def triangle(n):
total = 0
while n > 0: #until n is 1
total = total + n #add n (column height) to total
n -= 1 #decrement column height
return total
def triangle(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return n + triangle(n-1)
#evaluates triangular numbers
from sys import setrecursionlimit
def triangle(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return n + triangle(n-1)
theNumber = int(raw_input('Enter a number: '))
theAnswer = triangle(theNumber)
print 'Triangle=',theAnswer
#evaluates triangular numbers
def triangle(n):
print 'Entering: n=', n
if n == 1:
print 'Returning 1'
return 1
temp = n + triangle(n-1)
print 'Returning', temp
return temp
theNumber = int(raw_input('Enter a number: '))
theAnswer = triangle(theNumber)
print 'Triangle=',theAnswer
def anagram(newSize):
if newSize == 1:
for j in xrange(newSize):
anagram(newSize - 1)
if newSize == 2:
#creates anagrams
class word:
def __init__(self, inpStr): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#as private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._size = len(inpStr) #length of input word (number of characters)
self._count = 0 #numbers in display
self._workStr = inpStr #workspace (initialize workStr)
def anagram(self, newSize): #anagram ourselves
if newSize == 1: #if too small
return #go no further
for j in xrange(newSize): #for each position,
self.anagram(newSize - 1) #anagram remaining
if newSize == 2: #if innermost,
self._displayWord() # display it
self._rotate(newSize) #rotate word
#rotate left all chars from position to end
def _rotate(self, newSize): #rotate part of workStr
position = self._size - newSize
#logic changed here as, Python strings are immutable
str2 = self._workStr[position + 1 :] + self._workStr[position] #shifted substring from position till end
str1 = self._workStr[: position] #substring from start till position(position non included)
self._workStr = str1 + str2 #complete shifted string
def _displayWord(self): #display workStr
if self._count < 99: #spaces before one-
print '', #or two-digit numbers
if self._count < 9:
print '',
self._count += 1
print self._count, self._workStr, #number
if not self._count%6:
Input = raw_input('Enter a word: ') #get word
length = len(Input) #get its length
theWord = word(Input) #make a word object
theWord.anagram(length) #anagram it
def find(searchKey):
lowerBound = 0
upperBound = nElems - 1
curIn = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2
if v[curIn] == searchKey:
return curIn #found it
elif lowerBound > upperBound:
return nElems #can't find it
else: #divide range
if v[curIn] < searchKey:
lowerBound = curIn + 1 #it's in upper half
upperBound = curIn - 1 #it's in lower half
#end else divide range
#end while
#end find()
def recFind(searchKey, lowerBound, upperBound):
curIn = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2
if v[curIn] == searchKey:
return curIn #found it
elif lowerBound > upperBound:
return nElems #can't find it
else: #divide range
if v[curIn] < searchKey: #it's in upper half
recFind(searchKey, curIn + 1, upperBound)
else: #it's in lower half
recFind(searchKey, lowerBound, curIn - 1)
#end else divide range
#end recFind()
def find(searchKey):
return recFind(searchKey, 0, nElems-1)
#demonstrates recursive binary search
class OrdArray:
def __init__(self): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._v = [] #list _v
def getSize(self): #return # of elements
return len(self._v)
def find(self, searchKey): #initial find()
return self.recFind(searchKey, 0, len(self._v)-1)
#recursive find()
def recFind(self, searchKey, lowerBound, upperBound):
curIn = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2
if self._v[curIn] == searchKey:
return curIn #found it
elif lowerBound > upperBound:
return nElems #can't find it
else: #divide range
if self._v[curIn] < searchKey: #it's in upper half
self.recFind(searchKey, curIn + 1, upperBound)
else: #it's in lower half
self.recFind(searchKey, lowerBound, curIn - 1)
#end else divide range
#end recFind()
def insert(self, value): #put element into array
j = 0
for j, val in enumerate(self._v): #find where it goes
if val > value: #(linear search)
j += 1
self._v.insert(j, value) #insert it
def display(self): #display array contents
print self._v #display it
#end class OrdArray
arr = OrdArray() #ordered array
arr.insert(72) #insert items
arr.display() #display array
searchKey = 27 #search for item
if arr.find(searchKey) != arr.getSize():
print 'Found', searchKey
print "Can't Find", searchKey
#evaluates triangular numbers, stack replaces recursion
class StackX:
def __init__(self): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._stackVect = [] #list used as stack
def push(self, j): #put item on top of stack
def pop(self): #take item from top of stack
return self._stackVect.pop()
def peek(self): #peek at top of stack
return self._stackVect[-1]
def isEmpty(self): #true if stack is empty
return not self._stackVect
#end class StackX
def stackTriangle(number):
theStack = StackX()
answer = 0
while number > 0:
number -= 1
while not theStack.isEmpty():
newN = theStack.pop()
answer += newN
return answer
theNumber = int(raw_input('Enter a number: '))
theAnswer = stackTriangle(theNumber)
print 'Triangle=',theAnswer