Chapter 1 : Introduction to Radiowaves

Example 1.1, page 13

In [30]:
fo=8387.5                                                 #frequency in MHz


#defining a function for 6 MHZ channels with 14 MHz separation
def F(n):
    return (fn)

def F1(n):
    return (fn)

#defining a function for 12 MHZ channels with 7 MHz separation
def F2(n):
    return (fn)

def F3(n):
    return (fn)

print'(1) 6-RF channels with 14 MHz separation'
print'    f1 = %d'%F(1)
print'    f11 = %d'%F1(1)
print'    f2 = %d'%F(2)
print'    f21 = %d'%F1(2)
print'    f3 = %d'%F(3)
print'    f31 = %d'%F1(3)
print'(2) 12-RF channels with 7 MHz separation'
print'    f1 = %d'%F2(1)
print'    f11 = %d'%F3(1)
print'    f2 = %d'%F2(2)
print'    f21 = %d'%F3(2)
print'    f3 = %d'%F2(3)                                    #wrong value calculated in textbook
print'    f31 = %d'%F3(3)                                    #wrong value calculated in textbook
(1) 6-RF channels with 14 MHz separation
    f1 = 8293
    f11 = 8412
    f2 = 8307
    f21 = 8426
    f3 = 8321
    f31 = 8440
(2) 12-RF channels with 7 MHz separation
    f1 = 8286
    f11 = 8412
    f2 = 8293
    f21 = 8419
    f3 = 8300
    f31 = 8426
In [ ]: