import math #Example 10_1
#To find out the pressure in Lungs
h=6 #units in cm Hg
Pa=76 #Units in cm Hg
Pl=(h+Pa) #units in cm Hg
Pl=Pl*10**-2 #units in Meters Hg
g=9.8 #Units in Meters/cm**2
H=13600 #Constant
Pl=Pl*H*g #Units in Pa
print "The pressure in the lungs is Pl=",round(Pl,1)," Pa"
import math #Example 10_2
#To find the mass of copper atom
maa=63.5 #Units in Kgs
n=6.022*10**26 #Units in number of atoms
Mass=maa/n #units in Kg/atom
print "The Mass per atom is=",round(Mass,28),"Kg/Atom"
import math #Example 10_3
#To find te volume associted with mercury atom in liquid mercury
M=201.0 #Units in Kg/Kmol
n=6.02*10**26 #units in K mol**-2
mo=M/n #units in Kg
n1=13600.0 #units in Kg/Meter**3
noatoms=n1/mo #units in atoms/Meter**3
volume_atom=1/noatoms #units in Meter**3/Atom
print "The volume associated is ",round(volume_atom,31),"Meter**3/Atom"
import math #Example 10_4
#To find the volume that one kilomole of an ideal gas occupies
p=1.013*10**5 #units in Pa
t=273.15 #units in K
n=1 #units in K mol
R=8314 #units in J/Kmol K
v=(n*R*t)/p #units in Meter**3/Kmol
print "Volume occupied is V=",round(v,1)," Meter**3/Kmol"
import math #Example 10_5
#To find the gas pressure in the container
v=5*10**-3 #units in meter**3
t=300.0 #units in K
m1=14*10**-6 #Units in Kg
M=28 #Units in Kg/Kmol
n=m1/M #units in K mol
R=8314 #units in J/Kmol K
p=(n*R*t)/v #units in Meter**3/Kmol
print "The pressure in the container is P=",round(p)," Pa"
import math #Example 10_6
#To determine the mass of the air in flask
p=1.013*10**5 #Units in Pa
v=50*10**-6 #Units in meter**3
M=28.0 #Units in Kg/Mol
R=8314.0 #units in J/Kmol K
T=293 #units in K
m=(p*v*M)/(R*T) #Units in Kg
print "The mass of air in flask is=",round(m,7),"Kg"
import math #Example 10_7
#To find out the final pressure in the drum
p1=1 #Units in atm
t2=333.0 #units in K
t1=293.0 #units in K
p2=p1*(t2/t1) #units in atm
print "The final pressure in the drum is P2=",round(p2,2)," atm"
import math #Example 10_8
#To find the final volume of gas
t1=27.0 #Units in Centigrade
t1=t1+273 #Units in Kelvin
t2=547.0 #Units in Centigrade
t2=t2+273 #Units in Kelvin
t1=27.0 #Units in Centigrade
t1=t1+273 #Units in Kelvin
t1=27.0 #Units in Centigrade
t1=t1+273 #Units in Kelvin
p2=3700.0 #units in cm Hg
p1=74.0 #units in cm Hg
v1_v2=1/((t1/t2)*(p2/p1)) #In terms of V1
print "The final volume of gas in terms of original volume is V2=",round(v1_v2,5),"*V1"
import math #Example 10_9
#To find the pressure after the car has been driven at high speed
t2=308 #Units in K
t1=273.0 #Units in K
p2_p1=(t2)/t1 #In terms of P1
P1=190.0 #Units in K Pa
P2=101 #Units in K Pa
P2=p2_p1*(P1+P2) #Units in K Pa
print "The Final pressure is P2=",round(P2)," K Pa"
#In text book the answer is printed wrong as P2=329 K Pa but the correct answer is 328 K Pa
import math #Example 10_10
#To findout how fast the nitrogen molecule moving in air
M=28.0 #Units in Kg/Mol
Na=6.02*10**26 #Units in K mol**-1
mo=M/Na #Units in Kg
k=1.38*10**-23 #units in J/K
T=27+273.0 #Units in K
v2=(3*k*T)/mo #unit in Meter**2/Sec**2
v=math.sqrt(v2) #Units in meter/sec
print "The nitrogen molecule goes at a speed of V=",round(v)," meter/sec"
#In text book the answer is printed wrong as v=517 m/sec the correct answer is v=516 meter/ sec