import math
from sympy import *
#Variable declaration
'''In a simple cubic structure, there are three types of atomic arrangement
#Calculations and results
#Consider (100) plane
n = (1./4.)*4 #no. of atoms in this plane
#Let a be the lattice constant in mm
a = Symbol('a')
A1 = a**2
nm = n/A1 #no. of atoms per mm^2
print "The number of atoms per square millimeter for (100) plane is",nm
#Consider (110) plane
n2 = 1
A2 = math.sqrt(2)*a**2
nm2 = n2/A2
print "The number of atoms per square millimeter for (110) plane is",nm2
#Consider (111) plane
n3 = (1./360.)*60*3
EO = a*math.sqrt(2)*math.cos(math.pi/6)
A3 = (a*math.sqrt(2)*EO)/2
nm3 = n3/A3
print "The number of atoms per square millimeter for (111) plane is",nm3
from math import sqrt
#Variable declartion
r = 0.1278*10**-9 #atomic radius(m)
#For FCC structure,
a = (4*r)/sqrt(2)
#For (110) plane,
h1 = 1
k1 = 1
l1 = 0
d1 = a/((h1**2+k1**2+l1**2)**0.5)
#For (212) plane,
h2 = 2
k2 = 1
l2 = 2
d2 = a/((h2**2+k2**2+l2**2)**0.5)
print "Interplanar spacing for (110) plane =",d1/1E-9,"nm"
print "Interplanar spacing for (212) plane =",round((d2/1E-9),4),"nm"
from sympy import *
#Variable declaration
#Let a be the lattice constant
#For calculations, let us assume a = 1
a = 1
#For (100) plane,
h1 = 1
k1 = 0
l1 = 0
d1 = 1/((h1**2+k1**2+l1**2)**0.5)
#For (110) plane,
h2 = 1
k2 = 1
l2 = 0
d2 = 1/((h2**2+k2**2+l2**2)**0.5)
#For (111) plane,
h3 = 1
k3 = 1
l3 = 1
d3 = 1/((h3**2+k3**2+l3**2)**0.5)
print "d100:d110:d111 =",d1,":",d2,":",d3
#Variable declaration
#Coefficients of intercepts along three axes
m = 1.
n = 1./2.
p = 3.
m_inv = 1/m
n_inv = 1/n
p_inv = 1/p
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def lcm(a, b):
return (a * b)/ gcd(a, b)
def lcmm(*args):
return reduce(lcm, args)
mul_fact = lcmm(1,1,3)
m1 = m_inv*mul_fact #Clear the first fraction
m2 = n_inv*mul_fact #Clear the second fraction
m3 = p_inv*mul_fact #Clear the third fraction
print "The required miller indices are", m1,m2,m3
import math
#Variable declaration
d = 0.282*10**-9 #lattice spacing(m)
n = 1 #first order
theta = 8.35 #glancing angle(degrees)
lamda = (2*d*math.sin(math.radians(theta)))/n
#For maximum value possible,
theta = 90
n = (2*d)/lamda
print "Wavelength of X-rays =",round((lamda/1E-9),4),"nm"
print "Maximum order of diffraction possible =",round(n,2)
import math
#Variable declaration
lamda = 1.5418*10**-10 #wavelength(m)
theta = 30 #angle(degrees)
n = 1 #first order
#For (111) plane
h = 1
k = 1
l = 1
d = (n*lamda)/(2*math.sin(math.radians(theta)))
a = d*((h**2+k**2+l**2)**0.5)
print "Interatomic spacing =",round((a/1E-10),3),"A"
from math import sqrt, pi
#Variable declaration
d = 0.28 #lattice spacing
lamda = 0.074*10**-9 #Wavelength(m)
n = 2 #2nd order
d110 = d/sqrt(2)
theta = math.asin((n*lamda)/(2*d110))*180/pi
print "Glancing angle =",round(theta/1E-9),"degrees"
#Variable declaration
a = 0.38*10**-9 #lattice constant
h = 1
k = 1
l = 0
d = a/math.sqrt(h**2+k**2+l**2)
print "Distance =",round((d/1E-9),2),"nm"
import math
from sympy import *
#Variable declaration
a = Symbol('a')
#For (110) plane
a1 = math.sqrt(2)*a**2 #area of plane
n1 = (1./4 )*4 #no. of atoms in this plane
rho1 = n1/a1
#For (111) plane
EO = (a*math.sqrt(3))/math.sqrt(2)
a2 = (a*EO)/math.sqrt(2)
n2 = 3*(1./6.)
rho2 = n2/a2
print "Density of lattice points (111) plane:density of lattice points (110) plane =",rho2,":",rho1