import math
# Variable Declaration
PRF = 1500; # pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
lamda = 3*10**-2; # wavelength in m;
# Calculations
# n = 1 gives lowest blind speed
Vb = n*(lamda/2)*PRF; # blind speed in m/s
print 'Lowest Blind Speed is',Vb,'m/s';
import math;
# Variable Declaration
PRF= 1000; # pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
Fd = 1000; # doppler frequency in Hz;
F = float(10*10**9); # operating frequency of radar in Hz;
Vo = float(3*10**8); # velocity in m/s
# Calculations
lamda = Vo/F;
Va = (Fd*lamda)/2; # speed of automobile in m/s
Va1 = Va*18/5; # speed of automobile in kmph
# Result
print 'Speed of automobile is' ,Va,'m/s', 'or',Va1,'kmph';
import math
# Variable declaration
PRF= 1000; # pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
F = 10*10**9; # operating frequency of radar in Hz;
Vo = 3*10**8; # velocity in m/s
# Calculations
lamda = Vo/F;
# Blind Frequency is given by Fn = n*PRF;
n1 = 1;
n2 = 2;
n3 = 3;
F1 =n1*PRF; # blind frequency for n=1 in Hz;
F2 =n2*PRF; # blind frequency for n=2 in Hz;
F3 =n3*PRF; # blind frequency for n=3 in Hz;
# Result
print 'Lowest three Blind Frequencies are',F1/1000, 'KHz',F2/1000,'KHz' ,'and',F3/1000,'KHz';
import math;
# Variable declaration
F = float(10*10**9); # operating frequency in Hz
PRF= float(800); # pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
Vo = 3*10**8; # velocity in m/s;
n1 = 1;
n2 = 2;
n3 = 3;
# Calculations
lamda = Vo/F; # Wavelength in m
# blind speed Vb = n*(lamda/2)*PRF in m/s
Vb1 = n1*(lamda/2)*PRF; #first blind speed in m/s;
Vb2 = n2*(lamda/2)*PRF; #second blind speed in m/s;
Vb3 = n3*(lamda/2)*PRF; #third blind speed in m/s;
print 'First Blind Speed is',Vb1,'m/s'
print 'Second Blind Speed is',Vb2,'m/s'
print 'Third Blind Speed is',Vb3,'m/s'
import math
#variable declaration
F = 10*10**9; #operating frequency in Hz
Vo = 3*10**8; #velocity in m/s;
Vb1 = 20; #lowest(first) blind speed in m/s
n = 1 ; #since first blindspeed
lamda = Vo/float(F); #Wavelength in m
# blind speed Vb = n*(lamda/2)*PRF in m/s
PRF = (2*Vb1)/float((n*lamda)); #pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
print'Pulse Repetitive Frequency is %3.2f'%(PRF/1000),'KHz';
import math
#variable expression
lamda = 3*10**-2; #wavelength in m
PRF = 1000; #pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
Vo = 3*10**8; # velocity in m/s
Ruamb = (Vo)/float(2*PRF); #max unambiguous range in m
print'Maximum unambiguous range is %g'%(Ruamb/1000),'Kms';
import math
#variable declaration
n1 = 1 ; #since first blindspeed
n3 = 3 ; #since third blindspeed
# blind speed Vb1 = n1*(lamda_1/2)*PRF1 in m/s
# blind speed Vb3 = n3*(lamda-2/2)*PRF2 in m/s
#here PRF1 = PRF2 = PRF
#if Vb1=Vb3 then
#1*(lamda_1/2)*PRF = 3*(lamda_2/2)*PRF
#lamda_1/lamda_2 = 3/1;
#lamda = C/F;
#therefore F1/F2 = 1/3 ;
print'Ratio of Operating Frequencies of two Radars are (F1/F2) = 1/3';
import math
#variable declaration
Vb1 = 20; #first blind speed in m/s
Vb2 = 30; #second blind speed in m/s
n1 =1 ; #since first blindspeed
n1 =2 ; #since second blindspeed
lamda = 3*10**-2; #wavelength in m
PRF1 = (2*Vb2)/float(n1*lamda); #pulse repetitive frequency in Hz of First Radar;
PRF2 = (2*Vb2)/float(n1*lamda); #pulse repetitive frequency in Hz of Second Radar;
print'Ratio of pulse repetitive frequencies of the Radars is PRF1/PRF2 = %g'%(PRF1/PRF2);
import math
#variable declaration
F = 6*10**9; #operating frequency in Hz
PRF = 1000; #pulse repetitive frequency in Hz
Vo = 3*10**8; #velocity in m/s;
n2 = 2; # n value for second blind speed
n3 = 3; # n value for third blind speed
lamda = Vo/float(F); #Wavelength in m
# blind speed Vb = n*(lamda/2)*PRF in m/s
Vb2 = n2*(lamda/float(2))*PRF; #second blind speed in m/s;
Vb21 = Vb2*18/float(5); #second blind speed in kmph;
Vb3 = n3*(lamda/float(2))*PRF; #third blind speed in m/s;
Vb31 = Vb3*18/float(5); #/third blind speed in kmph;
print'Second Blind Speed is %g'%Vb21,'kmph';
print'Third Blind Speed is %g'%Vb31,'kmph';
import math
#variable declaration
r = 0.5; #Antenna Radius in m
f = 8*10**9 #operating frequency in Hz
Vo = 3*10**8; #vel. of EM wave in m/s
RCS = 5; # Radar cross section in m^2
D = 1; # antenna diameter in m
F = 4.77; # noise figure in dB
Rmax = 12*10**3 # Radar range
BW = 500*10**3; # bandwidth
F1 = 10**(F/float(10)); # antilog calculation
lamda = Vo/float(f); # wavelength
#Rmax = 48*((Pt*D^4*RCS)/(BW*lamda*lamda(F-1)))^0.25
Pt = ((Rmax/48)**(4))*((BW*lamda*lamda*(F1-1))/float((D**(4)*RCS)))
print'Peak Transmitted Power is %e'%Pt;
print'Note: Calculation error in textbook at Pt 10^12 missing';