20: Trains

Example number 20.1, Page number 20.4

In [10]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
s=60;     #speed(km/h)
Lt=110;   #length of train(m)
L2=240;   #length of pplatform(m)
L3=170;   #length of train(m)
v1=6;      #speed of man(km/h)
v2=54;     #speed of another train(km/hr)
v3=80;     #speed of another train(km/hr)

Vt=s*5/18;     #speed of train(m/s)
V1=v1*5/18;      #speed of man(m/s)
V2=v2*5/18;      #speed of another train(m/s)
V3=v3*5/18;      #speed of another train(m/s)
t1=(Lt+L1)/Vt;   #time taken to cross a telegraph post(s)
t2=(Lt+L1)/(Vt-V1);    #time taken to cross a man running in same direction(s)
t3=(Lt+L1)/(Vt+V1);    #time taken to cross a man running in opposite direction(s) 
t4=(Lt+L2)/Vt;     #time taken to cross a platform(s)
t5=(Lt+L3)/Vt;     #time taken to cross a train(s)
t6=(Lt+L3)/(Vt-V2);    #time taken to cross another train(s)
t6m=int(t6/60);    #time(m)
t7=(Lt+L3)/(Vt+V3);    #time taken to cross another train(s)

print "time taken to cross a telegraph post is",t1,"s"
print "time taken to cross a man running in same direction is",round(t2,2),"s"
print "time taken to cross a man running in opposite direction is",t3,"s"
print "time taken to cross a platform is",t4,"s"
print "time taken to cross a train is",t5,"s"
print "time taken to cross another train is",t6m,"minutes",t6s,"s"
print "time taken to cross another train is",t7,"s"
time taken to cross a telegraph post is 6.6 s
time taken to cross a man running in same direction is 7.33 s
time taken to cross a man running in opposite direction is 6.0 s
time taken to cross a platform is 21.0 s
time taken to cross a train is 16.8 s
time taken to cross another train is 2 minutes 48.0 s
time taken to cross another train is 7.2 s

Example number 20.2, Page number 20.5

In [11]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
s=54;   #speed of train(km/hr)
t1=36;    #time(s)
t2=20;    #time(s)

Vt=s*5/18;     #speed of train(m/s)
L1=a+L2-(V1*t1)-(V2*t2);    #length of platform(m)

print "length of platform is",L1,"m"
length of platform is 240.0 m

Example number 20.3, Page number 20.6

In [12]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
L1=0;     #length of man(m)
L2=150;   #length of platform(m)
t1=10;    #time(s)
t2=22;    #time(s)

Vt=a/(t1-t2);    #speed of train(m/s)

print "speed of train is",Vt,"m/s"
speed of train is 12.5 m/s

Example number 20.4, Page number 20.6

In [14]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
L2=0;   #length of man(m)
t1=18;    #time(s)
t2=10;    #time(s)
V2=7*5/18;     #speed(m/s)
Vt=25*5/18;    #speed of train(m/s)

Lt=((Vt-V2)*t2)-L2;      #length of train(m)
L1=((Vt-V1)*t1)-Lt;      #length of platform(m)

print "length of train is",Lt,"m"
print "length of platform is",L1,"m"
length of train is 50.0 m
length of platform is 75.0 m

Example number 20.5, Page number 20.7

In [15]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
L2=0;   #length of man(m)
t1=12;    #time(s)
t2=6;    #time(s)
V2=-9*5/18;     #speed(m/s)
Vt=36*5/18;    #speed of train(m/s)

Lt=((Vt-V1)*t1)-L1;      #length of train(m)
L1=((Vt-V1)*t1)-Lt;      #length of platform(m)

print "length of train is",Lt,"m"
print "length of platform is",L1,"m"
length of train is 45.0 m
length of platform is 75.0 m

Example number 20.6, Page number 20.7

In [16]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
L1=210;   #length of tunnel(m) 
L2=122;   #length of tunnel(m)
t1=25;    #time(s)
t2=17;    #time(s)
V2=0;     #speed(m/s)

Vt=a/(t1-t2);    #speed of train(m/s)
Lt=((Vt-V1)*t1)-L1;      #length of train(m)

print "speed of train is",Vt,"m/s"
print "length of train is",Lt,"m"
speed of train is 11.0 m/s
length of train is 65.0 m

Example number 20.7, Page number 20.7

In [17]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
L1=250;   #length of bridge(m) 
L2=130;   #length of platform(m)
Lt=150;   #length of train(m)
t1=30;    #time(s)
V2=0;     #speed(m/s)

t2=(Lt+L2)*t1/(Lt+L1);      #time taken by the train to cross the platform(s)

print "time taken by the train to cross the platform is",t2,"s"
time taken by the train to cross the platform is 21.0 s

Example number 20.8, Page number 20.8

In [19]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Lt1_Lt2=100;     #difference in length(m)
Vt1=90*5/18;    #speed of 1st train(m/s)
Vt2=45*5/18;    #speed of 2nd train(m/s)
t1=36;    #time(s)

t2=((Vt1*t1)-Lt1_Lt2)/Vt2;     #time taken by the second train(s)

print "time taken by the second train is",t2,"s"
time taken by the second train is 64.0 s

Example number 20.9, Page number 20.8

In [4]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Lt=100;    #length of train(m)
V=-6;      #speed of train(m/s)
t=18/5;     #time(s)

Vt=(Lt+L+(x*V))/x;     #speed of train(m/s)

print "speed of train is",Vt,"km/h"
speed of train is 94.0 km/h

Example number 20.10, Page number 20.8

In [7]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Lt=75;     #length of train(m)
t1=18;     #time(s)
t2=15;     #time(s)
V1=6*5/18;   #speed(km/h)

V2=(a+V1-b)*18/5;      #speed of second person(km/h)

print "speed of second person is",V2,"km/h"
speed of second person is 3.0 km/h

Example number 20.11, Page number 20.9

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
L1=130;   #length of train(m)
L2=110;   #length of train(m)
t2=60;   #time(s)

s1=((L1+L2)/2)*((1/t1)+(1/t2));    #speed of faster train(m/s)
s2=((L1+L2)/2)*((1/t1)-(1/t2));    #speed of slower train(m/s)

print "speed of faster train is",s1,"m/s"
print "speed of slower train is",s2,"m/s"
speed of faster train is 42.0 m/s
speed of slower train is 38.0 m/s