Differential mode gain,
vin_cm=1; #Common mode input, mV
A_CM=vo_cm/vin_cm; #Common mode gain
CMRR=A_DM/A_CM; #Common mode rejection ratio
CMRR_dB=20*log10(CMRR); #Common mode rejection ratio in dB
print("Common mode rejection ratio=%.1f."%CMRR)
print("Common mode rejection ratio in decibel=%.2fdB"%CMRR_dB);
#Variable declaration
A_DM=200000; #Differential mode gain
CMRR_dB=90; #Common mode rejection ratio, dB
CMRR=10**(CMRR_dB/20.0); #Common mode rejection ratio
A_CM=A_DM/CMRR; #Common mode gain
print("Common mode voltage gain=%.2f."%A_CM);
from math import log10
#Variable declaration
vin_cm=3.2; #Common input voltage, V
vout=26; #Output voltage, V
A_DM=100; #Open-circuit voltage gain
A_CM=vout*10**-3/vin_cm; #Common mode gain
CMRR_dB=20*log10(A_DM/A_CM); #Common mode rejection ratio, dB
print("(i) The Common mode gain=%.4f"%A_CM);
print("(ii) The common mode rejection ratio=%.1fdB."%CMRR_dB);
from math import log10
from math import floor
#Variable declaration
VCC=12; #Collector supply voltage, V
VEE=12; #Emitter supply voltage, V
RE=200.0; #Emitter resistor, kΩ
RC=100.0; #Collector resistor, kΩ
VBE=0.7; #Base-emitter voltage, V
A_CM=round(RC/(2*RE),2); #Common mode voltage gain
IE=round((VEE-VBE)/RE,4); #Tail current, mA
IE1=round(IE/2,4); #Emitter current of 1st transistor, mA
IE2=IE1; #Emitter current of 2nd transistor, mA
re=round(25/IE1,1); #a.c emitter resistance, Ω
A_DM=RC*1000/(2*re); #Differential voltage gain,
CMRR_dB=floor(20*log10(A_DM/A_CM)*100)/100; #Common mode rejection ratio, dB
print("(i) Common mode gain=%.2f"%A_CM);
print("(ii)Common mode rejection ratio=%.2fdB"%CMRR_dB);
from math import log10
#Variable declaration
ACL=500; #closed loop gain
f_unity=15; #frequency with cloased-loop unity gain, MHz
f2=f_unity*1000/500 #Upper frequency of bandwidth,kHz
BW=f2-0; #Bandwidth, kHz
A_CL=f_unity*1000/200; #Maximum value of A_CL when f2=200kHz
A_CL_dB=20*log10(A_CL); #Maximum value of A_CL in decibel
print("ACL=%d or %.1fdB."%(A_CL,A_CL_dB));
#Variable declaration
GBW=1.5; #Gain-bandwidth, MHz
#(i) For A_CL=1;
A_CL=1; #Closed loop gain
BW=GBW/A_CL; #Bandwidth, MHz
print("(i) Operating Bandwidth=%.1fMHz."%BW);
#(ii) For A_CL=10;
A_CL=10; #Closed loop gain
BW=(GBW/A_CL)*1000; #Bandwidth, kHz
print("(ii) Operating Bandwidth=%dkHz."%BW);
#(iii) For A_CL=100;
A_CL=100; #Closed loop gain
BW=(GBW/A_CL)*1000; #Bandwidth, kHz
print("(iii) Operating Bandwidth=%dkHz."%BW);
from math import pi
#Variable declaration
slew_rate=0.5; #Slew rate, V/μs
V_supply=10; #Supply voltage, V
V_sat=V_supply-2; #Saturation voltage, V
V_pk=V_sat; #Maximum peak-output voltage, V
f_max=((slew_rate*10**6)/(2*pi*V_pk))/1000; #Maximum operating frequency, kHz
print("Maximum operating frequency=%.2fkHz."%f_max);
from math import pi
#Variable declaration
slew_rate=0.5; #Slew rate, V/μs
V_pk=100.0; #Peak-output voltage, mV
V_pk=V_pk/1000.0; #Peak-output voltage, V
f_max=(slew_rate*10**6/(2*pi*V_pk))/1000.0; #Maximum operating frequency, kHz
print("Maximum operating frequency=%.0fkHz"%f_max);
#Variable declaration
A_CL=-100; #Closed-loop voltage gain
Ri=2.2; #Input resistor, kΩ
#Since, A_CL=-(Rf/Ri)
Rf=-A_CL*Ri; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
print("Feedback resistor=%dkΩ"%Rf);
#Variable declaration
vin=2.5; #Input voltage, mV
Rf=200; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=2; #Input resistor, kΩ
A_CL=-(Rf/Ri); #Closed-loop voltage gain
vout=A_CL*vin/1000; #Output voltage,V
print("Output voltage=%.2fV"%vout);
#Varaiable declaration
Rf=1.0; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1.0; #Input resistor, kΩ
A_CL=-(Rf/Ri); #Closed-loop voltage gain
print("Closed-loop voltage gain=%d"%A_CL);
print("Therefore, output will have same amplitude but 180° phase inversion.");
#Variable declaration
Rf=40; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1; #Input resistor, kΩ
A_CL=-(Rf/Ri); #Closed-loop voltage gain
print("Closed-loop voltage gain=%d"%A_CL);
print("Supply voltage=±15V, saturation voltage=±13V. Since gain=-40, op-Amp will be driven to saturation.");
from math import pi
#Variable declaration
Rf=100; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=10; #Input resistor, kΩ
Vpp=1; #Input peak-peak voltage, V
slew_rate=0.5; #Slew rate, V//μs
A_CL=-(Rf/Ri); #Closed-loop voltage gain
Zi=Ri; #Input impedance(~ Input resistor), kΩ
Vout=A_CL*Vpp; #Peak-to-peak voltage, V
Vpk=Vout/2; #Peak output voltage, V
f_max=(slew_rate*10**6/(2*pi*abs(Vpk)))/1000; #Maximum operating frequency, kHz
print("(i) A_CL=%d."%A_CL);
print("(ii) Zi=%dkΩ"%Zi);
print("(iii) Maximum operating frequency=%.1fkHz."%f_max);
#Variable declaration
A_CL=-4; #Closed loop voltage gain
R=[1.0,5.0,10.0,20.0]; #List of available resistors, kΩ
for i in R[:]:
for j in R[:]:
if -(i/j)==A_CL :
print("Rf=%dkΩ and Ri=%dkΩ."%(i,j));
#Variable declaration
Rf=100; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1; #Input resistor, kΩ
R_source=0; #Source resistor, kΩ
A_CL=-Rf/(R_source+Ri); #Closed-loop voltage gain
print("(i) Closed loop voltage gain=%d."%A_CL);
R_source=1; #Source resistor, kΩ
A_CL=-Rf/(R_source+Ri); #Closed-loop voltage gain
print("(ii) Closed loop voltage gain=%d."%A_CL);
#Variable declaration
Rf=240; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=2.4; #Input resistor, kΩ
Vin=120; #Input voltage, μV
A_CL=1+(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
Vout=(A_CL*Vin)/1000; #Output voltage, mV
print("Output voltage=%.2fmV"%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=10; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1; #Input resistor, kΩ
A_CL=1+(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
Vin=1; #Input voltage, V
Vout=A_CL*Vin; #Output voltage, V
print("(i) Output voltage=%dV"%Vout);
Vin=-1; #Input voltage, V
Vout=A_CL*Vin; #Output voltage, V
print("(ii) Output voltage=%dV"%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=5; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1; #Input resistor, kΩ
Vin_max=1; #Maximum input voltage, V
Vin_min=-1; #Minimum input voltage, V
V_inpp=Vin_max-Vin_min; #Peak-peak input voltage, V
A_CL=1+(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
Vout_pp=A_CL*V_inpp; #Peak-peak output voltage, V
print("Peak to peak output voltage=%dV"%Vout_pp);
from math import pi
#Variable declaration
Rf=100; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=10; #Input resistor, kΩ
Vpp=1; #Input peak-peak voltage, V
slew_rate=0.5; #Slew rate, V/μs
A_CL=1+(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
Vout_pp=A_CL*Vpp; #Peak-peak output voltage, V
Vpk=Vout_pp/2.0; #Peak output voltage, V
f_max=((slew_rate*10**6)/(2*pi*Vpk))/1000.0; #Maximum operating frequency, kHz
print("(i) Closed-loop voltage gain=%d"%A_CL);
print("(ii) Maximum operating frequency=%.2fkHz"%f_max);
#Variable declaration
Rf=220; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=3.3; #Input resistor, kΩ
unity_gain_BW=3; #Unity gain bandwidth, MHz
#(i) For non-inverting amplifier
A_CL=1+(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
BW=unity_gain_BW*1000.0/A_CL; #Bandwidth, kHz
print("(i) Bandwidth=%.1fkHz."%BW);
#(ii) For inverting amplifier
Rf=47; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1; #Input resistor, kΩ
A_CL=-(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
BW=unity_gain_BW*1000.0/abs(A_CL); #Bandwidth, kHz
print("(ii) Bandwidth=%.1fkHz."%BW);
from math import pi
A_CL=1; #Closed loop voltage gain for voltage follower
print("(i) For voltage follower A_CL=1.");
slew_rate=0.5; #Slew rate, V/μs
V_inpp=6; #peak-peak input voltage, V
Vout=A_CL*V_inpp; #Peak-peak output voltage, V
Vpk=Vout/2; #Peak output voltage, V
f_max=(slew_rate*10**6/(2*pi*Vpk))/1000; #Maximum operating frequency, kHz
print("(ii) The maximum output frequency=%.2fkHz."%f_max);
#Variable declaration
Rf=470.0; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
R1=4.3; #Input resistor of 1st op-Amp, kΩ
R2=33.0; #Input resistor of 2nd op-Amp, kΩ
R3=33.0; #Input resistor of 3rd op-Amp, kΩ
Vin=80.0; #Input voltage, μV.
A1=1+Rf/R1; #Gain of first op-Amp
A2=-round(Rf/R2,1); #Gain of second op-Amp
A3=-round(Rf/R3,1); #Gain of third op-Amp
A=A1*A2*A3; #Overall gain
Vout=A*Vin*10**-6; #Output voltage, V
print("Output voltage=%.2fV"%Vout);
#Variable declaration
A1=10; #Voltage gain of 1st op-Amp
A2=-18; #Voltage gain of 2nd op-Amp
A3=-27; #Voltage gain of 3rd op-Amp
Rf=270; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Vin=150; #Input voltage, μV
R1=Rf/(A1-1); #Input resistor of 1st op-Amp, kΩ
R2=-Rf/A2; #Input resistr of 2nd op-Amp, kΩ
R3=-Rf/A3; #Input resistor of 3rd op-Amp, kΩ
A=A1*A2*A3; #overall gain,
Vout=Vin*10**-6*A; #Output voltage, V
print("R1=%dkΩ, R2=%dkΩ and R3=%dkΩ."%(R1,R2,R3));
print("Output voltage=%.3fV."%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=500; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
A1=-10; #Gain of 1st op-Amp
A2=-20; #Gain of 2nd op-Amp
A3=-50; #Gain of 3rd op-Amp
R1=-Rf/A1; #Input resistor of 1st op-Amp, kΩ
R2=-Rf/A2; #Input resistor of 2nd op-Amp, kΩ
R3=-Rf/A3; #Input resistor of 3rd op-Amp, kΩ
print("R1=%dkΩ, R2=%dkΩ and R3=%dkΩ."%(R1,R2,R3));
#Variable declaration
Zin=2.0; #Input impedance of op-Amp, MΩ
Zout=75.0; #Output impedance of op-Amp, Ω
A_OL=200000.0; #Open-loop voltage gain
Rf=220.0; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=10.0; #Input resistor, kΩ
mv=round(Ri/(Ri+Rf),3); #Feedback fraction
Zin_NI=Zin*(1+(A_OL*mv)); #Input impedance, MΩ
Zout_NI=Zout/(1+A_OL*mv); #Output impedance, Ω
A_CL=1+Rf/Ri; #Closed loop voltage gain
print("(i) The input impedance=%dMΩ and output impedance=%.1eΩ."%(Zin_NI,Zout_NI));
print("(ii) The closed loop voltage gain=%d."%A_CL);
#Variable declaration
#For voltage follower,
mv=1.0; #Feedback fraction
A_OL=200000.0; #Open-loop voltage gain
Zin=2.0; #Input impedance of op-Amp, MΩ
Zout=75.0; #Output impedance of op-Amp, Ω
Zin_VF=Zin*(1+(A_OL*mv)); #Input impedance, MΩ
Zout_VF=round(round(Zout/(1+A_OL*mv),6),5); #Output impedance, Ω
print("The input impedance=%dMΩ and output impedance=%.2fe-03Ω."%(Zin_VF,Zout_VF*1000));
#Variable declaration
Rf=100; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=1.0; #Input resistor, kΩ
Zin=4; #Input impedance of op-Amp, MΩ
Zout=50; #Output impedance of op-Amp, Ω
Zin_I=Ri; #Input impedance, kΩ
Zout_I=Zout; #Output impedance, Ω
A_CL=-(Rf/Ri); #Closed loop voltage gain
print("The input impedance=%dkΩ and output impedance=%dΩ."%(Zin_I,Zout_I));
print("Closed-loop voltage gain=%d"%A_CL);
#Variable declaration
Rf=10; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=10; #Input resistor, kΩ
V1=3; #Input voltage 1st, V
V2=1; #Input voltage 2nd, V
V3=8; #Input voltage 3rd, V
#Since, Rf=Ri, Vout=-(Rf/Ri)*(V1+V2+V3)= -(V1+V2+V3);
Vout=-(V1+V2+V3); #Output voltage, V
print("Output voltage=%dV."%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=10; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
R1=1; #Input resistor for input 1, kΩ
R2=1; #Input resistor for input 2, kΩ
V1=0.2; #Input voltage 1st, V
V2=0.5; #Input voltage 2nd, V
R=R1; #Input resistor(=R1 or R2), kΩ
Vout=-(Rf/R)*(V1+V2); #Output voltage, V
print("Output voltage=%dV."%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=1; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
Ri=10.0; #Input resistor, kΩ
V1=10; #Input voltage 1st, V
V2=8.0; #Input voltage 2nd, V
V3=7.0; #Input voltage 3rd, V
#Since, Vout=-(Rf/Ri)*(V1+V2+V3);
Vout=-(Rf/Ri)*(V1+V2+V3); #Output voltage, V
print("Output voltage=%.1fV."%Vout);
#Variable declaration
V1=0.6; #Input voltage to 1st input resistor, V
V2=-1.4; #Input voltage to 2nd input resistor, V
Rf=200; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
R1=400; #Input resistor 1, kΩ
R2=100.0; #Input resistor 2, kΩ
Vout=-Rf*(V1/R1 +V2/R2); #Output voltage, V
print("Output voltage=%.1fV"%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=1.0; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
R1=1.0; #Input resistor 1, kΩ
R2=2.0; #Input resistor 2, kΩ
R3=4.0; #Input resistor 3, kΩ
Rf_R1=Rf/R1; #Ratio of feedback resistor and 1st input resistor
Rf_R2=Rf/R2; #Ratio of feedback resistor and 2nd input resistor
Rf_R3=Rf/R3; #Ratio of feedback resistor and 3rd input resistor
#(i) First input combination
V1=10; #Input voltage to 1st input resistor, V
V2=0; #Input voltage to 2nd input resistor, V
V3=10; #Input voltage to 3rd input resistor, V
Vout=-(V1*Rf_R1 +V2*Rf_R2 +V3*Rf_R3); #Output voltage, V
print("(i) The output voltage=%.1fV"%Vout);
#(i) First input combination
V1=0; #Input voltage to 1st input resistor, V
V2=10; #Input voltage to 2nd input resistor, V
V3=10; #Input voltage to 3rd input resistor, V
Vout=-(V1*Rf_R1 +V2*Rf_R2 +V3*Rf_R3); #Output voltage, V
print("(ii) The output voltage=%.1fV"%Vout);
#(i) First input combination
V1=10; #Input voltage to 1st input resistor, V
V2=10; #Input voltage to 2nd input resistor, V
V3=10; #Input voltage to 3rd input resistor, V
Vout=-(V1*Rf_R1 +V2*Rf_R2 +V3*Rf_R3); #Output voltage, V
print("(iii) The output voltage=%.1fV"%Vout);
#Variable declaration
Rf=330; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
R1=33.0; #Input resistor 1, kΩ
R2=10.0; #Input resistor 2, kΩ
V1_m=50; #Peak voltage of 1st input, mV
V2_m=10; #Peak voltage of 2nd input, mV
#Since, Vout=-((Rf/R1)*V1 + (Rf/R2)*V2)
#Variable declaration
R=100; #Input resistor, kΩ
C=10; #Feedback capacitor, μF
RC=R*10**3*C*10**-6; #product of input resistance and feedback capacitance, s
print("Vo=-1*(1/RC)∫vi dt.");
print("=>Vo=-1*(1/%d)∫vi dt"%RC);
print("=>Vo=∫vi dt");
from math import pi
#Variable declaration
Rf=100; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
C=0.01; #Feedback capacitor, μF
fc=1/(2*pi*Rf*1000*C*10**-6); #Crictical frequency, Hz
print("The critical frequency=%dHz."%fc);
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Variable declaration
R=10.0; #Input resistor, kΩ
C=0.01; #Feedback capacitor, μF
vin=5; #Input voltage, V
Vout_change_rate=-vin/(R*C); #Rate of change of output voltage, V/μs
print("(i) Vout=-1*(1/RC)∫vi dt.");
print(" ΔVout/dt = -vin/RC = %dmV/μs."%Vout_change_rate);
#(ii) Plotting the output waveform
vin_plot=[]; #Plotting variable for input waveform, V
dt=100; #time between edges, μs
for i in range(0,3*dt+1):
if i<dt or i>2*dt :
plt.title("Input waveform");
vout_plot=[]; #Plotting variable for output waveform, V
t=[i for i in range(0,301)]; #Time scale, μs
for i in t[:] :
if i<dt:
elif i>2*dt:
else :
plt.title("output waveform");
#Variable declaration
V_supply=15; #Supply voltage, V
R=10; #Input resistor, kΩ
C=0.2; #Feedback capacitor, μF
vin=10; #Input voltage, mV
Vs=-V_supply+2; #Saturation voltage, V
print("Vout=-1*(1/RC)∫vi dt.");
print("Vout=%d*t volts"%(-vin/(R*C)));
t=Vs/(-vin/(R*C)); #Time required, seconds
print("Time required=%.1fseconds."%t);
#Variable declaration
R=1; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
C=0.1; #Input capacitor, μF
Vin_change=5; #Change in input voltage, V
t=0.1; #Time taken for change in input voltage, ms
dvi_dt=Vin_change/(t/1000); #Rate of change of input voltage, V/s
RC=R*1000*C*10**-6; #Product of feedback resistance and input capacitance, s
#Since, Vo=-R*C*(dvi/dt);
Vo=-RC*dvi_dt; #Output voltage, V
#Variable declaration
R=10; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
C=2.2; #Input capacitor, μF
Vin_change=10; #Change in input voltage, V
t=0.4; #Time taken for change in input voltage, s
dvi_dt=Vin_change/t; #Rate of change of input voltage, V/s
RC=R*1000*C*10**-6; #Product of feedback resistance and input capacitance, s
#Since, Vo=-R*C*(dvi/dt);
Vo=-RC*dvi_dt; #Output voltage, V
print("The output voltage stays constant at %.2fV."%Vo);
#Variable declaration
R=100; #Feedback resistor, kΩ
C=10; #Input capacitor, μF
Vin_change=1; #Change in input voltage, V
t=0.2; #Time taken for change in input voltage, s
RC=R*1000*C*10**-6; #Product of feedback resistor and input capacitance, s
dvi_dt=Vin_change/t; #Rate of change of input voltage, V
vo=-dvi_dt; #Output voltage, V
print("Therefore, between 0 to 0.2s, the output voltage is constant at %dV."%vo);
print("For t>0.2s, the input is constant so that output voltage is zero.");