Chapter 2:Moment Of Inertia

Problem no 2.1,Page no.29

In [10]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables
b_1=10 #cm #width of Rectangle-1
d_1=2 #cm #breadth of Rectangle-1
a_1=40 #cm**2 #Area of Rectangle-1
y_1=1 #cm #Distance of centroid-1

b_2=2 #cm #width of Rectangle-2
d_2=10 #cm #breadth of Rectangle-2
a_2=20 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle-2
y_2=7 #cm #Distance of centroid-2

b_3=20 #cm #width of Rectangle-3
d_3=2 #cm  #breadth of Rectangle-3
a_3=20 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle-3
y_3=13 #cm #Distance of centroid-3

Y_bar=((a_1*y_1+a_2*y_2+a_3*y_3)*(a_1+a_2+a_3)**-1) #cm #centre of gravity of section

Y_1=4.5 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 1 to C.G
Y_2=1.5 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 2 to C.G
Y_3=7.5 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 3 to C.G

I_x_x_1=b_1*d_1**3*12**-1+a_1*Y_1**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 1 about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x_2=b_2*d_2**3*12**-1+a_2*Y_2**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 2  about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x_3=b_3*d_3**3*12**-1+a_3*Y_3**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 3 about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x=I_x_x_1+I_x_x_2+I_x_x_3 #cm**4 

print"Moment of Inertia of the section is",round(I_x_x,2),"cm**4"
Moment of Inertia of the section is 2166.67 cm**4

Problem no 2.2,Page no.31

In [11]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

b_1=2 #cm #width of Rectangle-1
d_1=12 #cm #breadth of Rectangle-1
a_1=24 #cm**2 #Area of Rectangle-1
y_1=6 #cm #Distance of centroid-1

b_2=6 #cm #width of Rectangle-2
d_2=2 #cm #breadth of Rectangle-2
a_2=12 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle-2
y_2=1 #cm #Distance of centroid-2

b_3=2 #cm #width of Rectangle-3
d_3=12 #cm  #breadth of Rectangle-3
a_3=24 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle-3
y_3=6 #cm #Distance of centroid-3

Y_bar=((a_1*y_1+a_2*y_2+a_3*y_3)*(a_1+a_2+a_3)**-1) #cm #centre of gravity of section

Y_1=6 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 1 to base 
Y_2=1 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 2 to base
Y_3=6 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 3 to base

I_x_x_1=b_1*d_1**3*12**-1+a_1*Y_1**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 1 about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x_2=b_2*d_2**3*12**-1+a_2*Y_2**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 2  about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x_3=b_3*d_3**3*12**-1+a_3*Y_3**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 3 about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x=I_x_x_1+I_x_x_2+I_x_x_3 #cm**4 

print"Moment of Inertia of the section is",round(I_x_x,2),"cm**4"
Moment of Inertia of the section is 2320.0 cm**4

Problem no2.3,Page no.32

In [12]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

b_1=12 #cm #width of Rectangle-1
d_1=2 #cm #breadth of Rectangle-1
a_1=24 #cm**2 #Area of Rectangle-1
y_1=1 #cm #Distance of centroid-1

b_2=2 #cm #width of Rectangle-2
d_2=6 #cm #breadthof Rectangle-2
a_2=12 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle-2
y_2=5 #cm #Distance of centroid-2

b_3=5 #cm #width of Rectangle-3
d_3=2 #cm  #breadth of Rectangle-3
a_3=10 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle-3
y_3=9 #cm #Distance of centroid-3

Y_bar=((a_1*y_1+a_2*y_2+a_3*y_3)*(a_1+a_2+a_3)**-1) #cm #centre of gravity of section

Y_1=2.78 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 1 to C.G 
Y_2=1.22 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 2 to C.G
Y_3=5.22 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 3 to C.G 

I_x_x_1=b_1*d_1**3*12**-1+a_1*Y_1**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 1 about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x_2=b_2*d_2**3*12**-1+a_2*Y_2**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 2  about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x_3=b_3*d_3**3*12**-1+a_3*Y_3**2 #moment of inertia of rectangle 3 about centroidal x-x axis of the section
I_x_x=I_x_x_1+I_x_x_2+I_x_x_3 #cm**4 

print"Moment of Inertia of the section is",round(I_x_x,2),"cm**4"
Moment of Inertia of the section is 523.16 cm**4

Problem no2.4,Page no.33

In [23]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

D=10 #cm #diameter of circle
b=4 #cm #width of rectangle 
d=4 #cm #breadth of rectangle
Y=1 #cm #Distance of centroid of rectangle 1 to C.G
a=16 #cm**2 #area of rectangle


I_x_x_1=pi*64**-1*(D**4) #cm**4 #moment of inertia of circle about x-x axis
I_x_x_2=b*d**3*12**-1+a*Y**2 #cm**4 #moment of inertia of rectangle about x-x axis
I_x_x=I_x_x_1-I_x_x_2 #cm**4 #Total moment of inertia of the section

print"Total moment of inertia of the section is",round(I_x_x,2),"cm**4"
Total moment of inertia of the section is 453.54 cm**4

Problem no 2.5,Page no.33

In [39]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

b_1=10 #cm #Breadth of the triangle
h=9 #cm #Height of triangle
b_2=2 #cm #width of rectangle
d=3 #cm #Depth of rectangle

#Triangle ABC-1
a_1=45 #cm**2 #Area of triangle
y_1=3 #cm #C.G of triangle

#Rectanglar hole-2
a_2=6 #cm**2 #Area of rectangle
y_2=4.5 #cm #C.G of rectangle


#Using relations
Y_bar=((a_1*y_1-a_2*y_2)*(a_1-a_2)**-1) #cm

I_1=b_1*h**3*36**-1+a_1*(y_1-Y_bar)**2 #cm**4 #M.I of triangle ABC about x-x passing through C.G of section
I_2=b_2*d**3*12**-1+a_2*(y_2-Y_bar)**2 #cm**4 #M.I of rectangular hole about x-x passing through C.G of section
I=I_1-I_2 #cm**4 #M.I of whole section about x-x passing through the C.G 

I_3=b_1*h**3*12**-1 #cm**4 #M.I of triangle ABC about the base BC
I_4=b_2*d**3*12**-1+a_2*y_2**2 #cm**4 #M.I of Rectangular hole about the base BC

I_5=I_3-I_4 #cm**4 #M.I of the whole section about the base BC

print"M.I of whole section about x-x passing through the C.G",round(I,2),"cm**4"
print"M.I of the whole section about the base BC is",round(I_5,2),"cm**4"
M.I of whole section about x-x passing through the C.G 182.42 cm**4
M.I of the whole section about the base BC is 481.5 cm**4

Problem no2.6,Page no.34

In [30]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

#Notifications has been changed as per requirement

h=8 #cm #height of triangle
b=8 #cm #breadth of triangle or diameter semicircle
d=4 #cm #diameter of circle enclosed


I_1=b*h**3*12**-1 #cm #moment of inertia of the triangle ABC about the axis AB
I_2=pi*b**4*128**-1 #cm ##moment of inertia of the semicircle about the axis AB
I_3=pi*d**4*64**-1 #cm #moment of inertia of circle about the circle about the axis

I=I_1+I_2-I_3 #cm #Moment of Inertia of the shaded area about the axia AB

print"Moment of Inertia of the shaded area is",round(I,2),"cm"
Moment of Inertia of the shaded area is 429.3 cm

Problem no.2.12,Page no.38

In [50]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

a_1=600 #cm**2 #Area of the Rectangle
y_1=15 #cm #C.G of Rectangle
b=20 #cm #width of rectangle
d=30 #cm #depth of rectangle
D=15 #cm #Diameter of circle

a_2=176.7 #cm**2 #Area of the circle
y_2=20 #cm #C.G of the circle

Y_bar=((a_1*y_1-a_2*y_2)*(a_1-a_2)**-1) #cm #Distance of C.G From the AB
Y_bar_1=2.1 #cm
Y_bar_2=7.1 #cm

I_1=b*d**3*12**-1 #cm**4 #M.I of the rectangle about its C.G and parallel to x-x axis
I_3=pi*D**4*64**-1+a_2*Y_bar_2**2 #cm**4 #M.I of circular section about x-x axis

I=I_2-I_3 #cm**4 #M.I of the section about x-x axis

print"M.I of the section about x-x axis",round(I,2),"cm**4"
M.I of the section about x-x axis 36253.5 cm**4

Problem no.2.13,Page no.38

In [6]:
import math

#Initilization of variables

d=90 #cm #Diameter of grindstone
t=10 #cm #thickness of grindstone
rho=0.0026 #Kg/cm**3 #Density


#M=Mass of grindstone=Volume *Density=Area*Thickness*Density
M=pi*4**-1*d**2*t*rho #Kg 
R=d*2**-1 #cm #radius
I_g=M*R**2*2**-1 #Kg*m**2

k=R*(2**0.5)**-1 #cm #Radius of gyration

print"Radius of gyration is",round(k,2),"cm"
Radius of gyration is 31.82 cm