#demonstrates stacks
class StackX:
def __init__(self): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._stackVect = [] #stack list
def push(self, j): #put item on top
self._stackVect.append(j) #insert item
def pop(self): #take item from top
return self._stackVect.pop() #access item
def peek(self): #peek at top of stack
return self._stackVect[-1]
def isEmpty(self): #true if stack is empty
return not self._stackVect
#end class StackX
theStack = StackX() #make new stack
theStack.push(20) #push items onto stack
while not theStack.isEmpty(): #until it's empty,
value = theStack.pop() #delete item from stack
print value, #display it
#stack used to reverse a word
class StackX:
def __init__(self): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._stackVect = [] #list used as stack
def push(self, j): #put item on top of stack
def pop(self): #take item from top of stack
return self._stackVect.pop()
def peek(self): #peek at top of stack
return self._stackVect[-1]
def isEmpty(self): #true if stack is empty
return not self._stackVect
#end class StackX
class Reverser:
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
#using In as in is reserved in Python
def __init__(self, In): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
self._input = In#input string
self._output = '' #output string
def doRev(self): #reverse the word
theStack = StackX() #make stack
for j in self._input: #get a char from _input
theStack.push(j) #push it
while not theStack.isEmpty():
ch = theStack.pop() #pop a char,
self._output += ch#append to _output
return self._output
#end doRev()
#end class Reverser
while True:
#usin Input as input is reserved in Python
Input = raw_input('Enter a word: ') #read a word from kbd
if len(Input) < 2: #quit if one character
#make a Reverser
theReverser = Reverser(Input)
output = theReverser.doRev() #use it
print 'Reversed:', output
#end while
#stacks used to check matching brackets
class StackX:
def __init__(self): #special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._stackVect = [] #list used as stack
def push(self, j): #put item on top of stack
def pop(self): #take item from top of stack
return self._stackVect.pop()
def peek(self): #peek at top of stack
return self._stackVect[-1]
def isEmpty(self): #true if stack is empty
return not self._stackVect
#end class StackX
class BracketChecker:
#using In as in is reserved in Python
def __init__(self, In):#special method to create objects
#with instances customized to a specific initial state
#since private instance variables don't exist in Python,
#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
self._input = In#input string
def check(self):
theStack = StackX() #make stack
isError = False #error flag
for j, ch in enumerate(self._input): #get chars in turn
#since Python does not support switch, using if else ladder instead
if ch in '{[(': #opening symbols
theStack.push(ch) #push them
elif ch in '}])': #closing symbols
if not theStack.isEmpty(): #if stack not empty,
chx = theStack.pop() #pop and check
if (ch == '}' and chx != '{') or (ch == ']' and chx != '[') or (ch == ')' and chx != '('):
isError = True
print 'Mismatched delimeter:', ch, 'at', j
else: #prematurely empty
isError = True
print 'Misplaced delimeter:', ch, 'at', j
#no action on other characters
#end if else ladder
#end for
#at this point, all characters have been processed
if not theStack.isEmpty():
print 'Missing right delimeter'
elif not isError:
print 'OK'
#end check()
#end clas BracketChecker
while True:
#using Input as input is reserved in Python
Input = raw_input('Enter string containing delimiters (no whitespace): ') #read a string from kbd
if len(Input) == 1: #quit if 'q', etc.
#make a BracketChecker
theChecker = BracketChecker(Input)
theChecker.check() #check brackets
#end while