Chapter5-Liquefication and the properties of liquids


In [1]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

m1= 1.947 ##gms
V= 10. ##lit
T= 22. ##C
p= 752. ##mm of Hg
T1= 28. ##C
W= 46. ##gms
R= 0.082 ##lit-atm mole^-1 K^-1
P= (m1*p/W)/((m1/W)+((p/760.)*V/(R*(273.+T))))
P1= (m1*p/W)/(((p/760.)*V/(R*(273.+T))))
P2= (m1/W)*R*(273.+T)*760./V
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Vapour pressure of ethanol = ',P,' mm')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n Vapour pressure of ethanol = ',P1,' mm')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n Vapour pressure of ethanol = ',P2,' mm')
Vapour pressure of ethanol =  70.52  mm

 Vapour pressure of ethanol =  77.81  mm

 Vapour pressure of ethanol =  77.81  mm


In [3]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

p= 27.17 ##mm
T= 99.5 ##C
T1= 100.5 ##C
T2= 100. ##C
sv1= 1674. ##cc per gram
sv2= 1.04 ##cc per gram
g= 980.7 ##cm/sec^2
d= 13.595 ##kg/m^3
r= (p/10.)*d*g
lv= (273.2+T2)*(sv1-sv2)*(p/10.)*d*g/(4.184*10**7)
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Heat of vapourisation of water = ',lv,' cal g^-1')
Heat of vapourisation of water =  540.56  cal g^-1


In [4]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

T= 100. ##C
v1= 1674. ##cc
v2= 1. ##cc
lv= 539.9 ##cal g^-1
sp= 13.595 ##kg/m63
g= 980. ##cm/sec^2
r= (273.2+T)*(v1-v2)*sp*g/(lv*4.187*10**7)
Tf= T+r
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Final temperature = ',Tf,' C')
Final temperature =  100.37  C


In [5]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

R= 2. ##cal mole^-1 K^-1 
r= 2.72 ##cm of mercury per degree
p= 76. ##cm of mercury
T= 100. ##C
m= 18. ##gms
Lv= R*(273.+T)**2*r/(m*p)
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('heat of vapourisation = ',Lv,' cal g^-1')
heat of vapourisation =  553.26  cal g^-1


In [6]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

vp= 526. ##mm
T= 90. ##C
T1= 100. ##C
hv= 542. ##cal/gm
m= 18. ##gm
p2= vp*10**(hv*m*(T1-T)/((273.+T)*4.576*(273.+T1)))
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Vapour pressure of water at 100 C = ',p2,' mm')
Vapour pressure of water at 100 C =  755.87  mm


In [7]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

p= 770. ##mm
T= 100.37 ##C
p1= 1 ##atm
c= 0.0001
T1= 100. ##C
dt= c*(273.+T1)*(760.-p)
cbp= T+dt
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Change boiling point = ',dt,' C')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n Corrected boiling point = ',cbp,' C')
Change boiling point =  -0.37  C

 Corrected boiling point =  100.00  C


In [8]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

d= 0.7910 ##kg/cm^3
T= 20. ##C
mw= 58.08 ##gm
x1= 7.2 ##gm
x2= 16.2 ##gm
x3= 20. ##gm
x4= 23.2 ##gm
n1= 3. ##atoms
n2= 6. ##atoms
r= ((n1*x1+n2*x2+x3+x4)*d/mw)**4
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Surface tension of acetone = ',r,'dynes cm^-1')
Surface tension of acetone =  23.70 dynes cm^-1


In [9]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables
r1= 1.3591
d= 0.791 ##kg/m^3
mw= 58.08 ##gms
x1= 2.42 ##gm
x2= 1.10 ##gm
x3= 2.21 ##gm
n1= 3. ##atoms
n2= 6. ##atoms
MR= (r1**2-1.)*mw/(d*(r1**2+2.))
cv= x1*n1+x2*n2+x3
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Molar refraction of this substance = ',MR,' cc')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n Calculated value of Molar refraction of this substance = ',cv,' cc')
Molar refraction of this substance =  16.17  cc

 Calculated value of Molar refraction of this substance =  16.07  cc


In [10]:
import math
##Intitalisation of variables

dc= 2.033
d= 0.7784 ##kg/m^3
mw= 84.16 ##gm
x1= 2.42 ##gm
x2= 1.1 ##gm
n1= 6.##atoms
n2= 12. ##atoms
MP= (dc-1.)*mw/((dc+2.)*d)
MPC= x1*n1+x2*n2
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('Molar polarisation of this substance = ',MP,' cc')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('\n Calculated Molar polarisation of this substance = ',MPC,' cc')
Molar polarisation of this substance =  27.69  cc

 Calculated Molar polarisation of this substance =  27.72  cc