Chapter 21: Protective Relays

Example 21.1, Page Number: 507

In [2]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
Is = 5                           #rated secondary current of C.T
CS = 1.25                        #current setting
TSM = 0.6                        #time setting multiplier
IF = 4000                        #fault current(A)
CR = 400/5                       #current ratio of CT

Ipc = Is*CS                     #pick-up current(A)
If = IF*CR                      #Fault current in relay coil(A)
PSM = If/Ipc                    #plug setting multiplier
#Corresponding to the plug-setting multiplier of 8 given in fig.21.16,
#the time of operation is 3.5 seconds.
top = 3.5*TSM                   #Actual relay operating time(s)

print "The relay operating time is",top,"seconds"
The relay operating time is 2.1 seconds