Chapter 6: Atomic Diffusion

Exa 6.1

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.1 Rate of diffusion of N through steel wall: Page-195 (2010)
#Variable declaration

 # Diffusion coeffcient of N in steel at room temperature, metre sq per sec
D = 1e-019;                            
# Concentration of nitrogen at the inner surface of the tank, kg per metre cube
dc = 10;                         
dx = 10e-03;                            # Thickness of the steel wall, m

# Calculation

# Fick's first law giving outward flux of nitrogen 
#through steel wall of the tank, kg per metre square per second
J = D*(dc/dx); 


print"\nThe rate at which nitrogen escapes through the tank wall ="
print round((J*10**16))*10**-16,"kg per metre square per sec"   
The rate at which nitrogen escapes through the tank wall =
1e-16 kg per metre square per sec

Exa 6.2

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex6.2 Rate of diffusion of copper through pure Al sheet:Page-196

#Variable declaration

a = 4.05e-010;                          # Lattice parameter of fcc Al, m
N = 4;         # Number of Al atoms per unit cell of fcc Al
# Diffusion coeffcient of copper in Al at 550 degree celsius,metre sq per sec
D = 5.25e-013;             
c1 = 0.19e-02;     # Atomic percent of copper at the surface, per unit volume
# Atomic percent of Cu at the the depth 1.2 mm from the surface,per unit volume
c2 = 0.18e-02; 
dx = 1.2e-03;                           # Thickness of the pure Al sheet, m


n = N/a**3;               # Number of Al atoms per unit volume, per metre cube
#Change in concentration of Cu at 1.2 mm depth of the surface,per metre cube
dc = (c2 - c1)*n;
 # Fick's first law giving outward flux of copper through the Al sheet, 
 #Cu atoms per metre square per second

J = -D*(dc/dx);


print"\nThe outward flux of copper through the Al sheet = "
print round((J*10**-15),2)*10**15,"Cu atoms per metre square per sec"   
The outward flux of copper through the Al sheet = 
2.63e+15 Cu atoms per metre square per sec

Exa 6.3

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex6.3 Rate of diffusion of carbon through steel bar:Page-196(2010)

#Variable declaration

a = 3.65e-010;                # Lattice parameter of fcc structure of iron, m
D = 3e-011#Diffusion coeff. of C in iron at 1000degree celsius,metre sq per sec
n1 = 20;        # Number of unit cells per carbon atom at the surface of steel
#Number of unit cells per C atom at a depth 1 mm from the surface of steel
n2 = 30;
dx = 1e-03;                             # Thickness of the steel bar, m


c1 = 1/(n1*a**3);   # Atomic percent of carbon at the surface, per metre cube
# Atomic percent of carbon at a depth 1 mm from the surface, per metre cube
c2 = 1/(n2*a**3);  
 # Fick's first law giving outward flux of carbon through the Steel bar, 
 #C atoms per metre square per second
J = -D*((c2-c1)/dx);
# The number of carbon atoms diffusing through each unit cell per minute 
J_uc = J*a**2*60;           

print"\nNumber of carbon atoms diffusing through each unit cell per minute ="
print round(J_uc,2),"atoms per minute"   
Number of carbon atoms diffusing through each unit cell per minute =
82.19 atoms per minute

Exa 6.4

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.4 Diffusion through a cylinder: Page-199 (2010)
#Variable declaration

r = 12; # Radius of cylindrical crystal, mm
 # Assume effective thickness of the surface to be 4 angstrom 
 #= two atomic diameters, mm
t = 4e-07;


 # Cross-sectional area for diffusion through the cylinder, milli-metre square
A1 = math.pi*r**2;
 # Cross-sectional area for diffusion along the surface, milli-metre square
A2 = 2*math.pi*r*t;
ratio = A2/A1; # Ratio of two cross-sectional areas


print"\nThe ratio of two cross-sectional areas ="
print round( (ratio*10**8),2)*10**-8
The ratio of two cross-sectional areas =

Exa 6.5

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.5 Diffusion length of Li in Ge: Page-203 (2010)
#Variable declaration

D = 1e-010;         # Diffusion coefficient for Li in Ge, metre square per sec
t = 1*60*60;      # Time taken by diffusing Li to travel diffusion depth, sec
T = 500+273;           # absolute temperature of the system, kelvin


x = (D*t)**0.5;                  # Diffusion length of Li in Ge, m


print"\nThe diffusion length of Li in Ge =",x,"m"   
The diffusion length of Li in Ge = 0.0006 m

Exa 6.6

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.6 Diffusion time of Li in Ge: Page-203 (2010)
#Variable declaration

D = 1e-010;        # Diffusion coefficient for Li in Ge, metre square per sec
T = 500+273;               # Absolute temperature of the system, kelvin
x = 0.2e-03;                     # Diffusion length of Li in Ge, m


 # Diffusion length is given by
 # x = sqrt(D*t), solving for t
t = x**2/D;#Time taken by diffusing Li to travel diffusion depth of 0.2 mm, sec


print"\nTime taken by diffusing Li to travel diffusion depth of 0.2 mm =",t,"s"   
Time taken by diffusing Li to travel diffusion depth of 0.2 mm = 400.0 s

Exa 6.7

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.7 Diffusion coefficent of Cu in Al: Page 206 (2010)
#Variable declaration

 # Pre-exponential diffusion constant independent of temp.,metre square per sec
D0 = 0.25e-04;         
T = 550+273;                  # Absolute temperature of the system, kelvin
R = 8.314;                              # Molar gas constant, J/mol/K
Q = 121e+03;            # The activation energy for diffusion, joule per mole
t = 1*60*60;                     # Time taken by Cu to diffuse into Al, sec


# Diffusion coefficient of Cu in Al at 550 degree celsius, metre square per sec 
D = D0*math.exp(-Q/(R*T));         
x = (D*t)**0.5;             # Diffusion length of Cu in Al, m


print"\nThe diffusion coefficient of Cu in Al at 550 degree celsius ="
print round((D*10**13),2)*10**-13,"metre square per sec"
print"\nThe diffusion length of Cu in Al =", round(x*1000,3),"mm"    
The diffusion coefficient of Cu in Al at 550 degree celsius =
5.22e-13 metre square per sec

The diffusion length of Cu in Al = 0.043 mm

Exa 6.8

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.8 Activation energy for diffusion of silver
# in silicon: Page 206 (2010)

#Variable declaration

R = 8.314;                 # Molar gas constant, J/mol/K
T1 = 1350+273; # First temp. at which difuusion of Ag into Si takes place,K
T2 = 1100+273; # Second temp. at which difuusion of Ag into Si takes place,K
DRR = 8;                # Ratio of diffusion rates of Ag in Si at T1 and T2


 # As diffusion coefficient at temperature T1 is D1 = D0*math.exp(-Q/(R*T1))
 # and that at temperature T2 is D1 = D0*math.exp(-Q/(R*T2)), 
#so that the diffusion rates ratio
 # D1/D2 = DRR = math.exp(Q/R*(1/T2-1/T1)), solving for Q, we have
 # Activation energy for diffusion of Ag in Si, kJ/mol
Q = R*math.log(DRR)/((1/T2-1/T1)*1000);      


print"\nThe activation energy for diffusion of Ag in Si =",round(Q,2),"kJ/mol"
The activation energy for diffusion of Ag in Si = 154.1 kJ/mol

Exa 6.9

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.9 Activation energy and diffusion constant of a diffusion 
 #system obeying Arrhenius rate law: Page 207 (2010)
#Variable declaration 
R = 1.987;                              # Molar gas constant, cal/mol/K
D_1100 = 8e-013;#Diffusivity of Ga in Si at1100 degree celsius,cm sq per sec
D_1300 = 1e-010;# Diffusivity of Ga in Si at 1300 degree celsius,cm sq per sec
T1 = 1100+273;#First temperature at which diffusion of Ga into Si takes place,K
T2 = 1300+273;#Second temperature at which diffusion of Ga into Si takes place
T = 1200+273;                           # Temperature at which diffusion of Ga
# into Si is to be calculated, kelvin


 # Arrehenius equation in math.log10 form is  given by
 # math.log10(D) = math.log10(D0)-Q/(2.303*R*T)    --- (a)
 # Thus math.log10(D_1100) = math.log10(D0)-Q/(2.303*R*T1)     --- (i)
 # math.log10(D_1300) = math.log10(D0)-Q/(2.303*R*T2)    --- (ii), 
 # On subtracting (ii) from (i), we get
 # math.log10(D_1100/D_1300) = -Q/(2.303*R)*(1/T2-1/T1), solving for Q
# Activation energy for diffusion of Ga in Si, cal/mol
Q = (2.303*math.log10(D_1100/D_1300)*R)/(1/T2-1/T1);
 # Putting Q in (ii) and solving for D0
D0 = math.exp(2.303*math.log10(D_1100)+Q/(R*T1))
 # D0 = math.exp(2.303*math.log10(D_1300)+Q/(R*T2));    
 # Pre-exponential diffusion constant independent of temp.,cm square per sec
 # Substituting D0, Q, R and T in (a) and solving for D, we have
# Diffusivity of the system, cm square per sec
D = math.exp(2.303*math.log10(D0)-Q/(R*T));


print"\nThe activation energy for diffusion of Ga in Si ="
print round((Q/1000),2),"kcal/mol" 
print"\nThe pre-exponential diffusion constant, D0 ="
print round(D0),"cm square per sec" 
print"\nThe diffusivity of the system =",
print round((D*10**11),2)*10**-11,"cm square per sec"
The activation energy for diffusion of Ga in Si =
103.62 kcal/mol

The pre-exponential diffusion constant, D0 =
24893.0 cm square per sec

The diffusivity of the system = 1.05e-11 cm square per sec

Exa 6.10

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.10 Activation energy for diffusion rates at
# different temperatures: Page 208 (2010)

#Variable declaration 
R = 8.314;                              # Molar gas constant, J/mol/K
T1 = 500+273;# First temperature at which diffusion of A into B takes place,K
T2 = 850+273;# Second temperature at which diffusion of A into B takes place,K
PDR = 1/4;#Penetration depth ratio at 500 degree celsius and 850 degree celsius


 # x1/x2 = sqrt(D1/D2) i.e. PDR = sqrt(DRR), DRR is the diffusion rate ratio
 # solving for DRR
DRR = PDR**2;                     # Diffusion rate ratio D1/D2 of A in B
 # As diffusion coefficient at temperature T1 is D1 = D0*math.exp(-Q/(R*T1))
 # and that at temperature T2 is D1 = D0*math.exp(-Q/(R*T2)),
# so that the diffusion rates ratio
 # D1/D2 = DRR = math.exp(Q/R*(1/T2-1/T1)), solving for Q, we have
 # Activation energy for diffusion of A in B, kJ/mol

Q = R*math.log(DRR)/((1/T2-1/T1)*1000);


print"\nThe activation energy for diffusion of A in B =",round(Q,2),"kJ/mol"
The activation energy for diffusion of A in B = 57.17 kJ/mol

Exa 6.11

In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.11 Time required for carburizing of steel: Page 209 (2010)
#Variable declaration 
C0 = 0.0018;                            # Intial carbon concentration of steel
Cx = 0.0030;#Carbon concentration of steel at 0.60 mm below the surface 
Cs = 0.01;                  # Carbon concentration of steel at the surface
x = 0.6e-03;             # Diffusion depth below the surface of the gear, m
D_927 = 1.28e-011;#Diffusion coefficient for carbon in iron,metre square per sec
Z1 = 1.0
Z2 = 1.1;  # Preceding and succeeding values about Z from error function table
erf_Z1 = 0.8427
# Preceding and succeeding values about erf_Z from error function table
erf_Z2 = 0.8802;


erf_Z = (Cs-Cx)/(Cs-C0);#Error function of Z as a solution to Fick's second law
 # As Z = x/(2*sqrt(D_927*t)), 
#where Z is a constant argument of error function as erf(Z)
 # Solving for t, we have
# Time necessary to increase the carbon content of steel, sec
t = (x/(2*Z))**2/D_927;


print"\nThe time necessary to increase the carbon content of steel ="
print round(t/60,2),"minutes"
The time necessary to increase the carbon content of steel =
110.63 minutes

Exa 6.12

In [12]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex6.12 Carbon concentration 
 #of carburized steel at certain depth: Page 210 (2010)
#Variable declaration 
C0 = 0.0020;                  # Initial carbon concentration of steel
Cs = 0.012;                  # Carbon concentration of steel at the surface
t = 10*60*60;                  # Carburizing time of steel, sec
x = 0.06*25.4*1e-03;      # Diffusion depth below the surface of the gear, mm
D_927 = 1.28e-011;#Diffusion coeff. for carbon in iron,metre square per sec
Z1 = 1.1 
Z2 = 1.2;  # Preceding and succeeding values about Z from error function table
erf_Z1 = 0.8802
# Preceding and succeeding values about erf_Z from error function table   
erf_Z2 = 0.9103;   

Z = x/(2*(D_927*t)**0.5)  # A constant argument of error function as erf(Z)
# Error function of Z as a solution to Fick's second law
 # Carbon concentration of carburized steel at 0.06 inch depth
Cx =-(efZ*(Cs-C0)-Cs) 

print"\nThe carbon concentration of carburized steel at 0.06 inch depth ="
print round(Cx*100,2),"percent"
The carbon concentration of carburized steel at 0.06 inch depth =
0.31 percent

Exa 6.13

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
import math

 # Python Code Ex6.13 Depth of decarburization below 
 #the surface of steel: Page 211 (2010)
#Variable declaration
C2 = 0.012;                        # Initial carbon concentration of steel
Cx = 0.008;     # Carbon concentration of carburized steel at x metre depth
Cs = 0;          # Carbon concentration of steel at the surface
t = 5*60*60;                    # Carburizing time of steel, sec
D_927 = 1.28e-011; # Diffusion coefficient for carbon in iron,metre sq per sec
Z1 = 0.65
Z2 = 0.70; # Preceding and succeeding values about Z from error function table
erf_Z1 = 0.6420
# Preceding and succeeding values about erf_Z from error function table 
erf_Z2 = 0.6778;  


erf_Z = abs((Cs-Cx)/(C2-Cs));#Error function of Z as solution to Fick's 2nd law
 # As Z = x/(2*sqrt(D_927*t)), 
#where Z is a constant argument of error function as erf(Z)
 # Solving for x, we have
x = Z*2*(D_927*t)**0.5;# Depth of decarburization below the surface of steel,m

print "The minimum depth upto which post machining is to be done ="
print round(x*1000,2),"mm"
The minimum depth upto which post machining is to be done =
0.66 mm

Exa 6.14

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex6.14 Diffusion depth of P-type semiconductor B into Si:Page 212

#Variable declaration
C0 = 0;                             # Initial boron concentration of silicon
Cx = 1e+17;    # Boron concentration at depth x below the silicon surface
Cs = 1e+18;                # Boron concentration of silicon at the surface
T = 1100+273;       # Absolute temperature of the system, kelvin
t = 2*60*60;              # Time taken to diffuse boron into silicon, sec
D_1100 = 4e-013;# Diffusion coefficient for boron in silicon, cm square per sec
Z1 = 1.1; # Preceding and succeeding values about Z from error function table
Z2 = 1.2;                     
# Preceding and succeeding values about erf_Z from error function table 
erf_Z1 = 0.8802;
erf_Z2 = 0.9103;


# Error function of Z as a solution to Fick's second law
erf_Z = abs((Cs-Cx)/(Cs-C0));
 # As Z = x/(2*sqrt(D_927*t)),
#where Z is a constant argument of error function as erf(Z)
 # Solving for x, we have
x = Z*2*(D_1100*t)**0.5; # Diffusion depth of boron into silicon


print"\nThe diffusion depth of boron into silicon =",round(x,6),"cm"
The diffusion depth of boron into silicon = 0.000125 cm