Chapter 8: Diffraction of Waves and Particles by Crystals

Exa 8.1

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex08.1 Determination of shortest wavelength and 
 # frequency of X-rays from accelerating potential Page-250 (2010)
#Variable declaration
V = 50e+03;                            # Accelerating potential, volt
c = 3e+08;                              # Speed of light in free space


Lambda_min = 1.24e-06/V;                # Minimum wavelength, metre
F_max = c/Lambda_min;                   # Maximum frequency, Hz


print"\nThe shortest wavelength present in X-rays ="
print round(Lambda_min/(1*10**-10),2),"angstrom"
print"\nThe maximum frequency present in X-rays ="
print round((F_max*10**-19),1)*10**19," Hz"
The shortest wavelength present in X-rays =
0.25 angstrom

The maximum frequency present in X-rays =
1.2e+19  Hz

Exa 8.2

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex8.2 Calculation of impinging electrons on the target and
# characteristics of X-rays Page-253 (2010)

#Variable declaration

I = 2.5e-03; # Current through X-ray tube, ampere
V = 6e+03; # Potential across the X-ray tube, volt
e = 1.6e-19; # Charge on an electron, coulomb
m = 9.1e-031; # mass of an electron, kg
t = 1; # Transit time, second


Q = I*t; # Total charge flowing per second through the x-ray tube, coulomb
n = Q/e; # Number of electrons striking the target per second
 # We have eV = 1/2*m*v**2 (stopping potential = maximum Kinetic energy)
 # Solving for v
v = (2*e*V/m)**0.5; # speed of electrons striking the target, m/s
Lambda_min = 1.24e-06/V; # Minimum wavelength of X-rays produced, metre


print"\nThe number of electrons striking the target ="
print round((n*10**-16),2)*10**16
print"\nThe velocity of electrons striking the target ="
print round((v*10**-7),2)*10**7,"m/s"
print"\nThe shortest wavelength present in X-rays ="
print round((Lambda_min*10**10),2)*10**-10,"m"
The number of electrons striking the target =

The velocity of electrons striking the target =
45900000.0 m/s

The shortest wavelength present in X-rays =
2.07e-10 m

Exa 8.3

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Ex8.3 Calculation of wavelength of characteristic X-rays Page-253(2010)

#Variable declaration
h = 6.626e-034;                         # Planck's constant, Js
c = 3e+08;                              # Speed of light in free space, m/s
e = 1.602e-019;                         # Charge on an electron, coulomb
E_K = -78;                              # Energy of K shell for platinum, keV
E_L = -12;                              # Energy of L shell for platinum, keV
E_M = -3 ;                              # Energy of M shell for platinum, keV


E_K_alpha = E_L - E_K;                  # Energy of K_alpha line, keV
E_K_beta = E_M - E_K;          # Energy of K_beta line, keV
 # We have E = h*f, where f = c/Lambda this implies E = h*c/lambda
 # Solving for Lambda
 # Lambda = h*c/E
lambda_K_alpha = h*c/(E_K_alpha*e*1e+03);# Wavelength of K_alpha line, metre
lambda_K_beta = h*c/(E_K_beta*e*1e+03); # Wavelength of K_beta line, metre


print"\nThe wavelength of K_alpha line ="
print round(lambda_K_alpha/(1*10**-10),2),"angstrom"
print"\nThe wavelength of K_beta line  ="
print round(lambda_K_beta/(1*10**-10),2),"angstrom"
The wavelength of K_alpha line =
0.19 angstrom

The wavelength of K_beta line  =
0.17 angstrom

Exa 8.4

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # PythonCode Ex8.4 Calculation of atomic number of 
 #an unknown element Page-255 (2010)
#Variable declaration
lambda_Pt = 1.321e-010; # Wavelength of L_alpha line of Pt, m
Z_Pt = 78; # Atomic number of platinum
b = 7.4; # Constant
lambda_x = 4.174e-010; # Wavelength of unknown element, m


 # We have f = [a*(Z-b)]**2 (Moseley's law)
 # As f_Pt = c/lambda_Pt = [a*(Z_Pt-b)]**2 
 # Similarly f_x = c/lambda_x = [a*(Z_x-b)]**2 
 # Dividing f_Pt by f_x and solving for x
Z_x = b + (lambda_Pt/lambda_x)**0.5*(Z_Pt-b);# Atomic number of unknown element 


print"\nThe atomic number of unknown element = ", round(Z_x,2)
The atomic number of unknown element =  47.12

Exa 8.5

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex8.5 Calculation of wavelength of copper 
 #using Moseley's law Page-256 (2010)
#Variable declaration
c = 3.0e+08;                           # Speed of light, m/s
lambda_W = 210e-010;                    # Wavelength of K_alpha line of W, m
Z_W = 74;                               # Atomic number of tungsten
Z_Cu = 29;                              # Atomic number of copper
b = 1;                                  # Constant for K-series


 # f_W = c/lambda_W = (a*73)**2, The frequency K_alpha line for tungsten, Hz
 # f_Cu = c/lambda_Cu = (a*28)**2, The frequency K_alpha line for copper, Hz
 # Dividing f_W by f_Cu and solving for lambda_Cu
lambda_Cu = ((Z_W-b)/(Z_Cu-b))**2*lambda_W;# Wavelength of K_alpha line of Cu,m


print"\nThe wavelength of K_alpha line of copper ="
print round(lambda_Cu/(1*10**-10),2)," angstrom", ;
The wavelength of K_alpha line of copper =
1427.41  angstrom

Exa 8.6

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex8.6 Calculation of atomic number from wavelength using
# Moseley's law Page-256 (2010)

#Variable declaration
c = 3.0e+08;                            # Speed of light, m/s
h = 6.626e-034;                         # Planck's constant, Js
# Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, 
#coulomb square per newton per metre square
epsilon_0 = 8.85e-012;
m = 9.1e-031;                           # Mass of an electron, kg
e = 1.6e-019;                           # Charge on an electron, C
lamb = 0.7185e-010;          # Wavelength of K_alpha line of unknown element
b = 1;                 # Mosley's constant for K-series
n_1 = 1; n_2 = 2;                  # Lower and upper energy levels


 # We know that f = c/lambda = 
 # m*e**4*(Z-b)**2/(8*epsilon_0**2*h**3)*(1/n_2**2-1/n_1**2)
 # This implies that lambda 
 #= (8*epsilon_0**2*c*h**3/(m*e**4*(Z-b)**2*(1/n_2**2-1/n_1**2))
 # Solving for Z
# Atomic number unknown element
Z = (8*epsilon_0**2*c*h**3/(m*e**4*lamb*(1/n_1**2-1/n_2**2)))**0.5+b;


print"\nThe atomic number unknown element =", round( Z ) 
The atomic number unknown element = 42.0

Exa 8.7

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex8.7 Calculation of wavelengths of tin and barium
# using Moseley's law Page-257 (2010)

#Variable declaration

Z_Fe = 26; # Atomic number of iron
Z_Pt = 78; # Atomic number of platinum
Z_Sn = 50; # Atomic number of tin
Z_Ba = 56; # Atomic number of barium
b = 1; # Mosley's constant for K-series
lambda_Fe = 1.93e-010; # Wavelength of K_alpha line of Fe
lambda_Pt = 0.19e-010; # Wavelength of K_alpha line of Pt


 # From Moseley's Law,
 # f = a*(Z-1)**2. This implies lambda = C*1/(Z-1)**2
 # so that lambda_Fe = C*1/(Z_Fe-1)**2 and lambda_Sn = C*1/(Z_Sn-1)**2
 # Dividing lambda_Sn by lambda_Fe and solving for lambda_Sn
# Wavelength of K_alpha line for tin, m
lambda_Sn = (Z_Fe-1)**2/(Z_Sn-1)**2*lambda_Fe;
# Wavelength of K_alpha line for barium, m
lambda_Ba = (Z_Pt-1)**2/(Z_Ba-1)**2*lambda_Pt;


print"\nThe wavelengths of tin and barium ="
print round(lambda_Sn/10**-10,2),"angstrom and "
print round(lambda_Ba/10**-10,2)," angstrom respectively"
The wavelengths of tin and barium =
0.5 angstrom and 
0.37  angstrom respectively

Exa 8.8

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex8.8 Percentage transmitted energy of X-rays: Page 259 (2010)
#Variable declaration
mu = 139;               # Attenuation co-efficient of aluminium, per metre
x = 0.005;                      # Thickness of aluminium sheet, m


 # If X% is the intensity of the X-ray transmitted through the aluminium sheet,
 # X% = I/I_0
 # or X/100 = math.exp(-absorb_coeff*x)
 # Solving for X
X = 100*math.exp(-mu*x);     # Transmitted percentage of X-rays


print"\nThe intensity of the X-ray transmitted through the aluminium sheet ="
print round(X,2),"percent" 
The intensity of the X-ray transmitted through the aluminium sheet =
49.91 percent

Exa 8.9

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python code Ex8.9 : Determination of thickness of lead piece 
 #by using two equal intensity X-ray wavelengths : Page 259 (2010)
#Variable declaration
lambda_1 = 0.064e-010; # First wavelength of X-ray, metre
lambda_2 = 0.098e-010; # Second wavelength of X-ray, metre
I1_ratio_I2 = 3; # Ratio of attenuated beam intensity
 # Mass absorption coefficient for first wavelength, metre square per kg
mu_m1 = 0.164; 
# Mass absorption coefficient for second wavelength, metre square per kg
mu_m2 = 0.35;
d = 0.164; # Density of the lead, kg per metre cube


# absorption co-efficient of the lead for first wavelength, per metre
mu1 = mu_m1*d;
# absorption co-efficient of the lead for second wavelength, per metre
mu2 = mu_m2*d;
 # Declare 'x' as the thickness variable
 # Now I = math.exp(-ac*x) thus
 # I1_ratio_I2 = math.exp(-ac_1*x)/math.exp(-ac_2*x)
 # or 3 = math.exp(2109.24)*x this implies
 # 2104.24*x = math.log(3) and assume


print"\nThe thickness of lead piece =",round((x*10**4),2)*10**-4,"m"
The thickness of lead piece = 0.000522 m

Exa 8.10

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python  code  Ex8.10:  Determining  angle  of  reflection  
 #by  using  wavelength  of  X-ray  Page  261  (2010)
#Variable declaration
lamb  =  0.440e-010;        #  Wavelength  of  X-rays,  m
d  =  2.814e-010;       #  Interplanar  spacing  of  rocksalt  crystal,  m

#Calculation and Result

# 2*d*sin(theta)= n*lambda **Bragg's  law,  n  is  the  order  of  diffraction
 #  Solving  for  theta,  we  have
 #  For  converting  angle  into  degrees  and  minutes
for  n in range(1,6):  #  For  diffraction  order  from  1  to  5
#  Bragg's  angle
    theta  =  math.asin(n*lamb/(2*d))
    de.append( int(math.degrees(theta)));
    print"\nTheta",n," = ",de[n]," degree(s),",int(m[n]),"minute(s)"

Theta 1  =  4  degree(s), 29 minute(s)

Theta 2  =  8  degree(s), 59 minute(s)

Theta 3  =  13  degree(s), 33 minute(s)

Theta 4  =  18  degree(s), 13 minute(s)

Theta 5  =  23  degree(s), 0 minute(s)

Exa 8.11

In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  code  Ex8.11:  Determining  the  wavelength  of
# diffracted  X-rays  Page  262  (2010)

#Variable declaration
d  =  2.814e-010;    #  Interplanar  spacing  of  rocksalt  crystal,  m
theta  =  9;      #  Bragg's  angle,  degree

#Calculations and Results

# 2*d*sin(theta) = n*lambda **Bragg's law, n is  the  order  of  diffraction
 #  Solving  for  lambda,  we  have

print"\nThe  first  four  wavelengths  of  diffracted  beam  are:"
for  n in range(1,5):        #  For  diffraction  order  from  1  to  5
#  Wavelength  of  X-rays,  m
    lamb  =  2*d*math.sin(math.radians(theta))/n    
    if  (lamb  >=  0.2e-010  or  lamb  <=  1.0e-010):
        print"\nLambda",n," =  ",round(lamb/(1*10**-10),2)," angstrom"
The  first  four  wavelengths  of  diffracted  beam  are:

Lambda 1  =   0.88  angstrom

Lambda 2  =   0.44  angstrom

Lambda 3  =   0.29  angstrom

Lambda 4  =   0.22  angstrom

Exa 8.12

In [12]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python code Ex8.12: Reciprocal lattice parameters from
# 2-D direct lattice parameters Page 277 (2010)

#Variable declaration
a = 3e-010;            # First lattice parameter of direct lattice
b = 5e-010;              # Second lattice parameter of direct lattice
theta = 60;         # Angle between two lattice vectors of the direct lattice


# if a_prime and b_prime are the lattice vectors for the reciprocal lattice, 
 # a_prime*a = 2*%math.pi and a_prime*b = 0 
 # Similarly, b_prime*b = 2*%math.pi and b_prime*a = 0
 # Solving for a_prime and b_prime, we have
 # Lattice vector for reciprocal lattice, per metre
a_prime = 2*math.pi/(a*math.cos(math.radians(90-theta)));   
# Lattice vector for reciprocal lattice, per metre
b_prime = 2*math.pi/(b*math.cos(math.radians(90-theta)));   


print"\nThe reciprocal lattice vectors are:\n a_prime ="
print round(a_prime*1e-010,2),"per angstrom and b_prime ="
print round(b_prime*1e-010,2)," per angstrom"
The reciprocal lattice vectors are:
 a_prime =
2.42 per angstrom and b_prime =
1.45  per angstrom

Exa 8.13

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python code  Ex8.13:  Bragg  angle  and  the  indices  of 
# diffraction  of  Powder  Lines  Page  285  (2010)

#Variable declaration
n  =  1; #  Cosider  first  order  diffraction
a  =  6e-010; #  First  lattice  parameter  of  direct  lattice,  m
 #  Wavelength  used  in  diffraction  of  X-rays  by  Powder  Method,  m
lamb  =  1.54e-010; 
 #  Declare  a  function  for  converting  angle  into  degrees  and  minutes

#Calculations and Results

 #  Calculate  the  hkl  and  hence  interpalnar  spacing 
# 'd'  for  three  lowest  powder  lines
print"\nThe  Bragg  angles  and  the  indices  of  diffraction "
print" for  the  three  lowest  powder  lines  are:"
for  h  in range (0,3):
    for  k in range (0,3):
        for  l in range (0,2):
            if (((p==1 and q==1 and r==1))or((p==0 and q==0 and r==0))):
                if  (h  <>  0):
                    N  =  h**2+k**2+l**2;
                    #  Interplanar  spacing,  metre
                    theta  =  math.asin(n*lamb/(2*d));
                    de=( int(math.degrees(theta)));
                    #  Call  conversion  function
                    print "\nd[",h,  k,  l,"]  ="
                    print round((d*10**10),2)*10**-10,"and  theta"
                    print"[", h,  k,  l,"]  =",de," deg",round(m,2)," min"
The  Bragg  angles  and  the  indices  of  diffraction 
 for  the  three  lowest  powder  lines  are:

d[ 1 1 1 ]  =
3.46e-10 and  theta
[ 1 1 1 ]  = 12  deg 50.58  min

d[ 2 0 0 ]  =
3e-10 and  theta
[ 2 0 0 ]  = 14  deg 52.34  min

d[ 2 2 0 ]  =
2.12e-10 and  theta
[ 2 2 0 ]  = 21  deg 17.0  min

Exa 8.14

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python code Ex8.14: Minimum distance from the centre of the Laue pattern  
 #of an fcc crystal Page 289 (2010)
#Variable declaration
n = 1;                                  # Consider the first order diffraction
a = 4.5e-010;                           # Lattice parameter for fcc lattice, m
V = 50e+03;              # Potential difference across the X-ray tube, volt
D = 5;                                  # Crystal to film distance, cm 
h = 1 ;                    # Incides for the planes of maximum spacing
k = 1 
l = 1


lambda_min = 1.24e-06/V;        # The cut-off wavelength of X-rays, m
d_111 = a/(h**1+k**2+l**2)**0.5;
theta_111 = math.asin(n*lambda_min/(2*d_111));
 # As tan(2*theta_111) = x/D, solving for x
x = D*math.tan((2*theta_111));#Minimum distance from the centre of Laue pattern


print"\nThe minimum distance from the centre of the Laue pattern "
print"at which reflections can occur from the planes of maximum spacing ="
print round(x,2),"cm"
The minimum distance from the centre of the Laue pattern 
at which reflections can occur from the planes of maximum spacing =
0.48 cm

Exa 8.15

In [15]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python code Ex8.15: Calculating unit cell height along the axis 
 #of a rotation photograph Page 291 (2010)
#Variable declaration
n = 1; # Consider the first order diffraction of X-rays
 # An array of heights of first six layers above(below) the zero layer, cm
S = [0.29,0.59,0.91,1.25,1.65,2.12];
R = 3; # Radius of the camera, cm
lamb = 1.54e-08; # Wavelength of the X-rays, cm


 # For an a-axis rotation photograph, the unit cell parameter is given by
 # a = n*lambda/S(n)*(R**2 + S(n)**2)**(1/2) 
 # Calculate 'a' for six different values of n from 1 to 6
for f in range(0,6):
 a.append((n*lamb/S[f])*(R**2 + S[f]**2)**(1/2));

print"\nThe unit cell height of the crystal ="
print round(a[0]/(1*10**(-8)),2),"angstrom", 

The unit cell height of the crystal =
16.01 angstrom

Exa 8.16

In [16]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python code Ex8.16: Diffraction of thermal neutrons from planes
# of Ni crystal Page 294 (2010)

#Variable declaration

k = 1.38e-023; # Boltzmann constant, J/mol/K
h = 6.626e-034; # Planck's constant, Js
theta = 28.5; # Bragg's angle, degree
a = 3.52e-010; # Lattice parameter of fcc structure of nickel, m
m_n = 1.67e-027; # Rest mass of neutron, kg


 # For fcc lattice, the interplanar spacing is given by
d = a/(3)**0.5; # Interplanar spacing of Ni, m
 # Bragg's equation for first order diffraction (n = 1) is
lamb = 2*d*math.sin(math.radians(theta)); # Bragg's law, m
 # From kinetic interpretaion of temperature, we have
 # (1/2)*m*v**2 = (3/2)*k*T -- (a)
 # Further from de-Broglie relation
 # lambda = h/(m*v) -- (b)
 # From (a) and (b), solving for T, we have
T = h**2/(3*m_n*k*lamb**2); # Effective temperature of the neutrons, K


print"\nThe effective temperature of neutrons =",round(T,2),"K"
The effective temperature of neutrons = 168.82 K

Exa 8.17

In [17]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python code Ex8.17:Diffraction of electrons from fcc crystal planes Page 295

#Variable declaration
 # Declare a function for converting angle into degrees and minutes

h = 6.626e-034; # Planck's constant, Js
m = 9.1e-031; # Rest mass of electron, kg
e = 1.602e-019; # charge on an electron, coulomb
a = 3.5e-010; # Lattice parameter of fcc crystal, m
V = 80; # Accelerating potential for electrons, volt


lamb = h/(2*m*e*V)**0.5; # de-Broglie wavelength of electrons, m
d_111 = a/(3)**0.5; # Interplanar spacing for (111) planes of fcc crystal, m
 # Bragg's equation for first order diffraction (n = 1) is
 # lambda = 2*d_111*math.sin(math.degrees(theta_111)); // Bragg's law, m
theta_111 = math.asin(lamb/(2*d_111)); # Bragg's angle, degree
de=( int(math.degrees(theta_111)));
# Call conversion function


print"\nThe Bragg angle for electron diffraction =",de,"deg",round(m,2),"min"
The Bragg angle for electron diffraction = 19 deg 50.68 min