Chapter 10 : The Unijunction Transistor

Example 10.1, Page No.249

In [2]:
# stand off and peak point voltage

import math
#Variable declaration
Vbb=20                 # in V
eta=0.6                # instrinsic stand off ratio 
Vb=0.7                 # in V

sov=eta*Vbb            # Stand off voltage

print("(i). Stand off voltage,(V) = %.f "%sov)
print("(ii). Peak point voltage,Vp(V) = %.1f"%Vp)
(i). Stand off voltage,(V) = 12 
(ii). Peak point voltage,Vp(V) = 12.7

Example 10.2, Page No. 249

In [4]:
# time period

import math
#Variable declaration
Vbb=20.0               # in V
C=100.0                # in micro-farad
R=100.0                # in kilo-ohms
Vp=10.0                # in V

eta=Vp/Vbb                                           # instrinsic stand off ratio 
T= ((C*10**-12*R*10**3 *math.log(1/(1-eta))))*10**7  #in micro-seconds

print("time period of the saw  tooth waveform generated is ,(micro-seconds)= %.2f"%T)
time period of the saw  tooth waveform generated is ,(micro-seconds)= 69.31

Example 10.3, Page No. 249

In [7]:
# resistance

import math
#variable declaration
eta=0.6              # instrinsic stand off ratio 
Rbb=10               # interbase resistance in k-ohm


print("Resistance,Rb1(k-ohm) = %.f"%Rb1)
print("Resistance,Rb1(k-ohm) = %.f"%Rb2)
Resistance,Rb1(k-ohm) = 6
Resistance,Rb1(k-ohm) = 4