#Variable declaration:
M = 100 #Maximum demand on power station(MW)
L = 0.40 #annual load factor
E = M*L*8760*10**6 #Energy generated in a year(kWh)
print "Energy generated in a year is (",E/10**8,"* 10^5) kWh"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
L = 43 #connected load(MW)
M = 20 #Maximum demand(MW)
E = 61.5*10**6 #Units genearted per annum(kWh)
DF = M/L #demand factor
LF = E/(M*8760*1000) #load factor
print "The demand factor is",round(DF,3)
print "Load factor is ",round(LF*100,1),"%"
from __future__ import division
#variable declaration:
#power station delivers 100 MW for 2 hours,
#50 MW for 6 hours and is shut down for the rest
#of each day.
M = 100 #Maximum capacity of station(MW)
E1 = 100*2+50*6 #Energy supplied per day(MWh)
n = 365-45 #No.of working days
LF = E1*320/(M*n*24) #load factor
print "Annual load factor is",round(LF*100,1),"%"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
M = 25 #Maximum demand(MW)
LF = 0.60 #Load factor
PCF = 0.50 #plant capacity factor
PUF = 0.72 #plant use factor
L = LF*M #Average load(MW)
PC = L/PCF #Plant gapacity(MW)
R = PC-M #Reserve capacity(MW)
E = L*24 #daily energy produced(MWh)
ME = E/PUF #Maximum energy produced(MWh/day)
print "Reserve capacity is ",R,"MW"
print "Daily energy produced is",E,"MWh"
print "Maximum energy that could be produced dauly is ",ME,"MWh/day"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
M = 2500 #Maximum demand(kW)
E = 45*10**5 #kWh/year
D = (1500+750+100+450)/M #diversity factor
LF = E/(M*8760) #Annual load factor
print "Diversity factor is",D
print "Annual load factor is",round(LF*100,1),"%"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
M = 15000 #Max demand(kW)
LF = 0.50 #Annual load factor
PCF = 0.4 #Plant capacity factor
L = LF*M #load factor(kW)
PC = L/PCF #plant capacity(kW)
R = PC-M #Reserve capacity(kW)
print "The reserve capacity is ",R,"kW"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
DFo = 1.35 #Overall diversity factor of system
M = (1500+2000+10000)/DFo #max demand(kW)
#for domestic load:
CL1 = (1500*1.2)/0.8 #kW
#for Commercial load:
CL2 = 2000*1.1/0.9 #kW
#for Industrial load:
CL3 = 10000*1.25/1 #kW
print "Maximum demand is ",M,"kW"
print "Connected loads for each type are:"
print CL1,"kW ",round(CL2),"kW ",CL3,"kW"
#Variable declaration:
Dt = 1.3 #Diversity among transformers
#for transformer 1:
M1 = (10*0.65)/1.5 #Max demand (kW)
#for transformer 2:
M2 = (12*0.6)/3.5 #max demand(kW)
#for transformer:
M3 = (15*0.7)/1.5 #max demand(kW)
Mf = (M1+M2+M3)/Dt #Maximum demand on feeder(kW)
print "Maximum load on the feeder is ",round(Mf,1),"kW"
#Variable declaration:
n1 = 1000 #No of houses
CL1 = 1.5 #Avg connected load in each house(kW)
DF1 = 0.4 #Demand factor
DvF = 2.5 #Diversity factor
n2 = 10 #no. of factories
M2 = 90 #factory overall max demand(kW)
n3 = 7 #no of tubewells
C3 = 7 #capacity of tubewells(kW)
DF = 1.2 #Diversity factor among above types of consumers
Ms = ((DF1*n1*CL1)/DvF)+M2+n3*C3 #Sum of maximum demand on the station(kW)
M = Ms/DF #maximum demand on the station(kW)
print "Minimum capacity on the power station is",round(M),"kW"
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
M = 70.0 #Max demand, from load curve(MW)
E = 40*6+50*4+60*2+50*4+70*4+40*4 #Units generated per day(MWh)
L = E/24 #Avg load(MW)
LF = L/M #Load factor
n1 = linspace(0,6,10);
M1 = linspace(40,40,10);
n2 = linspace(6,10,10);
M2 = linspace(50,50,10);
n3 = linspace(10,12,10);
M3 = linspace(60,60,10);
n4 = linspace(12,16,10);
M4 = linspace(50,50,10);
n5 = linspace(16,20,10);
M5 = linspace(70,70,10);
n6 = linspace(20,24,10);
M6 = linspace(40,40,10);
ylabel("Load in MW ------>");
xlabel("Time in hours ----->");
title("Daily Load Curve")
print "Maximum demand is ",M,"MW"
print "Units generated per day is (",E/100,"* 10^5) kWh"
print "Average load is",L*1000,"kW"
print "Load factor is ",round(LF*100,1),"%"
print "The Daily load curve is shown below:"
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
M = 350.0 #Maximum demand(kW)
DF = (200+100+50+100)/M #Diversity factor
E = 100*6+(100+50)*2+(200+100+50)*2+(200+100)*8+100*6 #kWh/day
LF = E/(24*M) #load factor
n1 = linspace(0,6,10);
M1 = linspace(100,100,10);
n2 = linspace(6,8,10);
M2 = linspace(150,150,10);
n3 = linspace(8,10,10);
M3 = linspace(350,350,10);
n4 = linspace(10,18,10);
M4 = linspace(300,300,10);
n5 = linspace(18,24,10);
M5 = linspace(100,100,10);
ylabel("Load in kW ------>");
xlabel("Time in hours ----->");
title("Daily Load Curve")
print "Diversity factor is ",round(DF,3)
print "Unis generated per day is ",E,"kWh"
print "Load factor is ",round(LF*100,1),"%"
print "The daily load curve is shown below:"
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
M1 = 800 #max demand of consumer 1(Watts)
M2 = 1000 #max demand of consumer 2(Watts)
M3 = 1200 #max demand of consumer 3(Watts)
n1 = linspace(0,8,10);
m1 = linspace(200,200,10);
n2 = linspace(8,14,10);
m2 = linspace(800,800,10);
n3 = linspace(14,16,10);
m3 = linspace(2400,2400,10);
n4 = linspace(16,22,10);
m4 = linspace(800,800,10);
n5 = linspace(22,24,10);
m5 = linspace(400,400,10);
ylabel("Load in Watts ------>");
xlabel("Time in hours ----->");
title("Daily Load Curve");
#load factors of each consumers:
LF1 = (600*6+200*2+800*6)/(24*M1)
LF2 = (200*8+1000*2+200*2)/(24*M2)
LF3 = (200*6+1200*2+200*2)/(24*M3)
#The simultaneous maximum demand on the station is 200 + 1000 + 1200 = 2400 W
#and occurs from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M.
DF = (M1+M2+M3)/2400.0 #Diversity factor
LF = (200*8+800*6+2400*2+800*6+400*2)/(24*2400.0) #load factor
print "(i) The maximum demand of individual consumers are:"
print "\tConsumer 1 =",M1,"W, Consumer 2 =",M2,"W, Consumer 3 =",M3,"W"
print "\n(ii)Load Factors of individual consumers are:"
print "\tConsumer 1 =",round(LF1*100,1),"%, Consumer 2 =",round(LF2*100,1),"""%,
\tConsumer 3 =""",round(LF3*100,1),"%"
print "\n(iii)Diversity factor is ",DF
print "\n(iv) Load factor of the station is",round(LF*100,1),"%"
print "\n The load curve is shown below:"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
A = 12 #Area of load curve(cm**2)
Lo = 1000 #load under 1cm length(kW)
To = 2 #time under 1cm length(hr)
M = 3000 #maximum demand(kW)
L = Lo*To*A/24 #Average load(kW)
LF = L/M #load factor
print "Load factor is",round(LF*100,1),"%"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
C = 75 #Capacity of each generator(MW)
n = 4 #No. of generators
CV = 10000 #Calorific value of oil used(kcal/kg)
H = 2860 #Avg heat rate(kcal/kWh)
E = (260*6+200*8+160*4+100*6) #Units generated per day(MWh)
L = E/24 #Avg load(MW)
LF =L/260 #Load factor
PCF = L/(n*C) #Plant capacity
TH = H*E*10**3 #heat generated per day(kcal)
w = TH/CV #daily fuel requirement(kg)
print "Daily load factor is",round(LF*100,1),"%"
print "Plant capacity factor is",round(PCF*100,1),"%"
print "Daily fuel requirement is (",w/1000,"* 10^3) kg"
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
E = 20*2+40*4+60*4+20*4+50*4+20*6 #Units generated per day(MWh)
#1st plot
n1 = linspace(0,8,10);
m1 = linspace(20,20,10);
n2 = linspace(8,12,10);
m2 = linspace(40,40,10);
n3 = linspace(12,16,10);
m3 = linspace(60,60,10);
n4 = linspace(16,20,10);
m4 = linspace(20,20,10);
n5 = linspace(20,24,10);
m5 = linspace(40,40,10);
ylabel("Load in MW ------>");
xlabel("Time in hours ----->");
title("$(i)$ Daily Load Curve");
#next plot
n1 = linspace(0,4,10);
m1 = linspace(60,60,10);
n2 = linspace(4,8,10);
m2 = linspace(50,50,10);
n3 = linspace(8,12,10);
m3 = linspace(40,40,10);
n4 = linspace(12,24,10);
m4 = linspace(20,20,10);
ylabel("Load in MW ------>");
xlabel("Hours duration ----->");
title("$(ii)$ Load Duration Curve");
print "Energy generated per day is (",E,"* 10^3) kWh"
print "\nThe daily load curve and load duration curves are shown below:"
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
c1 = 10 #Capacity of each of 2 generators(MW)
c2 = 5 #Capacity of 3rd generator(MW)
C = 2*c1+c2 #Installed capacity(MW)
A = (1/2)*(20+4) #Avg load, seen from the curve(MW)
PF = A/C #plant factor
E = 8760*A #Units generated per annum(MWh)
LF = A/20 #Load factor
PUF = 20/C #Plant capacity factor
print "(i) Installed capacity is ",C,"MW"
print "(ii) Plant factor is ",round(PF*100,1),"%"
print "(iii) Units generated per annum is ",(E/1000),"* 10^3 kWh"
print "(iv) Load factor is ",round(LF*100,1),"%"
print "(V) Utilisation factor is ",round(PUF*100,1),"%"
#Variable declaration:
n = 0.72 #efficiency of the load
Ma = (10*0.746/0.72)* 0.65 + 5 * 0.60 #kW
Mb = (7.5*0.746/0.72)*0.75+4*0.60 #kW
Mc = (15*0.746/0.72)*0.65 #kW
Md = (5*0.746/0.72)*0.75+2*0.60 #kW
SM = Ma+Mb+Mc+Md #Sum of maximum demands(kW)
#The diversity factor between consumers of this type of service is 1·5 from above table.
M1 = SM/1.5 #Maximum demand on transformer 1(kW)
#In a similar manner, the other transformer loads are determined to be
# Total Simultaneous
#Transformer 2 26 kW 7·43 kW
#Transformer 3 29·13 kW 19·40 kW
#The diversity factor between transformers is 1·3
M2 = 7.43; M3 = 19.40
MF = (M1+M2+M3)/1.3 #Maximum load on feeder(kW)
print "The maximum load on the feeder is ",round(MF,2),"kW"
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
E = 10**3*(20*2+40*3+50*5+35*3+70*3+40*2+20*6) #Units generated per day(kWh)
A = E/24 #Average load(kW)
LF = A/(70*10**3) #Load factor
n1 = linspace(0,8,10);
m1 = linspace(20,20,10);
n2 = linspace(8,11,10);
m2 = linspace(40,40,10);
n3 = linspace(11,16,10);
m3 = linspace(50,50,10);
n4 = linspace(16,19,10);
m4 = linspace(35,35,10);
n5 = linspace(19,22,10);
m5 = linspace(70,70,10);
n6 = linspace(22,24,10);
m6 = linspace(40,40,10);
ylabel("Load in MW ------>");
xlabel("Time in hours ----->");
title("Daily Load Curve");
print "Load factor is ",round(LF*100,2),"%"
print """\nOperational schedule: Referring to the load curve shown
below, the operational schedule will be as under :
(i) Set No. 1 will run for 24 hours.
(ii) Set No. 2 will run from 8.00 hours to midnight.
(iii)Set No. 3 will run from 11.00 hours to 16 hours and
again from 19 hours to 22 hours."""
print "\nThe Load curve is shown below:"
#Variable declaration:
#peak loads(MW) are:
P1 = 10
P2 = 5
P3 = 8
P4 = 7
DF = 1.5 #Diversity factor
LF = 0.60 #Avg annual load factor
M = (P1+P2+P3+P4)/DF #Max demand on the station(MW)
E = (LF*M)*8760 #Annual energy supplied(MWh)
#the installed capacity should be 15% to 20% more than the
#maximum demand to meet the future needs.
#Taking Installed capacity to be 20% more than the maximum demand,
IC = 1.2*M #MW
print "(i) The maximum demand on the station is",M,"MW"
print "(ii) Annual energy supplied by the station is (",E/1000,"* 10^6) kWh"
print "(iii)Installed capacity is",IC,"MW"
print " Suitable unit sizes are 4, each of 6 MW capacity."
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration:
c1 = 20 #capacity of standby station(MW)
c2 = 18 #Capacity of base load station(MW)
E1 = 7.35*10**6 #Annual standby output(kWh)
E2 = 101.35*10**6 #Annual base load station output(kWh)
P3 = 12 #peak load on standby station(MW)
t = 2190 #hours of use by standby station/year
LF1 = E1/(t*P3*10**3) #Annual load factor of standby station
PCF1 = E1/(8760*c1*10**3) #Plant capacity factor of standby station
LF2 = E2/(8760*c2*10**3) #Annual load factor of base load station
#for base load station,
PCF2 = LF2 #Plant capacity factor of base load station
print "Annual load factor of standby station is",round(LF1*100,1),"%"
print "Plant capacity factor of standby station is",round(PCF1*100,1),"%"
print "Annual load factor of base load station is",round(LF2*100,1),"%"
print "Plant capacity factor of base load station is",round(PCF2*100,1),"%"
from sympy import *
#Variable declaration:
M = 60000 #maximum load of hydro plant(kW)
m = 20000 #minimum load of hydro pland(kW)
P = 50000 #peak load of plant per day(kW)
#Let OE = Capacity of steam plant
#EC = Capacity of hydro plant
x,y = symbols('x,y') #two variables as indicated in given curve
# As steam electric conversion is 60%,
#∴ Area HEFI = 0·6 × Area FGB ... (i)
#But Area HEFI = Area CFE − Area CHI
# = 1/2*(x*y-50000)
# Now Area FGB = 1/2*(FG*GB) = 1/2*(24-x)*(40000-y)
# or 0.2*x*y + 12000*x + 7.2*y − 338000 = 0
#Also from similar triangles CEF and CDB, we get,
# y/40000 = x/24
y = x/24*40000
x1 = round(solve(0.2*x*y + 12000*x + 7.2*y-338000,x)[1])
y1 = x1/24*40000
print "Capacity of the hydro plant is",y1,"kW"
print "Capacity of the steam plant is",60000-y1,"kW"
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *
#Variable declaration:
#Suppose the maximum demand of reservoir plant is y MW and it
#operates for x hours
x,y = symbols('x y')
E = 10**3*(1/2*(320+160)*8760) #Units generated/annum
#As the steam plant, run-of-river plant and hydro plant generate
#units in the ratio of 7 : 4 : 1, so, units generated by
#each plant are:
E1 = E*7/12 #by steam plant
E2 = E*4/12 #by run-of-river plant
E3 = E/1/12 #by reservoir plant
#(i) Maximum demand on run-of-river plant = Area OEBA/OA
M2 = 700.8*10**6/8760 #kW
x = 8760*y/160
E33 = 10**3*1/2*(x*y)
#But the units generated by reservoir plant are E3 kWh
y1 = solve(E33-E3,y)[1]
M3 = y1 #maximum demand on reservoir station(MW)
M1 = 320-80-M2/1000 #Maximum demand on steam station(MW)
LF2 = 100 #load factor of river plant(%), because it acts
#as a base station.
LF1 = E1*100/(M1*1000*8760) #load factor of of run-of-river plant(%)
LF3 = E3*100/(M3*1000*8760) #load factor of reservoir plant(%)
print "(i)Maximum demand on run-of-river plant is",round(M1),"MW"
print " Maximum demand on steam station is",round(M2),"MW"
print " Maximum demand on reservoir station is",round(y1),"MW"
print "\n(ii)Load factor of steam plant plant is",LF1,"%"
print " Load factor of of run-of-river plant is",LF2,"%"
print " Load factor of of reservoir plant is",round(LF3),"%"