# An interactive program to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle
import math ## library for using sqrt function
def square(a):
"""Returns the square of the given number """
return a*a
print "Enter the lengths of the two legs of a right triangle"
print "The program will display the length of the hypotenuse."
print "Enter zero or negative values to end program"
# Priming reads follow
print "First leg (0.0 to quit)? ",
a_leg = 3
print a_leg
print "Second leg (0.0 to quit)? ",
b_leg = 4
print b_leg
while a_leg>0.0 and b_leg>0.0:
print "The legs of the right triangle are %.2f and %.2f,\n"%(a_leg,b_leg),
# Hypotenuse is square root of a*a + b*b
hypotenuse = math.sqrt(square(a_leg) + square(b_leg))
print " so the hypotenuse is %.2f\n\n"%hypotenuse,
print "First leg (0.0 to quit)? ",
a_leg = 0.0 # To terminate the loop
print a_leg
print "Second leg (0.0 to quit)? ",
b_leg = 0.0
print b_leg
print "Thank you."
def main():
"""simply returns a string"""
# There's no main() function in python.This main() function is no different that any other user-defined functions
return "Welcome to C programming!\n"
print main()
# Use of braces
def main():
# in python, proper indentation works as braces
# the following lines come under the main() function block due to indentation
print "Give me land, lots of land",
print "And the starry skies above...\n",
# A short poem
def main():
print "Mary had a little lamb,",
print "its fleece was white as snow.\n",
print "And everywhere that Mary went,",
print "the lamb was sure to go.\n"