#Variable Declaration
EIRP1=34 #desired carrier EIRP from satellite(dB)
G1=44 # ground station receiving antenna gain(dB)
G2=24.47 #Gain in desired direction(dB)
EIRP2=34 #EIRP by interfering satellite(dB)
PD=4 #Polarization discrimination(dB)
CIR=EIRP1-EIRP2+G1-G2+PD #Carrier to Interference ratio(dB)
print "The Carrier to interfernce ratio at the ground receiving antenna is",CIR,"dB"
#Variable Decalration
PA=24 #Transmit power by station A(dBW)
G1=54 #Antenna Gain(dB)
PC=30 #Transmit power by station C(dBW)
G2=24.47#off-axis gain in the S1 direction(dB)
PD=4 #Polarization discrimination(dB)
CIR=PA-PC+G1-G2+PD #Carrier to Interference ratio(dB)
print "The Carrier to interfernce ratio on uplink is",CIR,"dB"
import math
#Variable Declaration
CIR1=27.53 #Carrier to interference ratio from Example 13.1(dB)
CIR2=23.53 #Carrier to interference ratio from Example 13.2(dB)
ICRu=10**(-CIR1/10) #Interferece to carrier ratio for uplink
ICRd=10**(-CIR2/10) #Interferece to carrier ratio for downlink
ICRant=ICRu+ICRd #Overall Interferece to carrier ratio
CIRant=-10*math.log10(ICRant)#Overall Carrier to interference ratio (dB)
print "The overall carrier to interference ratio is",CIRant,"dB"
import math
#Variable Declaration
SSi=4 #Initial satellite spacing(degrees)
SSl=2 #Later Satellite spacing(degrees)
IIR=(29-25*math.log10(SSl))-(29-25*math.log10(SSi)) #Increase in Interference(dB)
print "The degradation in downlink C/I is",IIR,"dB"
#Variable Declaration
f=4.2 #modualating frequency(MHz)
m=2.571 #Modulation index
QIF1=4.2 #Quality Impairment factor(a)
QIF2=4.5 #Quality Impairment factor(b)
Dv=2*m*f #Peak to peak deviation(MHz)
PR1=12.5-20*math.log10(Dv/12)-QIF1+1.1*QIF1**2 #Protection ratio for case(a)
PR2=12.5-20*math.log10(Dv/12)-QIF2+1.1*QIF2**2 #Protection ratio for case(b)
print "The protection ratio for quality impairment factor of 4.2 is",PR1,"dB"
print "The protection ratio for quality impairment factor of 4.5 is",PR2,"dB"
#Variable Decalration
LU=200 #Uplink propogation loss(dB)
LD=196 #Downlink propogation loss(dB)
GE=25 #Receiving gain of earth station(dB)
GE1=25 #Transmit gain of E1 in the direction of S(dB)
GS=9 #receive gain of S in the direction of E1(dB)
GS1=9 #Transmit gain of satellite S1 in the direction of E(dB)
GTE=48 #Transmit gain of E(dB)
GRE=48 #Receive gain of E(dB)
GRS=19 #Receive gain of S(dB)
GTS=19 #Transmit gain of S(dB)
US=-60 #Maximum power spectral density(dBJ)
US1=1 #Maximum power spectral density(uJ)
UE1=10 #Maximum power spectral density transmitted by earth station(uJ)
UE=-50 #Maximum power spectral density transmitted by earth station(dBJ)
URS=UE+GTE+GRS-LU#Received power spectral density at satellite S(dB)
URE=US+GTS+GRE-LD#Received power spectral density at satellite E(dB)
y=URE-URS #Transmission gain for network R(dB)
I1=US+GS1+GE-LD #Interference received by earth station(dB)
I2=UE+GE1+GS-LU #Uplink Interference(dB)
delTE=I1-k #Earth station receiver input(dBK)
delTE=10**(delTE/float(10)) #Earth station receiver input(K)
delTS=I2-k #Noise temperature at satellite receiver input(dBK)
delTSE=y+delTS #Noise Temperature rise(dBKelvin)
delTSE=10**(delTSE/10) #Noise Temperature rise(Kelvin)
delT=delTSE+delTE #Equivalent noise temperature rise
print URE,URS
print "The transmission gain is",y,"dB"
print "The interference levels I1 an I2 are",I1,I2,"dBJ respectively"
print "The equivalent temperature rise overall is",delT,"Kelvin"