Chapter 30 :Electrochemistry

Example 30.3 , Page no:184

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
F=96500/3600; #calculating 1F

print"1 Faraday in =",round(F,3);
1 Faraday in = 26.806

Example 30.4 , Page no:184

In [2]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
i=12; #current in Ampere
t=7200; #time in sec
A=65.37; #molar mass of zinc
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=2; #valency

m=(i*t*A)/(F*v); #calculating mass

print"Mass in gm =",round(m,3);
Mass in gm = 29.264

Example 30.5 , Page no:185

In [3]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
i=20; #current in Ampere
A=112.4; #molar mass of cadmium
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=2; #valency
m=50; #mass in gm

t=(m*F*v)/(i*A); #calculating time

print"Time in sec =",round(t,3);
Time in sec = 4292.705

Example 30.6 , Page no:185

In [4]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
t=600; #time in sec
i=100; #current in Ampere
A=26.98; #molar mass of aluminium
F=96500; #in Coloumb
m=5.6; #mass in gm

v=(i*t*A)/(F*m); #calculating valency

print"Valency =",round(v,3);
Valency = 2.996

Example 30.7 , Page no:185

In [5]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
d=8.9; #density of copper in gm/cm cube
V=6000*0.002; #volume in cm cube
i=100;  #current in Ampere
A=63.54; #molar mass of copper
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=2; #valency

m=d*V; #calculating mass in gm
t=(m*F*v)/(i*A); #calculating time

print"Time in sec =",round(t,3);
Time in sec = 3244.004

Example 30.8 , Page no:186

In [6]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
i=50; #current in Ampere
t=3600; #time in sec
A=22.99; #molar mass of zinc
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=1; #valency

m=(i*t*A)/(F*v); #calculating mass
M1=(i*t)/(F*v); #calculating moles

print"Mass in gm =",round(m,3);
print"No. of moles per hour =",round(M1,3);
Mass in gm = 42.883
No. of moles per hour = 1.865

Example 30.9 , Page no:186

In [7]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
i=10; #current in Ampere
t=3600; #time in sec
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=1; #valency

M=(i*t)/(F*v); #calculating moles

print"No. of moles per hour =",round(M,3);
No. of moles per hour = 0.373

Example 30.10 , Page no:186

In [8]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
A=107.87; #atomic mass in gm
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=1; #valency
A1=16; #atomic mass in gm
v1=2; #valency

z=A/(F*v); #calculating ECE using Faraday's Law
z1=A1/(F*v1); #Faraday's Law

print"(a)Electrochemical Eqvivalent =",round(z,3);
print"(b)Electrochemical Equivalent =",round(z1,5);
(a)Electrochemical Eqvivalent = 0.001
(b)Electrochemical Equivalent = 8e-05

Example 30.11 , Page no:187

In [9]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
z=0.405; #ECE in mg/C
i=25; #current in Ampere
t=1200; #time in sec
m1=10**6; #mass

m=z*i*t; #calculating mass
t=m1/(z*i); #calculating time

print"Mass in gm =",round(m,3);
print"Time in sec =",round(t,3);
Mass in gm = 12150.0
Time in sec = 98765.432

Example 30.13 , Page no:187

In [10]:
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
Q=200; #charge in Coloumb
A=65.37; #molar mass of zinc
F=96500; #in Coloumb
v=2; #valency

m=(Q*A)/(F*v); #calculating mass

print"Mass in gm =",round(m,5);
Mass in gm = 0.06774