Chapter 17: Symmetrical Fault Calculations

Example 17.1, Page Number: 402

In [48]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
kVAa = 15000
kVAb = 20000
V = 12000
kVA_base = 35000
Xa = 30                    #%reactance of alternator A(%)
Xb = 50                    #%reactance of alternator B(%)

Xa1 = kVA_base/kVAa*Xa            #% Reactance of alternator A at the base kVA
Xb1 = kVA_base/kVAb*Xb            #% Reactance of alternator B at the base kVA
I = kVA_base*1000/(3**0.5*V)   #Line current corresponding to 35000 kVA at 12 kV

X = Xa1*Xb1/(Xa1+Xb1)            #Total % reactance from generator neutral up to fault point
Isc = I*100/X                    #Short-circuit current(A)

print "The short-circuit current is",round(Isc),"A"
The short-circuit current is 4330.0 A

Example 17.2, Page Number: 404

In [49]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
kVA = 20000              #kVA rating of alternator
V = 10000              #voltage rating of alternator
Xa = 5                    # % reactance of alternator(ohm)

I = kVA*1000/(3**0.5*V)              #full load current(A)
Vp = V/3**0.5                      #phase voltage(A)
#As the short-circuit current is to be 8 times the full-load current,
Xr = 1/8*100
Xe = Xr-Xa                         #External % reactance required
X = Xe*Vp/(I*100)            #per phase external reactance required(ohm)

print "Per phase external reactance required is",X,"ohm"
Per phase external reactance required is 0.375 ohm

Example 17.3, Page Number: 404

In [50]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
Vl = 10                            #transmission line voltage(kV)
Rl = 1                             #line resistance(ohm)
Xl = 4                             #line reactance(ohm)
MVAtf = 5                          #transformer rating(MVA)
Xtf = 5                            #reactance of transformer(%)
MVAal = 10                         #rating of alternator(MVA)
Xal = 10                           #reactance of alternator(%)

#Let 10,000 kVA be the base kVA
kVAb = 10000                          #base kVA
Xalb = kVAb/(MVAal*1000)*Xal          #% reactance of alternator on base kVA
Xtfb = kVAb/(MVAtf*1000)*Xtf          #% reactance of transformer on base kVA
Xl1 = kVAb*Xl/(10*Vl**2)              #% reactance of transmission line
Rl1 = kVAb*Rl/(10*Vl**2)              #% resistance of transmission line

#(i)For a fault at the end of a transmission line (point F2),
Xt = Xalb+Xtfb+Xl1                   #Total % reactance
Z = (Xt**2+Rl1**2)**0.5    #% impedance from generator neutral upto fault point F2
SCkVA1 = kVAb*100/Z                  #Short-circuit kVA

#(ii)For a fault at the high voltage terminals of the transformer (point F1),
#Total % reactance from generator neutral upto fault point F1:
Xt1 = Xalb+Xtfb
SCkVA2 = kVAb*100/Xt1               #Short-circuit kVA

print "(i) SC kVA for 1st case = ",round(SCkVA1),"kVA"
print "(ii)SC kVA for 2nd case = ",round(SCkVA2),"kVA"
(i) SC kVA for 1st case =  16440.0 kVA
(ii)SC kVA for 2nd case =  50000.0 kVA

Example 17.4, Page Number: 405

In [3]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
kVAb = 10000                   #kVA base
Xt = 5                         #reactance of each transformer(%)
kVAt = 5000                    #kVA rating of each transformer
kVA1 = 10000                  #kVA of generator A & B each
kVA3 = 5000                    #kVA of generator C
Xa = 12                        #reactance of generator A & B each(%)
Xc = 18                        #reactance of generator c(%)

#The % reactance of generators A, B and C and that of
#each transformer on the selected base kVA will be:
XA = Xa*kVAb/kVA1
XB = Xa*kVAb/kVA1
XC = Xc*kVAb/kVA3
XT = Xt*kVAb/kVAt

#(i) When the fault occurs on the low voltage side of the
#Total % reactance from generator neutral upto fault point F1
XT1 = XA/2*XC/(XA/2+XC)             #%
MVAf1 = kVAb*100/XT1/1000            #Fault MVA

#(i) When the fault occurs on the high voltage side of the
#Total % reactance from generator neutral upto fault point F2
XT2 = XT1+XT                       #%
MVAf2 = kVAb*100/XT2/1000          #Fault MVA

print "Maximum fault MVA which the circuit breakers on:"
print "(i) low voltage side is",round(MVAf1,1),"MVA"
print "(ii)high voltage side is",round(MVAf2),"MVA"
Maximum fault MVA which the circuit breakers on:
(i) low voltage side is 194.4 MVA
(ii)high voltage side is 66.0 MVA

Example 17.5, Page Number: 407

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
X1 = 10                      #reactance of generator 1 & 2 each(%)
X3 = 12                      #reactance of generator 3 & 4 each(%)
kVA1 = 10000                 #kVA rating of generator 1 & 2 each
kVA3 = 8000                 #kVA rating of generator 3 & 4 each
Xr = 10                      #reactance of reactor(%)
kVAr = 5000                  #kVA of reactor

#Fig. above shows the single line diagram of the network.
kVAb = 10000                    #base kVA
X1b = X1*kVAb/kVA1             #% Reactance of generator 1 or 2 on the base kVA
X3b = X3*kVAb/kVA3             #% Reactance of generator 3 or 4 on the base kVA
Xrb = Xr*kVAb/kVAr             #% Reactance of bus-bar reactor on the base kVA

#After the fault occurs,
Xt = ((X1b/2+Xrb)*X3b/2)/(X1b/2+Xrb+X3b/2)
kVAf = kVAb*100/Xt

print "Required fault MVA is",round(kVAf/1000,2),"MVA"
Required fault MVA is 173.33 MVA

Example 17.6, Page Number: 408

In [53]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *

#Variable declaration:
kVAa = 3000                   #kVA rating of generator A
kVAb = 4500                   #kVA rating of generator B
Xa = 7                        #% reactance of gen A
Xb = 8                        #% reactance of gen A
kVAt = 7500                   #kVA rating of transformer
Xt = 7.5                      #% reactance of transformer
Vb = 3.3                      #bus voltage(kV)

kVAbs = 7500                   #base kVA(say)
XA = Xa*kVAbs/kVAa         #% Reactance of generator A on the base kVA
XB = Xb*kVAbs/kVAb         #% Reactance of generator B on the base kVA
XT = Xt*kVAbs/kVAt         #% Reactance of transformer on the base kVA
X = symbols('X')               #percentage reactance of the bus-bar reactor
Xt1 = (XA*XB/(XA+XB))*(X+XT)/((XA*XB/(XA+XB))+(X+XT))
SCkVA = kVAt*100*Xt1                    #Short-circuit kVA
#But the short-circuit kVA should not exceed 150 * 10**3 kVA,
#the rupturing capacity of the breaker.

X1 = abs(solve(SCkVA-150*1000,X)[0])
x = X1*10*Vb**2/kVAt                    #reactance of the reactor(ohm)

print "Reactance of the reactor per phase is",round(x,3),"ohm"
Reactance of the reactor per phase is 0.106 ohm

Example 17.7, Page Number: 409

In [5]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaratioon:
MVAbase = 100                    #base MVA
MVAa = 1500                    #estimated short-circuit MVA at busbar A
MVAb = 1200                   #estimated short-circuit MVA at busbar B
kV = 33                        #generated voltage at each station(kV)
x = 1                        #transmission line reactance(ohm)

Xa = MVAbase/MVAa*100         #% Reactance of station A on the base MVA
Xb = MVAbase/MVAb*100         #% Reactance of station B on the base MVA
Xt = MVAbase*1000*x/(10*kV**2)

#Fault on station A.
Xt1 = (Xb+Xt)*Xa/(Xa+Xb+Xt)         #Total % reactance upto fault point F1
SCMVA1 = MVAbase*100/Xt1            #Short-circuit MVA

#Fault on station B.
Xt2 = (Xa+Xt)*Xb/(Xb+Xa+Xt)         #Total % reactance upto fault point F2
SCMVA2 = MVAbase*100/Xt2            #Short-circuit MVA

print "Fault on station A, the short circuit MVA is",round(SCMVA1),"MVA"
print "Fault on station B, the short circuit MVA is",round(SCMVA2),"MVA"
Fault on station A, the short circuit MVA is 2071.0 MVA
Fault on station B, the short circuit MVA is 1831.0 MVA

Example 17.8, Page Number: 410

In [6]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
kVAbase = 5000                     #base kVA
Xr = 6                             #% reactance of reactor
Xg = 12                            #% reactance of each generator
kVAg = 5000                        #given generator rating(kVA)
kVAr = 5000                        #given reactor rating(kVA)

#(i) With reactors:
#Suppose a 3-phase short-circuit fault occurs on section 3 of the bus-bar.

Xt1 = round(((Xr+Xg)/2+Xr)*Xg/(((Xr+Xg)/2+Xr)+Xg),2)   #% reactance from gen. neutral upto fault point F      
SCkVA1 = kVAbase*100/Xt1                     #Short-circuit input

#(ii) Without reactors:
Xt2 = Xg/3                     #Total % reactance upto fault point F
SCkVA2 = kVAbase*100/Xt2

print "(i) With reactors, short circuit MVA",round(SCkVA1/1000,3),"MVA"
print "(ii) With reactors, short circuit MVA",SCkVA2/1000,"MVA"
(i) With reactors, short circuit MVA 74.963 MVA
(ii) With reactors, short circuit MVA 125.0 MVA

Example 17.9, Page Number: 411

In [7]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
MVAbase = 5                        #base MVA
MVAg = 10                         #MVA of generator
MVAr = 10                         #MVA of reactor
MVAtr = 5                        #MVA of transformer
xr = 10                           #% reactance of each reactor
xg = 30                           #% reactance of each generator
xtr = 5                           #% reactance of each transformer

Xg = xg*MVAbase/MVAg                 #%age reactance of each generator on the base MVA
Xr = xr*MVAbase/MVAr               #%age reactance of each reactor on the base MVA
Xtr = xtr*MVAbase/MVAtr             #%age reactance of each transformer on the base MVA

#Total %age reactance from generator neutral upto fault point F
Xt = ((Xg+Xr)/2+Xtr)*Xg/(((Xg+Xr)/2+Xtr)+Xg)+Xr
SCMVA = MVAbase*100/Xt                    #short circuit MVA

print "Short circuit MVA is",SCMVA,"MVA"
Short circuit MVA is 40.0 MVA

Example 17.10, Page Number: 412

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *

#Variable declaration:
#Let N = no. of section in bus bar
#Q = kVA rating of generator
#x = reactance of reactance
#b = bus reactances.
N,Q,x,b = symbols('N Q x b')

X1 = (b+(x+b)/(N-1))*x/(b+(x+b)/(N-1)+x)           # %
SCkVA = Q*100/X1                            #short circuit kVA

#Now putting values:
Q = 50000                                #kVA
x = 20                                # %
b = 10                                 #  %

#(i) With 3 sections
N1 = 3
X1 = (b+(x+b)/(N1-1))*x/(b+(x+b)/(N1-1)+x)
SCkVA1 = Q*100/X1

#(ii) With 9 sections
N2 = 9
X2 = (b+(x+b)/(N2-1))*x/(b+(x+b)/(N2-1)+x)
SCkVA2 = Q*100/X2

#(ii) When N is very large
N3 = 9999999999999              #say
X3 = (b+(x+b)/(N3-1))*x/(b+(x+b)/(N3-1)+x)
SCkVA3 = Q*100/X3

print "Short circuit kVA"
print "(i)  For 3 sections is",SCkVA1,"kVA"
print "(ii) For 9 sections is",round(SCkVA2),"kVA"
print "(iii)For large N is",round(SCkVA3),"kVA"
Short circuit kVA
(i)  For 3 sections is 450000.0 kVA
(ii) For 9 sections is 613636.0 kVA
(iii)For large N is 750000.0 kVA

Example 17.11, Page Number: 414

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *

#Variable declaration:
MVAbs = 50                       #base MVA
MVAg = 10                        #MVA of each generators
xg = 20                           #% reactance
xt = 10                          #reactance of transformer(%)
MVAt = 50                         #MVA of transformer
kV = 33                          #bus voltage

Xg = MVAbs/MVAg*xg            #% reactance of each of the generator on base MVA
Xt = MVAbs/MVAt*xt            #% reactance of the transformer on base MVA

#Suppose the required reactance of the reactor is X % on 50 MVA base.
X = symbols('X')
#The reactances of the four generators are in parallel
#& their equivalent reactance = 100/4 = 25%.

Xtt = (Xg/4*(X+10))/(Xg/4+(X+10))

#Now fault MVA at F is not to exceed 500 MVA.
Xreq = MVAbs*100/500                 #required reactance(%)
X1 = solve(Xtt-Xreq,X)[0]
Xrt = 10*kV**2*X1/(MVAbs*10**3)        #Reactance of the reactor(ohm)

print "Reactance of the reactor is",round(Xrt,3),"ohm"
Reactance of the reactor is 1.452 ohm

Example 17.12, Page Number: 415

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *

#Variable declaration:
kVAg = 5000                      #kVA rating of generator
V = 6600                        #voltage rating(V)
x = 6                            #reactance of generator(%)

X = symbols('X')                 #% reactance of the reactor
kVAbs = 5000                      #base kVA
#The short-circuit kVA is not to exceed 5 × 5000 kVA.
X1 = solve(kVAbs*100/(X+x)-5*kVAg)[0]

X11 = X1*10*(V/1000)**2/kVAg                #reactance in ohm

print "The required reactance is",round(X11,2),"ohm"
The required reactance is 1.22 ohm

Example 17.13, Page Number: 416

In [9]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
MVAg1 = 15                        #MVA rating of A & B generators
x1 = 12                           #reactance of A & B(%)
MVAg3 = 8                          #MVA rating of generator C
x3 = 10                          #reactance of C(%)
MVAt = 5                         #MVA rating of each transformer
xt = 4                           #reactance of each transformer(%)
MVAr = 10                         #MVA of reactor
xr = 15                           #reactance of reactor(%)

#Let 10 MVA be the base MVA.
MVAbs = 10
#The percentage reactance of various elements on the selected
#base MVA will be :
Xa = MVAbs/MVAg1*x1
Xb = MVAbs/MVAg1*x1
Xc = MVAbs/MVAg3*x3
Xt = MVAbs/MVAt*xt

#After the fault occurs,
#The reactances of generators A and B are in parallel & their
#equivalent reactance is 8%/2 = 4%.

#Total reactance upto fault point F:
XT = ((Xa*Xb)/(Xa+Xb)+Xt)*(Xc+xr)/(((Xa*Xb)/(Xa+Xb)+Xt)+(Xc+xr))
MVA = MVAbs*100/XT                    #Fault MVA

print "Total reactance upto fault point F is",round(MVA,2),"%"
Total reactance upto fault point F is 119.7 %

Example 17.14, Page Number: 417

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math

#Variable declaration:
MVAa = 10                          #MVA ratng of alterator
xa = 20                              #reactance of alterator(%)
MVAt = 5                             #MVA of tranformer
xt = 10                            #reactance of transformer(%)
V1 = 6.6                             #voltage on alterator side(kV)
V2 = 33                           #voltage on transmission line side(kV)
xl = 50                            #line reactance(ohm)
rl = 10                           #line resistance(ohm)

MVAbs = 10                        #base MVA
Xa = MVAbs/MVAa*xa                  #% reactance of the alternator on base MVA
Xt = MVAbs/MVAt*xt                #% reactance of the transformer on base MVA
Xl = MVAbs*1000*xl/(10*V2**2)       #% reactance of the transmission line
Rl = MVAbs*1000*rl/(10*V2**2)        #% resistance of the transmission line
#When the symmetrical fault occurs at point F on the transmission line (50 km away), then
XT = Xa+Xt+Xl                     #Total % reactance upto the point of fault F
Z = math.sqrt(XT**2+Rl**2)            #% impedance from generator neutral upto fault point F
SCMVA = MVAbs*100/Z               #Short-circuit MVA
Isc = SCMVA*10**6/(3**0.5*V1*1000)    #Short-circuit current fed to the fault by the alternator

print "Short-circuit current fed to the fault by the alternator is",round(Isc),"A"
Short-circuit current fed to the fault by the alternator is 1012.0 A

Example 17.15, Page Number: 418

In [62]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
#the ratings of the machines and equipments are shown in fig above.

MVAbs = 10

X1 = MVAbs/10*12       #% reactance of each generator (A, B, C and D) on the base MVA
X2 = MVAbs/10*24              #% reactance of the reactor on the base MVA
X3 = MVAbs/6*3          #% reactance of the transformer on the base MVA

#When fault occurs at point F,
XT = (30*6/(30+6))+5          #% reactance from generator neutral upto fault point F
MVAf = MVAbs*100/XT           #Fault MVA
Isc = 100*10**6/(3**0.5*66000)          #Short-circuit current

print "The fault current is",round(Isc),"A"
The fault current is 875.0 A