from math import sqrt
#Variable Declaration
R = 8.314 #Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K)
T = 298 #Temperatureof Gas, K
MNe = 0.020 #Molecular wt of Ne, kg/mol
MKr = 0.083 #Molecular wt of Kr, kg/mol
vmpNe = sqrt(2*R*T/MNe)
vmpKr = sqrt(2*R*T/MKr)
print 'Most probable speed of Ne and Krypton at 298 K are %4.0f, %4.0f m/s'%(vmpNe,vmpKr)
from math import sqrt,pi
#Variable Declaration
R = 8.314 #Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K)
T = 298 #Temperatureof Gas, K
M = 0.040 #Molecular wt of Ar, kg/mol
vmp = sqrt(2*R*T/M)
vave = sqrt(8*R*T/(M*pi))
vrms = sqrt(3*R*T/M)
print 'Maximum, average, root mean square speed of Ar\nat 298 K are %4.0f, %4.0f, %4.0f m/s'%(vmp,vave,vrms)
from math import sqrt,pi
#Variable Declaration
R = 8.314 #Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K)
T = 298 #Temperature of Gas, K
M = 0.040 #Molecular wt of Ar, kg/mol
P = 101325 #Pressure, N/m2
NA = 6.022e23 #Number of particles per mol
V = 1.0 #Volume of Container, L
Zc = P*NA/sqrt(2*pi*R*T*M)
Nc = Zc*A
print 'Number of Collisions %4.2e per s'%(Nc)
from math import sqrt, pi
#Variable Declaration
R = 8.314 #Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K)
T = 298 #Temperature of Gas, K
M = 0.040 #Molecular wt of Ar, kg/mol
P0 = 1013.25 #Pressure, N/m2
NA = 6.022e23 #Number of particles per mol
V = 1.0 #Volume of Container, L
k = 1.38e-23 #Boltzmann constant, J/K
t = 3600 #time of effusion, s
A = 0.01 #Area, um2
A = A*1e-12
V = V*1e-3
expo = (A*t/V)*(k*T/(2*pi*M/NA))
P = P0*exp(-expo)
print 'Pressure after 1 hr of effusion is %4.3e Pa'%(P/101325)
from math import sqrt, pi
#Variable Declaration
R = 8.314 #Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K)
T = 298 #Temperature of Gas, K
M = 0.044 #Molecular wt of CO2, kg/mol
P = 101325 #Pressure, N/m2
NA = 6.022e23 #Number of particles per mol
sigm = 5.2e-19 #m2
zCO2 = (P*NA/(R*T))*sigm*sqrt(2)*sqrt(8*R*T/(pi*M))
print 'Single particle collisional frequency is %4.1e per s'%(zCO2)
from math import sqrt, pi
#Variable Declaration
R = 8.314 #Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K)
T = 298 #Temperature of Gas, K
MAr = 0.04 #Molecular wt of Ar, kg/mol
MKr = 0.084 #Molecular wt of Kr, kg/mol
pAr = 360 #Partial Pressure Ar, torr
pKr = 400 #Partial Pressure Kr, torr
rAr = 0.17e-9 #Hard sphere radius of Ar, m
rKr = 0.20e-9 #Hard sphere radius of Kr, m
NA = 6.022e23 #Number of particles per mol
k = 1.38e-23 #Boltzmann constant, J/K
pAr = pAr*101325/760
pKr = pKr*101325/760
p1 = pAr*NA/(R*T)
p2 = pKr*NA/(R*T)
sigm = pi*(rAr+rKr)**2
mu = MAr*MKr/((MAr+MKr)*NA)
p3 = sqrt(8*k*T/(pi*mu))
zArKr = p1*p2*sigm*p3
print 'Collisional frequency is %4.2e m-3s-1'%(zArKr)