Chapter 2:Generating Stations

Example 2.1, Page Number: 16

In [31]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
n=20                        #overall efficiency of plant
h=860                       #kcal
m=0.6           #Mass of fuel burnt(kg) per KW of electrical energy generated

x=h*100/(m*n)           #Calorific value of fuel(kcal/kg)

print "Calorific value of fuel =",round(x,2),"kcal/kg"
Calorific value of fuel = 7166.67 kcal/kg

Example 2.2, Page Number: 17

In [32]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
M = 20000                           #maximum demand(kW)
n_b= 85                             #boiler efficiency(%)
m=0.9                             #coal consumption(kg/kWh)
LF=40                             #load factor(%)
n_t=90                          #turbine efficiency(%)
c=300                           #cost of 1 tonne of coal(Rs)

n_th = n_b * n_t/100            #in %
cb = LF*M*m*c*24*365/(1000*100)

print "Thermal efficiency = ",n_th,"%"
print "Coal bill per annum = Rs",cb
Thermal efficiency =  76.5 %
Coal bill per annum = Rs 18921600.0

Example 2.3, Page Number: 17

In [33]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
ct=3000000                     #annul cost of coal(Rs)
cv=5000                         #Calorific value of coal(kcal/kg)
c=300                          #cost of coal per tonne(Rs)
n_th=33                        #thermal efficiency(%)
n_elec=90                      #electrical efficiency(%)

n_t=n_th*n_elec/100                 #overall efficiency(%)
h=ct*cv*1000/c                  #heat of combustion(kcal)
ho=n_t*h/(100*860)             #heat output(kWh)
L=ho/8760                      #kW

print "Avg load on the station=",round(L),"kW"
Avg load on the station= 1971.0 kW

Example 2.4, Page Number: 17

In [34]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *

#Variable declaration:
kWh= symbols('kWh')
W = 13500 + 7.5 * kWh               #Water evaporated in kg
C = 5000 + 2.9 * kWh                #coal cumsumption in kg

#part (i):
#As the station output (i.e., kWh) increases towards infinity,
#the limiting value of W/C approaches
L1= 7.5/2.9                        #in kg

#part (ii):
#at no load
c=(5000+2.9*kWh)/8                             #coal per hour in kg
print "Limiting value of water/kg of coal=",round(L1,1),"kg"
print "Required Coal per hour",c,"kg"
Limiting value of water/kg of coal= 2.6 kg
Required Coal per hour 625.0 kg

Example 2.5, Page Number: 18

In [35]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
C=100                            #Capacity of station in MW
cv=6400                          #kcal/kg
n_th=0.3                         #thermal efficiency
n_elec=0.92                      #electrical efficiency

n_t=n_th*n_elec                   #overall efficiency
U=C*1*10**3                      #units generated/hr in kWh
H=U*860/n_t                    #total heat of combustion(kcal)
w=H/cv                          #Coal consumption in kg

print "The coal consumption per hour =",round(w),"kg"
The coal consumption per hour = 48687.0 kg

Example 2.6, Page Number: 23

In [36]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
C=5*10**6                   #reservoir capacity in m^3
H=200                       #water head in m
n_t=0.75                    #overall efficiency
d=1000                      #density of water in kg/m^3

W=C*d*9.81                   #weight of water in Newton
E=W*H*n_t/(3600*1000)        #electrical energy available(kWh)

print "The total energy available=",round(E/10**6,3),"* 10^6 kWh"
The total energy available= 2.044 * 10^6 kWh

Example 2.7, Page Number: 23

In [37]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
V=94                    #volume of water in m^3/sec
d=1000                  #density of water in kg/m^3
H=39                    #head of water in m
nt=0.80                 #overall efficiency

W=V*d                   #weight of water in kg/sec
w=W*H*9.81/1000         #work done per sec in kW
FC=nt*w                 #firm capacity in kW
YGO=FC*8760             #yearly gross capacity in kWh

print "Firm capacity=",FC,"kW"
print "Yearly gross output",round(YGO/10**6),"* 10^6 kWh"
Firm capacity= 28770.768 kW
Yearly gross output 252.0 * 10^6 kWh

Example 2.8, Page Number: 23

In [38]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable Declaration:
H=100                      #Water head in m
Q=1                        #discharge, m^3/sec
nh=0.86                    #hydraulc efficiency
nelec=0.92                 #electrical efficiency
d=1000                     #density of water, kg/m^3

W=Q*d*9.81                 #weight of water in N
Po=W*H*nh*nelec/1000        #power produced, kW
E=Po*1                     #in kWh

print "Electrical energy generated per hr=",round(E),"kWh"
Electrical energy generated per hr= 776.0 kWh

Example 2.9, Page Number: 23

In [39]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
CA=5*10**9                      #Catchment area in m^2
H=30                            #head in m
F=1.25                          #Annual rainfall in m
K=0.80                          #yeild factor
n=0.70                          #overall efficiency
LF=0.40                         #Load factor
d=1000                          #density of water(kg/m^3)

V=CA*F*K                              #volume of water utilised per annum(m^3)
W=V*d*9.81                                   #Weight of water available per annum (N)
E=round(W*H*n/(10**11*3600),2)*10**8         #Electrical energy available per annum(kWh)
Pav=E/8760                                   #average power(kW)
Dmax=Pav/LF                                 #Maximum demand

print "Average power generated is ",round(Pav),"kW"
print "Rating of generators is",round(Dmax),"kW"
Average power generated is  32648.0 kW
Rating of generators is 81621.0 kW

Example 2.10, Page Number: 24

In [20]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable Declaration:
A=2.4                    #Area of reservoir(km^2)
V=5*10**6                #Capacity of reservoir(m^3)
H=100                    #in m
np=0.95                  #penstock efficiency
nt=0.90                  #turbine efficiency
ng=0.85                  #generation efficiency
L=15000                 #load supplied in kW

W=V*1000*9.81             #in Newton
n=int(np*nt*ng*1000)/1000               #overall efficiency
E=W*H*n/(1000*3600)       #Elecctrical energy generated(kWh)

print "Total electrical energy generated is ",round(E),"kWh"
print "Fall in reservoir level is",round(x*100,3),"cm"
Total electrical energy generated is  989175.0 kWh
Fall in reservoir level is 9.478 cm

Example 2.11, Page Number: 25

In [41]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
H=25                       #head of reservoir in m
Pr=400                    #power required by factory(kW)
n=0.80                    #overall efficiency of plant

#part (i):
d1 = 10                     #discharge in m^3/sec
w1 = d1*1000*9.81           #weight of water in N
P1 = w1*H*n/1000             #power developed(kW)

d2 = 6                      #in m^3/sec
P2 = P1*d2/d1               #kW

d3 = 1.5                    #in m^3/sec
P3 = P1*d3/d1               #kW

Ps = Pr-P3                  #standby power(kW)

Dav = (d1*4+d2*2+d3*6)/12   #avg discharge(m^3/sec)
P = P1*Dav/d1               #power developed(kW)
Pex = P-Pr                  #Excess power available(kW)

print "(i) Standby power is ",round(Ps),"kW"
print "(ii) Excess power available is ",round(Pex,1),"kW"
(i) Standby power is  106.0 kW
(ii) Excess power available is  597.4 kW

Example 2.12, Page Number: 25

In [42]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
#for part (i):
C = 10                          #Installed capacity(MW)
H = 20                          #head of reservoir(m)
n = 0.80                        #overall efficiency
LF = 0.40                       #load factor
#for part (ii):
Q2 = 20                         #discharge

#for part(i):
U = C*LF*24*7*10**3             #units generated per week(kWh)
Q = U/(H*n*9.81*24*7)           #Discharge in m^3/sec

#for part(ii):
U2 = Q2*9.81*1000*n*H*24/1000     #units generated per day(kWh)
LF2 = U2/(C*10**3*24)

print "(i) The river discharge is ",round(Q,2),"m^3/sec"
print "(ii) The load factor is ", round(LF2*100,1),"%"
(i) The river discharge is  25.48 m^3/sec
(ii) The load factor is  31.4 %

Example 2.13, Page Number: 26

In [43]:
#Variable declaration:
H = 15                            #head of reservoir(m)
n = 0.85                          #efficiency
L = 0.40                          #load factor

Qavg = (500+520+850+800+875+900+546)/7    #in m^3/sec

#It is clear from graph that on three dyas 
#(viz., Sun, Mon. and Sat.), the discharge is less than
#the average discharge.

V1 = (500+520+546)*24*3600  #Actual volume available in these 3 days(m^3/s)
V2 = 3*Qavg*24*3600         #Vol. of water required in these 3 days(m^3/s)
Pr = V2-V1                  #Pondage required(m^3/sec)
Po = Qavg*9.81*1000*H*n     #Avg output produced(W)
C = Po/L                    #Capacity of plant(W)

print "(i) The average daily discharge is ",Qavg,"m^3/sec"
print "(ii) Pondage required is (",round(Pr/10**5),"* 10^5)  m^3"
print "(iii)Installed capacity of plant is ",round(C/10**6),"MW"
(i) The average daily discharge is  713.0 m^3/sec
(ii) Pondage required is ( 495.0 * 10^5)  m^3
(iii)Installed capacity of plant is  223.0 MW

Example 2.14, Page Number: 29

In [44]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
w = 0.28                        #fuel consumption in kg/kWh
C = 10000                       #calorific value of fuel(kcal/kWh)
na = 0.95                        #efficiency of alternator

H = w*C/860                     #heat produced by 0.28 kg/kWh of fuel

no = 1/H                        #Overall efficiency
ne = no/na                      #Efficiency of engine

print "(i) The overall efficiency is ",round(no*100,1),"%"
print "(ii)The efficiency of the engine",round(ne*100,1),"%"
(i) The overall efficiency is  30.7 %
(ii)The efficiency of the engine 32.3 %

Example 2.15, Page Number: 30

In [45]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
w = 1000                      #fuel consumption in kg/day
E = 4000                      #Units generated in kWh/day
C = 10000                     #calorific value in kcal/kg
na = 0.96                     #Alternator efficiency
nem = 0.95                     #engine mechanical efficiency

s = w/E                       #specific fuel consumption(kg/kWh)
E2 = w*C                      #energy input per day(kcal/day)
no = E*860/E2                 #overall efficiency
ne = no/na                    #engine efficiency
net = ne/nem                  #engine thermal efficiency

print "Specific fuel consumption is ",s,"kg/kWh"
print "Overall efficiency is ",round(no*100,1),"%"
print "Thermal efficiency of the engine is ",round(net*100,2),"%"
Specific fuel consumption is  0.25 kg/kWh
Overall efficiency is  34.4 %
Thermal efficiency of the engine is  37.72 %

Example 2.16, Page Number: 30

In [46]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
C1 = 700                   #capacity of plant 1(kW)
C2 = 2*500                 #capacity of plant 2(kW)
pcf = 0.40                 #plant capacity factor
w = 0.28                   #fuel cunsumption in kg/kWh
H = 10200                  #specific heat of fuel in kcal/kg

M = (C1+C2)*30*24          #max energy can be produced in 30 days(kWh)
E = pcf*M                  #Actual energy produced in 30 days(kWh)
W = E*w                    #actual fuel consumption in kg

Po = E*860                 #output energy in kWh
Pin = W*H                  #Input energy in kWh
n = Po/Pin                 #Overall efficiency

print "The fuel oil required is ",W,"kg"
print "Ovreall efficiency is",round(n*100),"%"
The fuel oil required is  137088.0 kg
Ovreall efficiency is 30.0 %

Example 2.17, Page Number: 34

In [47]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
M = 300                   #Energy received from reactor(MW)
E1 = 200                  #Energy released fron each atom(MeV)

E2 = M*10**6*3600            #Energy released per hour(J)
E3 = E1*1.6*10**-19*10**6      #Energy released per fission(J)
N = E2/E3                    #No of atoms fissioned
m = N*235/(6.022*10**23)    #mass of uranium fissioned per hr(g)

print "Mass of Uranium fissioned per hour is",round(m,2),"g"
Mass of Uranium fissioned per hour is 13.17 g

Example 2.18, Page Number: 35

In [48]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
t = 30                         #days
w = 2                          #weight of uranium(kg)
Eo = 200                     #energy released per fission(MeV)

N = 2*1000*6.022*10**23/235     #No of atoms fissioned in 2kg of fuel
Po = N*Eo*(1.6*10**-19)*10**6/(24*60*60*30)    #Watt

print "Power output is",round(Po*10**-6,1),"MW"
Power output is 63.3 MW