#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
A=12000; #investment of A and B(Rs)
P=1800; #profit(Rs)
Pa=750; #profit of A(Rs)
ratio=Pa/(P-Pa); #ratio of investments
Ia=Pa*A/P; #investment of A(Rs)
print "investment of A is",Ia,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Ca=10000; #capital of A(Rs)
na=12; #number of years
nb=4; #number of years
Cb=5000; #capital of B(Rs)
P=2000; #total profit(Rs)
r=a/b; #ratio of profits
Pa=a*P/(a+b); #profit share of A(Rs)
print "profit share of A is",Pa,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Ia=380; #investment of A(Rs)
Ib=400; #investment of B(Rs)
Ic=420; #investment of C(Rs)
P=180; #net profit(Rs)
I=Ia+Ib+Ic; #total investment(Rs)
Pa=Ia*P/I; #profit of A(Rs)
Pb=Ib*P/I; #profit of B(Rs)
Pc=Ic*P/I; #profit of C(Rs)
print "profit of A is",Pa,"Rs"
print "profit of B is",Pb,"Rs"
print "profit of C is",Pc,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Ca=320*4; #contribution of A for 4 months(Rs)
Cb=510*3; #contribution of B for 3 months(Rs)
Cc=270*5; #contribution on C for 5 months(Rs)
P=208; #net profit(Rs)
C=Ca+Cb+Cc; #contribution of A,B,C(Rs)
Pa=Ca*P/C; #profit of A(Rs)
Pb=Cb*P/C; #profit of B(Rs)
Pc=Cc*P/C; #profit of C(Rs)
print "profit of A is",Pa,"Rs"
print "profit of B is",Pb,"Rs"
print "profit of C is",Pc,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
C=8200; #total capital(Rs)
Cb=(C-(b+a+a))/3; #capital of B(Rs)
P=2460; #total profit(Rs)
Pb=Cb*P/C; #profit of B(Rs)
print "profit of B is",Pb,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
m=50; #amount with each person(Rs)
mA=20; #amount left with A(Rs)
mB=30; #amount left with B(Rs)
mC=40; #amount left with C(Rs)
Ms=m*3; #total amount started with(Rs)
Mr=mA+mB+mC; #total amount ending with(Rs)
M=Mr/3; #amount each person must have(Rs)
Cm=mC-M; #C must pay(Rs)
print "C must pay Rs",Cm,"to A"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
a=1290; #amount(Rs)
A=3; #value of A in the ratio A:B
B1=2; #value of B in the ratio A:B
B2=7; #value of B in the ratio B:C
C1=4; #value of C in the ratio B:C
#inorder to make the value of B in the ratios same, multiply by B2
C=C1*B1; #new values of the ratio A:B:C
Sc=C*a/(A+B+C); #share of C(Rs)
print "share of C is",Sc,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
A=390; #amount A receives(Rs)
Ap=10*12; #profit for A(Rs)
Ia=3000; #investment of A(Rs)
Ib=4000; #investment of B(Rs)
Ba=A-Ap; #balance profit of A(Rs)
Bb=Ba*Ib/Ia; #balance profit of B(Rs)
print "balance profit of B is",Bb,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
BplusC=100; #amount with B and C(Rs)
AplusC=150; #amount with A and C(Rs)
B=AplusC-BplusC; #amount with B(Rs)
ABC=AplusC+B; #total amount of money(Rs)
print "total amount of money is",ABC,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
A=760; #amount(Rs)
Ar=4; #part of A in ratio
Br=5; #part of B in ratio
At=3; #time for A(months)
AT=10-3; #ending time(months)
MEI_A=(Ar*At)+(AT*Ar*At/Ar); #monthly equivalent investment of A
MEI_B=(Br*At)+(AT*Br*Ar/Br); #monthly equivalent investment of B
PA=MEI_A*A/(MEI_A+MEI_B); #profit share of A(Rs)
PB=MEI_B*A/(MEI_A+MEI_B); #profit share of B(Rs)
print "profit share of A is",PA,"Rs"
print "profit share of B is",PB,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Fd_A=27; #floppy disks of A
Ad=19; #number of days for A
Fd_B=21; #floppy disks of B
Bd=17; #number of days for B
Fd_C=24; #floppy disks of C
Cd=23; #number of days for C
am=23700; #amount(Rs)
A=Fd_A*Ad; #A's floppy days
B=Fd_B*Bd; #B's floppy days
C=Fd_C*Cd; #C's floppy days
PA=A*am/(A+B+C); #payment for rent by A(Rs)
PB=B*am/(A+B+C); #payment for rent by B(Rs)
PC=C*am/(A+B+C); #payment for rent by C(Rs)
print "payment for rent by A is",PA,"Rs"
print "payment for rent by B is",PB,"Rs"
print "payment for rent by C is",PC,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
S=1000; #share of A(Rs)
IA=8; #investment of A(months)
IB=12; #investment of B(months)
CA=(PA/PB)*S*(IB/(IA/2)); #capital of A(Rs)
print "capital of A is",CA,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Sa=4000; #A's share(s)
Sb=5000; #B's share(Rs)
Sc=6000; #C's share(Rs)
r=1000; #ratio fraction
p=75/100; #profit percentage(%)
A=100; #A gets less(Rs)
TP=((Sa/r)+(Sb/r)+(Sc/r))/p; #total profit
As=(Sa/r)+(P*TP); #share of A
Bs=Sb/r; #share of B
Cs=Sc/r; #share of C
Tp=TP*x; #total profit(Rs)
print "total profit is",Tp,"Rs"
print "answer given in the book is wrong"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
AP40=1250; #A's 40% profit(Rs)
BP40=850; #B's 40% profit(Rs)
A=30; #amount received more(Rs)
p=60/100; #distributed profit(%)
R=(AP40+BP40)/(AP40-BP40); #applying componendo dividendo
P=R*A/(1-p); #total profit(Rs)
print "total profit is",P,"Rs"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
CA=1/6; #capital of A
CB=1/3; #capital of B
P=2300; #total profit(Rs)
CC=1-CA-CB; #capital of C
PA=CA*CA*12; #A's profit
PB=CB*CB*12; #B's profit
PC=CC*12; #C's profit
SA=PA*P/(PA+PB+PC); #share of A(Rs)
print "share of A is",SA,"Rs"