Chapter 16 Electrons, Ions, Isotopes and nucleus

Example 16.1 Page no 268

In [3]:
E=(200*100)                                      #Electric field in V/m
B=0.2                                            #Magnetic field in T
B1=0.3                                           #Magnetic field in the main chamber in T
q=(1.6*10**-19)                                  #Charge of the electron in coloumbs
m=(12,13)                                        #Carbon isotopes C12 and C13
M=(1.67*10**-27)                                 #AMU(Atomic Mass Unit) in kg


print"Seperation on photographic plate is ",round(s,4),"cm"
Seperation on photographic plate is  0.6958 cm

Example 16.2 Page no 268

In [9]:
a=20                                              #Atomic number of Ca
m=40.0                                            #mass number of Ca
M=39.962591                                       #Mass of Ca nucleus in u
mp=1.007276                                       #Mass of proton in AMU
mn=1.008665                                       #Mass of neutron in AMU


print"BE per nucleon is ",round(BE,1),"MeV"
BE per nucleon is  8.9 MeV