Chapter16-Hydrolysis and Neutralization


In [1]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
c= 0.01 ##M
T= 25. ##C
kw= 1.01*10**-14 
ka= 1.75*10**-5
x= math.sqrt(kw/(ka*c))
print'%s %.1e %s'% ('Degree of hydrolysis =  ',x,'')
Degree of hydrolysis =   2.4e-04 


In [2]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
c= 0.01 ##M
ka= 1.75*10**-5
pkw= 14.
ka1= 1.79
pH= 0.5*pkw-0.5*math.log(ka)+0.5*math.log(c)-ka1
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('pH of solution =  ',pH,'')
pH of solution =   8.38 


In [3]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variable
k1= 10**-14
c= 0.1 ##M
pH= 8.88
cH= 1.32*10**-9 ##gms
x= k1/(c*cH)
kh= c*x**2
print'%s %.2e %s'% ('x =  ',x,'')
print'%s %.2e %s'% ('\n Hydrolysis constant =  ',kh,'')
x =   7.58e-05 

 Hydrolysis constant =   5.74e-10 


In [4]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
c= 0.0156 ##M
ec= 111.5 ##ohm^-1 cm^2
ac= 99.9 ##ohm^-1 cm^2
ac1= 426. ##ohm^-1 cm^2
kw= 10**-14 
x= (ec-ac)/(ac1-ac)
kh= c*x**2/(1.-x)
kb= kw/kh
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('x =  ',x,'')
print'%s %.1e %s'% ('\n Hydrolysis constant = ',kh,'')
print'%s %.1e %s'% ('\n Dissociation constant =  ',kb,'')
x =   0.04 

 Hydrolysis constant =  2.0e-05 

 Dissociation constant =   4.9e-10 


In [5]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
pH= 7.
c1=1. ##M
c2= 0.155 ##M
c3= 0.25 ##m
c4= 0.05 ##M
c5= 0.62 ##M
pka= 7.21
ph1= pka+math.log10((c5+c4)/(c1-c4))
ph2= pka+math.log10((c2+c4)/(c3-c4))
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('final pH =  ',ph1,'')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n final pH =  ',ph2,'')
final pH =   7.06 

 final pH =   7.22 


In [6]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variablesclear
v1= -0.1252 ##volt
v2= 0.3636##volt
v3= 0.05915##volt
ph= (v1+v2)/v3
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('final pH =  ',ph,'')
final pH =   4.03 


In [7]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variable
pki= 3.98
t1= 0.85 ##mm
t2= 0.15 ##mm
pH= pki+math.log10(t1/t2)
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('pH of the solution =  ',pH,'')
pH of the solution =   4.73 


In [8]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
pki= 7.
t1= 3. ##drops
t2= 7. ##drops
pH= pki+math.log10(t1/t2)
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('pH of the solution =  ',pH,'')
pH of the solution =   6.63 


In [9]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
c= 0.1 ##N
ka= 5.75*10**-10 
cH= math.sqrt(c*ka)
pH= -math.log10(cH)
print'%s %.2e %s'% ('cH = ',cH,'')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n pH of the solution =  ',pH,'')
cH =  7.58e-06 

 pH of the solution =   5.12