Chapter no 11:Combined Direct And Bending Stresses

Problem 11.1,Page no.273

In [8]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

P=10 #KN #Load
e=0.06 #m #eccentricity
b=0.240 #m #width of column
d=0.150 #m #depth of column


sigma_d=P*(b*d)**-1 #KN/m**2
M=P*e #KN*m #Moment due to eccentricity
Z=(d*(b)**2)*6**-1 #mm**3

sigma_b=M*Z**-1 #KN/m**2


print"Stress at face CD is",round(sigma_CD,2),"KN/m**2"
print"Stress at face AB is",round(sigma_AB,2),"KN/m**2"
Stress at face CD is 694.44 KN/m**2
Stress at face AB is -138.89 KN/m**2

Problem 11.2,Page no.274

In [1]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

d=2 #cm #Diameter of specimen


#Let P be the Load on the section

A=pi*4**-1*d**2 #cm**2 #Area of section
I=pi*64**-1*d**4 #cm**4 #M.I of the section
y=d*2**-1 #cm
Z=I*y**-1 #cm**3 #Section modulus
#M=P.e #Moment

#Stress due to direct load
#sigma_d=(4*P)*(pi*d**2)**-1 #N/cm**2

#stress due to moment
#sigma_b=(32*P*e)*(pi*d**3)**-1 N/cm**2

#Maximum stress

#Mean stress 

#Since the maximum stress is 20% greater than the mean stress 

#After substituing values and simplifyinf we get

e=0.2*d*8**-1 #cm #distance of line of thrust from the axis

print"The distance of line of thrust from the axis is",round(e,2),"cm"
The distance of line of thrust from the axis is 0.05 cm

Problem 11.3,Page no.274

In [3]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

A=300 #cm**2 #Area of column
e=5 #cm #eccentricity


#sigma_d=P*A**-1  #Direct compressive stress
#M=P*e #Bending Moment
Z=((20**4-10**4)*(6*20)**-1) #cm**3 #Section modulus


#Now sigma_d+sigma_b=60*10**2


#After simplifying we get
P_1=6000*300*250*550**-1 #N #Load


P_2=300*300*250*50**-1 #N #Load 

print"The maximum load column can carry",round(P_2,2),"N"
The maximum load column can carry 450000.0 N

Problem 11.4,Page no.275

In [9]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

D=40 #cm #External diameter of column
d=30 #cm #Internal diameter of column
e=20 #cm #Eccentricity
P=150 #KN #Load


A=pi*4**-1*(D**2-d**2) #cm**2 #Area of the column
Z=pi*32**-1*((D**4-d**4)*D**-1) #cm**3 #Section modulus
M=P*10**3*e #N*cm #Moment

sigma_r_max=((P*10**3*A**-1)+(M*Z**-1)) #N/cm**2 #Max stress 
sigma_r_min=((P*10**3*A**-1)-(M*Z**-1)) #N/cm**2 #Min stress 

print"Max intensities of stress in the section is",round(sigma_r_max,2),"N/cm**2"
print"Min intensities of stress in the section is",round(sigma_r_min,2),"N/cm**2(tension)"
Max intensities of stress in the section is 971.3 N/cm**2
Min intensities of stress in the section is -425.63 N/cm**2(tension)

Problem 11.5,Page no.277

In [27]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

b=4 #m #width of pier
d=3 #m #depth of pier
e_x=1 #m #distance from y axis
e_y=0.5 #m #distance from x axis
P=80 #KN #Load


A=b*d #m**2 #Area of pier
I_x_x=b*d**3*12**-1 #m**4 #M.I about x-x axis
I_y_y=d*b**3*12**-1 #m**4 #M.I about y-y axis
M_x=P*e_y #KN*m #Moment about x-x axis
M_y=P*e_x #KN*m #Moment about y-y axis

x=2 #m #Distance between y-y axis and corners A and B
y=1.5 #m ##Distance between x-x axis and corners A and D

#Stress developed at each corner

sigma_A=P*A**-1+M_x*y*I_x_x**-1-M_y*x*I_y_y**-1 #KN/m**2 #stress at A
sigma_B=P*A**-1+M_x*y*I_x_x**-1+M_y*x*I_y_y**-1 #KN/m**2 #stress at B
sigma_C=P*A**-1-M_x*y*I_x_x**-1+M_y*x*I_y_y**-1 #KN/m**2 #stress at C
sigma_D=P*A**-1-M_x*y*I_x_x**-1-M_y*x*I_y_y**-1 #KN/m**2 #stress at D

#Let f be the additional load that should be placed at centre

#sigma_c=F*A**-1 #KN/m**2 #compressive stress

#For no tension in pier section, compressive stress is equal to tensile stress
sigma_c=10 #KN/m**2
F=sigma_c*A #KN


sigma=F*A**-1 #KN/m**2 #stress due to additional load of 120 KN

sigma_A_1=sigma_A+10 #stress at A
sigma_B_1=sigma_B+10 #stress at B
sigma_C_1=sigma_C+10 #stress at C
sigma_D_1=sigma_D+10 #stress at D

print"Stress at each corner are as follows:stress_A",round(sigma_A,2),"KN/m**2"
print"                                    :stress_B",round(sigma_B,2),"KN/m**2"
print"                                    :stress_C",round(sigma_C,2),"KN/m**2"
print"                                    :stress_D",round(sigma_D,2),"KN/m**2(tensile)"

print"Additional load that should be placed at centre is",round(F,2),"KN"

print"Stresses at the corners with the  additional load in centre are as follows:Stress_A_1",round(sigma_A_1,2),"KN/m**2"
print"                                                                          :Stress_B_1",round(sigma_B_1,2),"KN/m**2"
print"                                                                          :Stress_C_1",round(sigma_C_1,2),"KN/m**2"
print"                                                                          :Stress_D_1",round(sigma_D_1,2),"KN/m**2"
Stress at each corner are as follows:stress_A 3.33 KN/m**2
                                    :stress_B 23.33 KN/m**2
                                    :stress_C 10.0 KN/m**2
                                    :stress_D -10.0 KN/m**2(tensile)
Additional load that should be placed at centre is 120.0 KN
Stresses at the corners with the  additional load in centre are as follows:Stress_A_1 13.33 KN/m**2
                                                                          :Stress_B_1 33.33 KN/m**2
                                                                          :Stress_C_1 20.0 KN/m**2
                                                                          :Stress_D_1 0.0 KN/m**2

Problem 11.11.6,Page no.278

In [5]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

#d=Diameter of rod
P=500 #KN
e=0.75 #cm #eccentricity


#A=pi*d**2*4**-1 #cm**2 #Area of rod
#sigma_d=P*A**-1 #KN/cm**2 #stress due to direct load

#After substituting value and simplifying we get,
#sigma_d=2000*(pi*d**2)**-1 #KN/cm**2 

M=P*e #Kn*cm #Moment

#Z=pi*d**3*32**-1 #cm**3 #section modulus
#sigma_b=M*Z**-1 #KN/cm**2 #Stress due to moment

#After substituting value and simplifying we get,
#sigma_b=12000*(pi*d**3)**-1 #KN/cm**2

#Max stress 

#After substituting value and simplifying we get,

#After simplifying we get,

#From Synthetic Division we get d**2+4.73*d-42.918



print"The minimum diameter of tie rod is",round(d_1,2),"cm"
The minimum diameter of tie rod is 9.33 cm