Chapter 3 : Selections and Loops

Example 3.1, Page No 48

In [1]:
dLimit = 500
iNo = int(raw_input("Specify Quantity : "))
dUnitPrice = float(raw_input("Specify Unit Price : "))
dGross = iNo * dUnitPrice
if(dGross > dLimit):
    dDisc = 10
    dDisc = 0;
dNet = (100 - dDisc) * dGross / 100
print "Total Price : %d" % dNet
Specify Quantity : 100
Specify Unit Price : 10
Total Price : 900

Example 3.2, Page No 54

In [6]:
dNo1 = int(raw_input("Enter Number 1 : "))
dNo2 = int(raw_input("Enter Number 2 : "))

print "1. Greatest"
print "2. Least"
print "3. Average"

iOpt = int(raw_input("Select : "))

if iOpt == 1:
    if dNo1 > dNo2:
        print dNo1
        print dNo2
    print " is the greatest"
elif iOpt == 2:
    if dNo1 < dNo2:
        print dNo1
        print dNo2
    print " is the least"
elif iOpt == 3:
    print "The average is : " , (dNo1 + dNo2)/2
    print "wrong Choice"
Enter Number 1 : 10
Enter Number 2 : 15
1. Greatest
2. Least
3. Average
Select : 1
 is the greatest

Example 3.3, Page No 58

In [ ]:
iLimit = int(raw_input("Enter limit : "))
iSum = 0
for i in range(1,iLimit+1):
    iSum = iSum + i

print "The Sum Is : " , iSum

Example 3.4, Page No 61

In [1]:
print "Calculation Of Product"

for i in range(1,37):
    for j in range(1,37):
        if (i * j) == 36:
            print i , " and " , j
Calculation Of Product
1  and  36
2  and  18
3  and  12
4  and  9
6  and  6
9  and  4
12  and  3
18  and  2
36  and  1

Example 3.5, Page No 62

In [3]:
import random

iRoll = 0
iNoOfRolls = 0

while iRoll != 6:
    iRoll =  random.randint(1,200) % 6 + 1
    iNoOfRolls = iNoOfRolls + 1

print iNoOfRolls

Example 3.6, Page No 63

In [4]:
# Do while concept is not in python thats way the program is implemented using WHILE
import random

iRoll = 0
iNoOfRolls = 0

while iRoll != 6:
    iRoll =  random.randint(1,200) % 6 +1
    iNoOfRolls = iNoOfRolls + 1

print iNoOfRolls

Example 3.7, Page No 64

In [9]:
import random

iCounter = 0
iRoll1 = random.randint(1,200) % 6 + 1
iRoll2 = random.randint(1,200) % 6 + 1

while iRoll1 != iRoll2:
    iRoll1 = random.randint(1,200) % 6 + 1
    iRoll2 = random.randint(1,200) % 6 + 1
    iCounter = iCounter + 1

print "The rolls were = " , iRoll1
print "Number of attempts = " , iCounter
The rolls were =  4
Number of attempts =  2

Example 3.8, Page No 64

In [1]:
iSum = 0
i = 0
iNo = raw_input("Enter a number : ")

while iNo.isdigit():
    iSum = iSum + int(iNo)
    i = i + 1
    iNo = raw_input("Enter one more number : ")

print "Average = " , (float)((iSum)/i)
Enter a number : 4
Enter one more number : 6
Enter one more number : 5
Enter one more number : c
Average =  5.0

Example 3.9, Page No 66

In [2]:
import random
iNO = 0
for i in range(1,14):
    iNo = random.randint(1,200) % 3
    if iNo == 0:
        print "1"
    elif iNo == 1:
        print "X"
    elif iNO == 2:
        print "2"

Example 3.10, Page No 68

In [3]:
iNo = 0
iRoot = 1
while iNo < 2 and iRoot <=100:
    LP = iRoot * (iRoot - 6) * (iRoot + 8)
    if LP == 0:
        iNo = iNo + 1
        print iRoot
    iRoot = iRoot + 1

Example 3.11, Page No 69

In [4]:
import math

while 1 == 1:
    dNo = int(raw_input("Enter a number : "))
    if dNo <= 0:
    print "The square root of the number is ",math.sqrt(dNo)
Enter a number : 100
The square root of the number is  10.0
Enter a number : 0
In [ ]: