import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
r=1.5; #radius in ft
t=2; #time in sec
s=2*3.14*r; #calculating s using circumference of circle
#=2*3.14*r in ft
v=s/t; #calculating velocity using v=s/t in ft/sec
ac=(v*v)/r; #calculating centripetal accelaration in #ft/sec square.
print"Centripetal Accelaration =",round(ac,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
m=0.5; #weight in kg
r=1; #readius in metre
v=4; #velocity in metre/sec
F=(m*v*v)/r; #calculating centripetal force in Newton
print"Centripetal Force =",round(F);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
F=1; #force in Newton
m=0.1; #m in kg
r=0.7; #radius in metre
v=math.sqrt((F*r)/m); #calculating v in m/sec
print"Velocity in metre/sec =",round(v,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
g=32; #gravitational constant in ft/sec square.
w=160; #weight in lb
r=20; #radius in ft
v=10; #velocity in ft/sec
m=w/g; #calculating mass in slugs
F=(m*v*v)/r; #calculating centripetal force in lb
print"Centripetal Force in lb =",round(F);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
m=1000; #mass in kg
r=30; #radius in metre
v=9; #velocity in metre/sec
F=(m*v*v)/r; #calculating centripetal force in Newton.
print"Centripetal Force in Newton =",round(F);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
g=32; #gravitational constant in ft/sec square.
w=3200; #weight in lb
F=2000; #Maximum Force in lb
r=320; #adius in ft
m=w/g; #calculating mass in slugs
v=math.sqrt((F*r)/m); #calculating velocity in ft/sec
print"Velocity in min/hr =",round(v1);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
g=9.8; #gravitaional constant in metre/sec
r=0.5; #radius in metre
m=1; #mass in kg
v=5; #velocity in metre/sec
F=(m*v*v)/r; #calculationg centripetal force in Newton
w=m*g; #calculating weight in Newton
T=F-w; #calculating Tension in string at top position in Newton
T1=F+w; #calculating Tension at bottom of string in Newton.
print"Tension in the string at the top position in Newton =",round(T,2);
print"Tension in the string at the bottom position in Newton =",round(T1,2);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
G=3.44*10**-8; #universal gravitational constant in lb.ft square/slug square
r=10; #radius in ft
w=2000; #weight in lb
g=32; #gravitational constant in ft/sec square
m=w/g; #calculating mass in slugs
F=(G*m*m)/(r*r); #calculating gravitational force in lb
print"Gravitational force in lb =",round(F,7);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
G=6.67*10**-11; #universal gravitational constant in Nm square/kg square.
m1=5.98*10**24; #mass of earth in kg
m2=7.36*10**22; #mass of moon in kg
r=3.84*10**8; #radius of moon's orbit
F=(G*m1*m2)/(r*r); #calculating gravitationalforce in Newton
v=math.sqrt((G*m1)/r); #calculating velocity of moon in m/sec
s=2*3.14*r; #calculating circumference of moon's orbit in metre
t=s/v; #calculating time in sec
print"Gravitational Force in Newton =",'%.2E'%F;
print"Velocity in metre/sec =",round(v,3);
print"Time in sec =",round(t);
print"Time in days =",round(t1,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
r=6.4*10**6; #radius of earth in m
g=9.8; #gravitational constant in m/sec square
v=math.sqrt(r*g); #calculating velocity in m/sec
print"Velocity in metre/sec =",round(v,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
r=6400+1000; #radius in metre
g=(6400/7400)*(6400/7400)*9.8; #calculating g at 1000km using g=(r earth/r)*g
print"Accelaration due to gravity at 1000km =",round(g,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
g=32; #gravitational constant in ft/sec square
w=128; #mass in lb
F=(1/2)*(1/2)*128; #calculating F in lb
m=w/g; #calculating m in slugs
print"Weight at height above the earths surface of one earth radius =",round(F);
print"Mass of the girl in slugs=",round(m);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
T=24*60*60; #time in sec
re=6.4*10**6; #radius of earth in m
g=9.8; #gravitational constant in m/sec square
r=(((6.4*10**6*6.4*10**6)*9.8*(8.64*10**4*8.64*10**4))/(4*3.14*3.14))**(1/3); #calculating r in metre
h=r-re; #h =altitude above earth's surface
print"Radius in metre =",round(r);
print"Height above the earths Surface in metre =",round(h);
print"Height above the earths Surface in kilometre =",round(h1,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
re=6.4*10**6; #radius of earth in m
g=9.8; #gravitational constant in m/sec square
G=6.67*10**-11; #Universal gravitational constant in Nm square/kg square
m=(g*re*re)/G; #calculating mass of earth in kg
print"Mass of Earth in kg =",'%.2E'%m;
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
G=6.67*10**-11; #Universal gravitational constant in Nmsquare/kg square
mm=7.36*10**22; #mass of moon in kg
r=1.74*10**6; #radius of moon in m
m=75; #weight of man in kg
g=(G*mm)/(r*r); #calculating g in m/sec square
w=m*g; #calculating weight in Newton
print"Accelaration due to gravity at its surface in m/sec square=",round(g,3);
print"Mans weight on moon in Newton =",round(w,3);
import math
from __future__ import division
#initialisation of variables
r=1.74*10**6; #radius in m
gm=1.6; #gravitational constant of moon in m/sec square
v=math.sqrt(r*gm); #calculating velocity
print"Velocity in m/sec =",round(v,3);