14: Improving Quicksort

Example 1: Page 283

In [1]:
#demonstrates quick sort with median-of-three partitioning
from random import randrange	#for random numbers

class ArrayIns:
	def __init__(self):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state

		#as private instance variables don't exist in Python,
		#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
		self._theVect = []	#list

	def insert(self, value):	#put element into array
		self._theVect.append(value)	#insert it

	def display(self):	#displays array contents
		print 'A=', self._theVect	#display it

	def quickSort(self):	#sort array
		self.recQuickSort(0, len(self._theVect) - 1)	#call recursive sort

	def recQuickSort(self, left, right):	#recursive sort
		size = right-left+1
		if size <= 3:	#manual sort if small
			self.manualSort(left, right)
		else:	#quicksort if large
			median = self.medianOf3(left, right)
			partition = self.partitionIt(left, right, median)
			self.recQuickSort(left, partition-1)	#sort left side
			self.recQuickSort(partition+1, right)	#sort right side
	#end recQuickSort()

	def medianOf3(self, left, right):
		center = (left + right)/2
		#order left & center
		if self._theVect[left] > self._theVect[center]:
			self.swap(left, center)
			#order left & right
		if self._theVect[left] > self._theVect[right]:
			self.swap(left, right)
			#order center & right
		if self._theVect[center] > self._theVect[right]:
			self.swap(center, right)

		self.swap(center, right - 1)	#put pivot on right
		return self._theVect[right - 1]	#return median value
	#end medianOf3()

	def swap(self, dex1, dex2):	#swap two elements
		self._theVect[dex1], self._theVect[dex2] = self._theVect[dex2], self._theVect[dex1]
	#end swap()

	def partitionIt(self, left, right, pivot):
		leftMark = left	#left (after+=)
		rightMark = right - 1#right-1 (after -=)
		while True:
			leftMark += 1
			while self._theVect[leftMark] < pivot:	#find bigger
					leftMark += 1
			rightMark -= 1
			while self._theVect[rightMark] > pivot:	#find smaller
					rightMark -= 1

			if leftMark >= rightMark:	#if pointers cross,
				break	#partition done
			else:	#not crossed, so
				self.swap(leftMark, rightMark)	#swap elements
		#end while(True)
		self.swap(leftMark, right - 1)	#restore pivot
		return leftMark	#return pivot location
	#end paritionIt()

	def manualSort(self, left, right):
		size = right-left+1
		if size <= 1:
			return	#no sort necessary
		if size == 2:
			if self._theVect[left] > self._theVect[right]:
				self.swap(left, right)
		else:	#size==3, so 3-sort left, center (right-1) & right
			if self._theVect[left] > self._theVect[right-1]:
				self.swap(left, right-1)	#left, center

			if self._theVect[left] > self._theVect[right]:
				self.swap(left, right)	#left, right

			if self._theVect[right-1] > self._theVect[right]:
				self.swap(right-1, right) 	#center, right
	#end manualSort()
#end class ArrayIns

arr = ArrayIns()	#create the array

for j in xrange(16):	#fill array with
	n = randrange(0, 100)	#random numbers
arr.display()	#display items
arr.quickSort()	#quicksort them
arr.display()	#display them again
A= [10, 6, 99, 26, 87, 43, 41, 48, 70, 21, 89, 65, 42, 48, 14, 7]
A= [6, 7, 10, 14, 21, 26, 41, 42, 43, 48, 48, 65, 70, 87, 89, 99]

Example 2: Page 287

In [2]:
#demonstrates quick sort; uses insertion sort for cleanup
from random import randrange	#for randrange()

class ArrayIns:
	def __init__(self):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state

		#as private instance variables don't exist in Python,
		#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
		self._theArray = []	#array theArray

	def insert(self, value):	#put element into array
		self._theArray.append(value)	#insert it

	def display(self):	#displays array contents
		print 'A=', self._theArray	#display it

	def quickSort(self):	#sort the array
		self.recQuickSort(0, len(self._theArray) - 1)
		#self.insertionSort(0, len(self._theVect) - 1)	#(another option)

	def recQuickSort(self, left, right):	#recursive sort
		size = right-left+1
		if size < 10:	#manual sort if small
			self.insertionSort(left, right)
		else:	#quicksort if large
			median = self.medianOf3(left, right)
			partition = self.partitionIt(left, right, median)
			self.recQuickSort(left, partition-1)
			self.recQuickSort(partition+1, right)
	#end recQuickSort()

	def medianOf3(self, left, right):
		center = (left + right)/2
		#order left & center
		if self._theArray[left] > self._theArray[center]:
			self.swap(left, center)
			#order left & right
		if self._theArray[left] > self._theArray[right]:
			self.swap(left, right)
			#order center & right
		if self._theArray[center] > self._theArray[right]:
			self.swap(center, right)

		self.swap(center, right - 1)	#put pivot on right
		return self._theArray[right - 1]	#return median value
	#end medianOf3()

	def swap(self, dex1, dex2):	#swap two elements
		self._theArray[dex1], self._theArray[dex2] = self._theArray[dex2], self._theArray[dex1]
	#end swap()

	def partitionIt(self, left, right, pivot):
		leftMark = left	#right of first element
		rightMark = right - 1#left of pivot
		while True:
			leftMark += 1
			while self._theArray[leftMark] < pivot:	#find bigger
					leftMark += 1
			rightMark -= 1
			while self._theArray[rightMark] > pivot:	#find smaller
					rightMark -= 1

			if leftMark >= rightMark:	#if pointers cross,
				break	#partition done
			else:	#not crossed, so
				self.swap(leftMark, rightMark)	#swap elements
		#end while(True)
		self.swap(leftMark, right - 1)	#restore pivot
		return leftMark	#return pivot location
	#end paritionIt()

	def insertionSort(self, left, right):	#insertion sort
		#sorted on left of out
		for out in range(left+1, right+1):
			temp = self._theArray[out]	#remove marked item
			#using In as in is reserved in Python
			In = out	#start shifts at out
			#until one is smaller,
			while In > left and self._theArray[In-1] > temp:
				self._theArray[In] = self._theArray[In -1]	#shift item to right
				In -= 1#go left one position
			self._theArray[In] = temp	#insert marked item
		#end for
	#end insertionSort()
#end class ArrayIns

arr = ArrayIns()	#create array

for j in xrange(16):	#fill array with
	n = randrange(0, 100)	#random numbers
arr.display()	#display items
arr.quickSort()	#quicksort them
arr.display()	#display them again
A= [29, 13, 61, 25, 80, 64, 70, 72, 40, 53, 78, 32, 73, 36, 72, 88]
A= [13, 25, 29, 32, 36, 40, 53, 61, 64, 70, 72, 72, 73, 78, 80, 88]