#Read and display a string
import sys
#Initialize variable
name = raw_input("Enter Your Name : ")
sys.stdout.write("Your name is %s"%(name))
#Display the value of a variable using reference variable
import sys
#Variable Initialization
qty = 10
qt = qty
#in python, value tagging method is used for storage. so there is no reference concept
qt = qt + 1
qty = qty + 1
qty = qty - 1
qt = qt - 1
#Program to use scope access operator.
#Display the variaous values of the same variable declared at different scope levels.
import sys
#Variable Initialization
a = 10
def main():
a = 20
sys.stdout.write("::a = %d"%(a))
#There is no scope operator. Intendation is used to define scope/block of statements
sys.stdout.write(" a = %d"%(a))
#Program to read tow integers through the keyboard.
#Declare the variables in C++ style.
import sys
#Read Variables
num = int(raw_input("Enter Two numbers : "))
num1 = int(raw_input("Enter Two numbers : "))
#No variable declaration is needed in python
sys.stdout.write("Entered Numbers are : %d %d"%(num,num1))
#Length of a string
import sys
#There is no variable declaration is needed in python
#Read string
name = raw_input("Enter Your Name : ")
len1 = len(name)
sys.stdout.write("The length of the string is : %d"%(len1))
#Sum of numbers using function
import sys
#Function definition
def sum1(x,y):
return x+y
#Forward function definition is not possible in python.
#Otherwise wrap the function within the main() function
#Variable Initialization
a = 20
b = 2.5
#Function call
sys.stdout.write("Sum = %f"%(sum1(a,b)))
#Function with default arguments.
import sys
#Function definition
def sum1(j,k=10,l=15,m=20):
return j+k+l+m
#Variable Initialization
a = 2
b = 3
c = 4
d = 5
sys.stdout.write("Sum = %d"%(sum1(a,b,c,d)))
sys.stdout.write("\nSum = %d"%(sum1(a,b,c)))
sys.stdout.write("\nSum = %d"%(sum1(a,b)))
sys.stdout.write("\nSum = %d"%(sum1(a)))
sys.stdout.write("\nSum = %d"%(sum1(b,c,d)))
#Square of integer and float number using function overloading
import sys
#Function definition/ There is no seperate function definition is needed.
def sqr(s):
return s*s
#Variable iNitialization
a = 15
b = 2.5
sys.stdout.write("Square = %d"%(sqr(a)))
sys.stdout.write("\nSquare = %f"%(sqr(b)))
#Display private and public member variables of the class.
import sys
#Class declaration
class num:
def readdata(self,j,k):
self.x = j
self.y = k
def display(self):
sys.stdout.write("x = %d y = %f"%(self.x,self.y))
#Object declaration
j = num()
j.z = 'C'
sys.stdout.write(" z = %c"%(j.z))
#Private and public data member of a class.
import sys
#Class definition
class player:
def __init__(self,name=None,height=0,weight=0):
self.name = name
self.height = height
self.weight = weight
#Object declaration
a = player()
#Variable Initialization
#There is no need/concept for private variables in python.
a.name = "Sanjay"
a.height = 5.5
a.weight = 38
sys.stdout.write("Height : %d"%(a.height))
sys.stdout.write("\nWeight : %d"%(a.weight))
#Class with member variables and functions.
import sys
#Class definition
class player:
def __init__(self,name=None,height=0,weight=0):
self.name = name
self.height = height
self.weight = weight
def setdata(self):
self.name = raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight")
self.age = int(raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight"))
self.height = float(raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight"))
self.weight = int(raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight"))
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nName : %s"%(self.name))
sys.stdout.write("\nAge : %d"%(self.age))
sys.stdout.write("\nHeight : %f"%(self.height))
sys.stdout.write("\nWeight : %d"%(self.weight))
#Object declaration
a = player()
#Function call
#Class with member variables and functions.
import sys
#Class definition
class player:
def __init__(self,name=None,height=0,weight=0):
self.name = name
self.height = height
self.weight = weight
def setdata(self):
self.name = raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight")
self.age = int(raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight"))
self.height = float(raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight"))
self.weight = int(raw_input("Enter Name Age Height Weight"))
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nName : %s"%(self.name))
sys.stdout.write("\nAge : %d"%(self.age))
sys.stdout.write("\nHeight : %f"%(self.height))
sys.stdout.write("\nWeight : %d"%(self.weight))
#In python, member functions should be defined inside the class instance
#Object declaration
a = player()
#Function call
#Static data member.
import sys
#Class definition
class sumnum:
def __init__(self,num = 0):
self.num = num
def input1(self,c):
self.num = int(raw_input("Enter Number : "))
c = c + self.num
return c
def sum1(self,c):
sys.stdout.write("The sum of entered numbers is %d"%(c))
#Object declaration
a = sumnum()
b = sumnum()
c1 = sumnum()
c = 0
#Function call
#There is no static variable in python
c = a.input1(c)
c = b.input1(c)
c = c1.input1(c)
#Static member functions
import sys
#Class definition
class bita:
def __initi__(self):
self.c = 0
def count(c):
c = c + 1
return c
def display(k,c):
k = k + 1
sys.stdout.write("\nCall Number : %d"%(k))
sys.stdout.write("\nValue of c : %d"%(c))
return k
#Object declaration
b = bita()
c1 = bita()
c = 0
k = 0
#Function call
k = bita.display(k,c)
c = bita.count(c)
c = b.count(c)
c = c1.count(c)
k = bita.display(k,c)
#Array of objects to maintain records of bank
import sys
#Class definition
class bank:
def __init__(self):
self.city = None
self.bank = None
self.branches = 0
self.no_ac = 0
def input1(self):
self.city = raw_input("City Name : ")
self.bank = raw_input("Bank Name : ")
self.branches = int(raw_input("Total Branches : "))
self.no_ac = int(raw_input("Number of A/c : "))
def console(self):
sys.stdout.write("\n\nCity Name : %s"%(self.city))
sys.stdout.write("\nBank Name : %s"%(self.bank))
sys.stdout.write("\nTotal Branches : %d"%(self.branches))
sys.stdout.write("\nNumber of A/c : %d"%(self.no_ac))
#Object declaration
ms = [bank() for i in range(0,2)]
for k in range(0,2):
for k in range(0,2):
#Accessing private data using non member function
import sys
#Class definition
class ac:
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.acno = 0
self.bal = 0
def read(self):
self.name = raw_input("Name : ")
self.acno = int(raw_input("A/c No :"))
self.bal = int(raw_input("Balance : "))
#Non member function
def showbal(a):
sys.stdout.write("\nBalance of A/c no. %d is Rs. %d"%(a.acno,a.bal))
#object declaration
k = ac()
#Function call
#Friend function in two classes.
import sys
#Class definition
class first:
def __init__(self):
self.f = 0
def getvalue(self):
self.f = int(raw_input("Enter a number : "))
class second:
def __init__(self):
self.s = 0
def getvalue(self):
self.s = int(raw_input("Enter a number : "))
#Non member function
def sum1(d,t):
sys.stdout.write("\nSum of two numbers : %d"%(t.f+d.s))
#Object declaration
a = first()
b = second()
#Function call
#String Replacement
import sys
#Class definition
class fandr:
def __init__(self):
self.str1 = None
self.f = ''
self.r = ''
def accept(self):
#Since string object does not support item assignment, initialize the string as character array
self.str1 = ['P','r','o','g','r','a','_','e','r']
self.f = raw_input("Find what (char) ")
self.r = raw_input("Replace with (char) ")
def display(self,d):
def len1(self):
self.l = len(self.str1)
return self.l
def find(self,i):
if self.str1[i] == self.f:
def replace(self,k):
self.str1[k] = self.r
#Object declaration
b = fandr()
#function call
l = b.len1()
sys.stdout.write("\nReplaced text : ")
for i in range(0,l):
#Largest out of ten numbers.
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def __init__(self):
self.number = [0 for i in range(0,10)]
def input1(self,i):
self.number[i] = int(raw_input("Enter Number (%d) : "%(i+1)))
return self.number[i]
def large(self,s,m):
if self.number[s] == m:
sys.stdout.write("\nLargest number : %d"%(self.number[s]))
return 0
return 1
#Object declaration
b = num()
sum1 = 0
c = 1
for i in range(0,10):
sum1 = sum1 + b.input1(i)
for k in range(sum1,0,-1):
for i in range(0,10):
if c == 1:
c = b.large(i,k)
#Constructor to initialize the class member variables
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def __init__(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nConstructor called")
self.x = 5
self.a = 0
self.b = 1
self.c = 2
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nx = %d a = %d b = %d c = %d"%(self.x,self.a,self.b,self.c))
#Object declaration
x = num()
#Function call
#Constructor with arguments
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def __init__(self,m,j,k):
self.a = m
self.b = j
self.c = k
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\na = %d b = %d c = %d"%(self.a,self.b,self.c))
#Object declaration
x = num(4,5,7)
y = num(1,2,8)
#Function call
#Constructor overloading
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def __init__(self,m = None,j = None,k = None):
if m and j and k is not None:
sys.stdout.write("Constructor with three arguments")
self.a = m
self.b = j
self.c = k
if m and j is not None:
sys.stdout.write("Constructor with two arguments")
self.a = m
self.b = j
self.c = ''
if m == j == k == None:
sys.stdout.write("Constructor without arguments")
self.a = 0
self.b = 0
self.c = ''
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\na = %d b = %f c = "%(self.a,self.b))
print self.c
#Object declaration
x = num(4,5.5,'A')
y = num(1,2.2)
z = num()
#Default arguments in constructor.
import sys
#Class definition
class power:
def __init__(self,n = 9,p = 3):
self.num = n
self.power = p
self.ans = pow(n,p)
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\n%d raise to %d is %d"%(self.num,self.power,self.ans))
#Object declaration
p1 = power()
p2 = power(5)
#Object with reference to constructor.
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
#There is no overloading concept in python
def __init__(self,k=None,j=None):
if k is not None:
self.n = k
if j is not None:
self.n = j.n
def show(self):
#Object creation
J = num(50)
K = num(J.n)
L = num()
L = J
M = num()
M = J
sys.stdout.write("\nObject J Value of n : ")
sys.stdout.write("\nObject K Value of n : ")
sys.stdout.write("\nObject L Value of n : ")
sys.stdout.write("\nObject M Value of n : ")
import sys
c = 0
#Class definition
class num:
def __init__(self,c):
c = c + 1
sys.stdout.write("\nObject Created : Object(%d)"%(c))
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback,c):
sys.stdout.write("\nObject Released : Object(%d)"%(c))
c = c - 1
#Object creation
sys.stdout.write("\nIn main()\n")
a = num(c)
b = num(c)
sys.stdout.write("\nIn Block A()\n")
c = num(c)
sys.stdout.write("\n\nAgain in main()\n")
#Overload unary ++ operator
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def input1(self):
self.a = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.b = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.c = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.d = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nA = %d B = %d C = %d D = %d"%(self.a,self.b,self.c,self.d))
def operatorplusplus(self):
self.a = self.a + 1
self.b = self.b + 1
self.c = self.c + 1
self.d = self.d + 1
#Object creation
X = num()
sys.stdout.write("\nBefore Overloading X : ")
#There is no operator overloading in python
sys.stdout.write("\nAfter Overloading X : ")
#Overload + binary operator
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def input1(self):
self.a = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.b = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.c = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.d = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("A = %d B = %d C = %d D = %d"%(self.a,self.b,self.c,self.d))
def operatorplus(self,t):
tmp = num()
tmp.a = self.a + t.a
tmp.b = self.b + t.b
tmp.c = self.c + t.c
tmp.d = self.d + t.d
return tmp
#Object creation
X = num()
Y = num()
Z = num()
sys.stdout.write("\nObject X ")
sys.stdout.write("\nObject Y ")
Z = X.operatorplus(Y)
sys.stdout.write("\nX : ")
sys.stdout.write("\nY : ")
sys.stdout.write("\nZ : ")
#Multiplication using an integer and object.
import sys
#Class definition
class num:
def input1(self):
self.a = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.b = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.c = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
self.d = int(raw_input("Enter Values for a,b,c and d : "))
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("A = %d B = %d C = %d D = %d"%(self.a,self.b,self.c,self.d))
def operatormul(a,t):
tmp = num()
tmp.a = a * t.a
tmp.b = a * t.b
tmp.c = a * t.c
tmp.d = a * t.d
return tmp
X = num()
Z = num()
sys.stdout.write("\nObject X ")
Z = operatormul(3,X)
sys.stdout.write("\nX : ")
sys.stdout.write("\nZ : ")
import sys
#Class declaration
class one:
def __init__(self):
self.a = 0
self.b = 0
class two(one):
def __init__(self):
self.c = 0
self.d = 0
def input1(self):
self.a = int(raw_input("Enter values for a,b,c,d : "))
self.b = int(raw_input("Enter values for a,b,c,d : "))
self.c = int(raw_input("Enter values for a,b,c,d : "))
self.d = int(raw_input("Enter values for a,b,c,d : "))
def display(self):
sys.stdout.write("\na = %d b = %d c = %d d = %d"%(self.a,self.b,self.c,self.d))
#Object declaration
a = two()
#Member function using pointer
import sys
#class declaration
class super1:
def display(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nIn function display() class super")
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nIn function show() class super")
class sub(super1):
def display(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nIn function display() class sub")
def show(self):
sys.stdout.write("\nIn function show() class sub")
#Object declaration
S = super1()
A = sub()
#There is no pointer concept in python
sys.stdout.write("\n\nNow Pointer point points to derived class sub\n")