Chapter 11: Quantum Statistics

Example 11.2, Page 390

In [31]:
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import integrate

#Variable declaration
R = 1.985

#from equation 11.31,
f = lambda x:(x**3/(np.exp(x)-1))
integ,err = integrate.quad(f,0,1)
Cv = 9*R*4*integ*1/math.exp(1)-1

print "Cv = %.2f cal/mole K"%Cv
#Incorrect answer in the textbook
Cv = 4.91 cal/mole K

Example 11.3, Page 392

In [1]:
import math

#Variable declaration
h=6.6*10**-34#in J-s
v=1*10**7#per sec
K=1.4*10**-23#in J-K
T=300#in K


print "The Boltzan factor is  %.1e  Tesla"%(1-n)
The Boltzan factor is  1.6e-06  Tesla

Example 11.5, Page 406

In [2]:
import math

#Part a
A=108#in g/mole
M=10.5#in g/cm3
D=6.02*10**23#in atom/mole
print "The fermi energy is  %.1e electron/cm**3"%n
m=9.1*10**-31#in kg
print "The energy is  %.1e J"%Ef

#part b
K=1.38*10**-23#in J-K
T=300#in K
print "\nThe degeneracy term is  %.1e "%z
#Incorrect answers in the textbook
The fermi energy is  5.9e+24 electron/cm**3
The energy is  6.0e-38 J

The degeneracy term is  4.6e-01