#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
ds=8; #speed downstream(km/h)
us=2; #speed upstream(km/h)
r=(ds+us)/2; #rate in still water(km/h)
s=(ds-us)/2; #speed of current(km/h)
print "rate in still water is",r,"km/h"
print "speed of current is",s,"km/h"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
ddn=30; #distance downstream(km)
dup=20; #distance upstream(km)
tdn=5; #time downstream(hrs)
tup=5; #time upstream(hrs)
s=(1/2)*((ddn/tdn)-(dup/tup)); #speed of current(km/h)
print "speed of current is",s,"km/h"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
d=2; #distance(km)
tdn=20; #time downstream(min)
tup=15; #time upstream(min)
x=(d/2)*((1/tdn)+(1/tup)); #speed in still water(km/min)
x=x*60; #speed in still water(km/hr)
y=(d/2)*(-(1/tdn)+(1/tup)); #speed of current(km/min)
y=y*60; #speed of current(km/hr)
print "speed in still water is",x,"km/hr"
print "speed of current is",y,"km/hr"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
r=4; #rate in still water(km/hr)
tdn=1; #assume
s=r/d; #speed of stream(km/h)
print "speed of stream is",round(s,1),"km/h"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
x=6; #speed in still water(km/hr)
y=2; #speed of river(km/hr)
t=3; #time(hrs)
d=t*(x+y)/(1+y); #distance(km)
print "distance is",d,"km"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
x=15; #speed in still water(km/hr)
y=13; #rate of current(km/hr)
t=15/60; #time(hrs)
d=(x+y)*t; #distance in downstream(km)
print "distance in downstream is",d,"km"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
x=4.5; #speed in still water(km/hr)
y=1.5; #rate of current(km/hr)
avgs=(x+y)*(x-y)/x; #average speed for total journey(km/h)
print "average speed for total journey is",avgs,"km/h"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
T=55; #time(min)
c=60; #conversion factor from min to h
y=2; #speed of stream(km/h)
d=10; #distance upstream(km)
a=T/5; #coefficient of x**2
b=-c*y**2; #coefficient of x
c=-a*y**2; #constant
print "speed of rowing in still water is",int(x2/10)
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
s=10; #speed in still water(km/h)
td=91; #total distance(km)
t=20; #time(h)
d=t/s; #distance(km)
y=math.sqrt(y2); #flow of river(km/h)
print "flow of river is",y,"km/h"