Chapter 9: Gases

Example 9.1 pgno:193

In [3]:
print"\t example 9.1 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
T1=245; # inlet hot fluid,F
T2=95; # outlet hot fluid,F
t1=85; # inlet cold fluid,F
t2=95; # outlet cold fluid,F
W=9872; # lb/hr
w=78500; # lb/hr
from math import log
print"\t 1.for heat balance \t"
print"\t for ammonia gas \t"
c=0.53; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((W)*(c)*(T1-T2)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for ammonia gas is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
print"\t for water \t"
c=1; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
delt1=T2-t1; #F
delt2=T1-t2; # F
print"\t delt1 is :  F \t",delt1
print"\t delt2 is :  F \t",delt2
print"\t LMTD is : F \t",LMTD
print"\t R is :  \t",R
print"\t S is :  \t",S
print"\t FT is 0.837 \t" # from fig 18
delt=(0.837*LMTD); # F
print"\t delt is :  F \t",delt
Tc=((T2)+(T1))/2; # caloric temperature of hot fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F \t",Tc
tc=((t1)+(t2))/2; # caloric temperature of cold fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F \t",tc
print"\t hot fluid:shell side,ammonia at 83psia \t"
ID=23.25; # in
C=0.1875; # clearance
B=12; # baffle spacing,in
As=((ID*C*B)/(144*PT)); # flow area,ft**2,from eq 7.1
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",As
Gs=(W/As); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2),from eq 7.2
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gs
mu1=0.012*2.42; # at 170F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.15
De=0.55/12; # from fig.28,ft
Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu1); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Res
jH=118; # from fig.28
k=0.017; # Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F/ft),from table 5
Z=0.97; # Z=(Pr*(1/3)) prandelt number
ho=((jH)*(k/De)*(Z)*1); # using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",ho
print"\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \t"
n=8; # number of passes
L=8; #ft
at1=0.302; # flow area, in**2,from table 10
at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); # total area,ft**2,from eq.7.48
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",at
Gt=(w/(at)); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gt
V=(Gt/(3600*62.5)); # fps
print"\t V is :  fps \t",V
mu2=0.82*2.42; # at 90F,lb/(ft)*(hr),from fig 14
D=(0.62/12); # ft,from table 10
Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Ret
hi=900; # using fig 25,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t hi is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hi
ID=0.62; # ft
OD=0.75; #ft
hio=((hi)*(ID/OD)); # using eq.6.5
print"\t Correct hi0 to the surface at the OD is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hio
Uc=((hio)*(ho)/(hio+ho)); # clean overall coefficient,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t clean overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",Uc
A2=0.1963; # actual surface supplied for each tube,ft**2,from table 10
A=(Nt*L*A2); # ft**2
print"\t total surface area is :  ft**2 \t",A
print"\t actual design overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",UD
Rd=((Uc-UD)/((UD)*(Uc))); # (hr)*(ft**2)*(F)/Btu
print"\t actual Rd is :  (hr)*(ft**2)*(F)/Btu \t",Rd
print"\t pressure drop  for annulus \t"
f=0.00162; # friction factor for reynolds number 40200, using fig.29
Ds=23.25/12; # ft
N=(12*L/B); # number of crosses,using eq.7.43
print"\t number of crosses are :  \t",N
print"\t rowgas is  lb/ft**3 \t",rowgas
print"\t s is  \t",s
delPs=((f*(Gs**2)*(Ds)*(N))/(5.22*(10**10)*(De)*(s)*(phys))); # using eq.7.44,psi
print"\t delPs is :  psi \t",delPs
print"\t allowable delPs is 2 psi \t"
print"\t pressure drop  for inner pipe \t"
f=0.000225; # friction factor for reynolds number 21400, using fig.26
D=0.0517; #ft
delPt=((f*(Gt**2)*(L)*(n))/(5.22*(10**10)*(D)*(s)*(phyt))); # using eq.7.45,psi
print"\t delPt is :  psi \t",round(delPt,1)
X1=0.090; # X1=((V**2)/(2*g)), for Gt 1060000,using fig.27
delPr=((4*n*X1)/(s)); # using eq.7.46,psi
print"\t delPr is :  psi \t",round(delPr,1)
delPT=delPt+delPr; # using eq.7.47,psi
print"\t delPT is :  psi \t",round(delPT,1)
print"\t allowable delPT is 10 psi \t"
	 example 9.1 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 1.for heat balance 	
	 for ammonia gas 	
	 total heat required for ammonia gas is :  Btu/hr 	784824.0
	 for water 	
	 total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr 	785000
	 delt1 is :  F 	10
	 delt2 is :  F 	150
	 LMTD is : F 	22.4772661868
	 R is :  	15
	 S is :  	0
	 FT is 0.837 	
	 delt is :  F 	18.8134717984
	 caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F 	170
	 caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F 	90
	 hot fluid:shell side,ammonia at 83psia 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	0.387706776948
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	25462.5417634
	 reynolds number is :  	40187.0924297
	 individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	42.4542545455
	 cold fluid:inner tube side,water 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	0.0954236111111
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	822647.551124
	 V is :  fps 	3.65621133833
	 reynolds number is :  	21418.7950051
	 hi is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	900
	 Correct hi0 to the surface at the OD is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	744.0
	 clean overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	40.1624954017
	 total surface area is :  ft**2 	571.6256
	 actual design overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	72.9943154025
	 actual Rd is :  (hr)*(ft**2)*(F)/Btu 	-0.0111991543302
	 pressure drop  for annulus 	
	 number of crosses are :  	8
	 rowgas is  lb/ft**3 	0.209
	 s is  	0.003344
	 delPs is :  psi 	2.03484815237
	 allowable delPs is 2 psi 	
	 pressure drop  for inner pipe 	
	 delPt is :  psi 	3.6
	 delPr is :  psi 	2.9
	 delPT is :  psi 	6.5
	 allowable delPT is 10 psi 	

Example 9.2 pgno:196

In [5]:
print"\t example 9.2 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
V1=4670; # inlet air volume,cfm
Pp=0.8153; # Saturation partial pressure of water at 95F,psi,from table 7
Ps=404.3;#  Saturation specific volume of water at 95F,ft**3/lb, from table 7
print"\t The air and water both occupy the same volume at their respective partial pressures \t"
Vw1=(V1*60/Ps); # water entering per hr,lb
print"\t volume of water entering is :  lb \t",Vw1
print"\t for first stage \t"
c=2.33; # compression ratio
P1=14.7; # psi
P2=(P1*c); # (c=(P2/P1)),psi
print"\t P2 is :  psi \t",P2
gama=1.4; # for air
T1abs=95; # F
print"\t T2absr is :  R \t",T2absr
T2abs=(T2absr-459.67); # F
print"\t T2abs is :  F \t",T2abs
print"\t for intercooler \t"
V2=(V1*60*P1/P2); # ft**3/hr
print"\t final gas volume is :  ft**3/hr \t",V2
Vw2=(V2/Ps); # water remaining in air, lb/hr
print"\t water remaining in air is :  lb/hr \t",Vw2
C=(Vw1-Vw2); # condensation in inter cooler, lb/hr
print"\t condensation in inter cooler is :  lb/hr \t",C
Vs=14.8; # Specific volume of atmospheric air,ft**3/lb
print"\t Specific volume of atmospheric air is :  ft**3/lb \t",Vs
Va=(V1*60/Vs); # air in inlet gas, lb/hr
print"\t air in inlet gas is :  lb/hr\t",Va
print"\t heat load(245 to 95F) \t)"
print"\t sensible heat \t"
Qair=((Va)*(0.25)*(245-T1abs)); # Btu/hr
print"\t Qair is :  Btu/hr \t",Qair
Qwaters=(Vw1*0.45*(245-T1abs)); # Btu/hr
print"\t Qwaters is :  Btu/hr \t",Qwaters
print"\t latent heat \t"
l=1040.1; # latent heat
Qwaterl=(C*l); # Btu/hr
print"\t Qwater1 is :  Btu/hr \t",Qwaterl
print"\t total heat is :  Btu/hr \t",Qt1
print"\t for second stage \t"
c=2.33; # compression ratio
P3=(P2*c); # (c=(P3/P1)),psi
print"\t P3 is :  psi \t",P3
V3=(V1*60*P1/P3); # ft**3/hr
print"\t final gas volume is :  ft**3/hr \t",V3
Vw3=(V3/Ps); # water remaining in air, lb/hr
print"\t water remaining in air is :  lb/hr \t",Vw3
C1=(297-Vw3); # condensation in inter cooler, lb/hr
print"\t condensation in inter cooler is :  lb/hr \t",C1
print"\t heat load(245 to 95F) \t)"
print"\t sensible heat \t"
Qair=(Va*0.25*(245-T1abs)); # Btu/hr
print"\t Qair is :  Btu/hr \t",round(Qair)
Qwaters=(Vw2*0.44*(245-T1abs)); # Btu/hr
print"\t Qwater is :  Btu/hr \t",round(Qwaters)
print"\t latent heat \t"
l=1040.1; # latent heat
Qwaterl=(C1*l); # Btu/hr, calculation mistake in book
print"\t Qwater is :  Btu/hr \t",round(Qwaterl)
print"\t total heat is :  Btu/hr ",round(Qt1)
# end
	 example 9.2 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 The air and water both occupy the same volume at their respective partial pressures 	
	 volume of water entering is :  lb 	693.049715558
	 for first stage 	
	 P2 is :  psi 	34.251
	 T2absr is :  R 	706.727218318
	 T2abs is :  F 	247.057218318
	 for intercooler 	
	 final gas volume is :  ft**3/hr 	120257.51073
	 water remaining in air is :  lb/hr 	297.446229853
	 condensation in inter cooler is :  lb/hr 	395.603485705
	 Specific volume of atmospheric air is :  ft**3/lb 	14.8
	 air in inlet gas is :  lb/hr	18932.4324324
	 heat load(245 to 95F) 	)
	 sensible heat 	
	 Qair is :  Btu/hr 	709966.216216
	 Qwaters is :  Btu/hr 	46780.8558001
	 latent heat 	
	 Qwater1 is :  Btu/hr 	411467.185481
	 total heat is :  Btu/hr 	1168214.2575
	 for second stage 	
	 P3 is :  psi 	79.80483
	 final gas volume is :  ft**3/hr 	51612.6655492
	 water remaining in air is :  lb/hr 	127.659326117
	 condensation in inter cooler is :  lb/hr 	169.340673883
	 heat load(245 to 95F) 	)
	 sensible heat 	
	 Qair is :  Btu/hr 	709966.0
	 Qwater is :  Btu/hr 	19631.0
	 latent heat 	
	 Qwater is :  Btu/hr 	176131.0
	 total heat is :  Btu/hr  905729.0

Example 9.3 pgno:197

In [8]:
print"\t example 9.3 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
Va=18900.; # air in inlet gas
Vw1=692.; # water entering
Ma=(Va/29.); # moles
Mw=(Vw1/18.); # moles
M=(Ma+Mw); # moles
print"\t total number of moles re :  \t",M
print"\t Moles of air is :  \t",Ma
print"\t Moles of water is :  \t",Mw
print"\t after compression \t"
P=34.2; # pressure,psi
pw=(Mw/M)*(P); # partial pressure
print"\t partial pressure is : psi \t",round(pw,2)
Td=124; # F, table table 7
print"\t dew point is :  F \t",Td
# end
	 example 9.3 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 total number of moles re :  	690.168582375
	 Moles of air is :  	651.724137931
	 Moles of water is :  	38.4444444444
	 after compression 	
	 partial pressure is : psi 	1.91
	 dew point is :  F 	124