Example 3.1, Page No:77

In [1]:
#Variable declaration

V=0.01;                               # Volume of water in a rigid vessel in m^3
m=4.5;                                # Mass of water+ steam in a rigid vessel in kg
T=35;                                 # Temperature of water in a rigid vessel in degree celcius

# (a)      
v=V/m;                                # specific volume of water
# From steam table
vf=0.001006; vg=25.22;                # specific volume in m^3/kg
x=(v-vf)/(vg-vf);                     # Quality of steam
x1=1-x;                               # Quality of water
mg=x*m;                               # Mass of steam
mf=x1*m;                              # Mass of water
#Result for (a)

print "(a).\n","Quality of steam in a rigid vessel = ",x,"\nQuality of water in a rigid vessel = ",x1
print "Mass of steam in a rigid vessel = ",round(mg,8),"kg\n","Mass of water in a rigid vessel = ",round(mf,9),"kg\n"
# (b)
#Result for (b)

vc=0.003155;                          #  Crictical volume for water in m^3/kg
print "(b).\n","The level of liquid water will rise in the vessel. Since v < vc and refer figure 3.21\n"
# (c)  
#Result for (c)

print "(c)\n","The final temperature after heating is 370.04 oC.  Because it is constant volume process and refer figure 3.21\n"
#  (d)   
#Calculation for (d)

m1=0.45;                             # Mass of water in kg
v1=V/m;                              # specific volume of water
#Result for (d)

print"(d).\n", "Level of liquid drops to bottom (v1 > vc).  Temperature on reaching saturation state is 298.5 oC and refer figure 3.21"
Quality of steam in a rigid vessel =  4.82264368762e-05 
Quality of water in a rigid vessel =  0.999951773563
Mass of steam in a rigid vessel =  0.00021702 kg
Mass of water in a rigid vessel =  4.499782981 kg

The level of liquid water will rise in the vessel. Since v < vc and refer figure 3.21

The final temperature after heating is 370.04 oC.  Because it is constant volume process and refer figure 3.21

Level of liquid drops to bottom (v1 > vc).  Temperature on reaching saturation state is 298.5 oC and refer figure 3.21

Example 3.2, Page No:79

In [2]:
#Variable declaration for (a)
# (a) Ammonia 26 oC and 0.074 m^3/kg
# From saturation table of ammonia at 26 oC
v=0.074;                      # specific volume of ammonia in m^3/kg
vf=0.001663; vg=0.1245;       # specific volume  of ammonia in m^3/kg

#Calculation for (a)
x=(v-vf)/(vg-vf);             # Quality of vapour  since v<vg

#Result for (a)
print "(a) Ammonia 26 oC and 0.074 m^3/kg\n","The Quality of ammonia = ",round(x,3)

#Variable declaration for (b)
# (b).Ammonia 550kPa and 0.31m^3/kg
# From saturation table of ammonia at 550 kPa
v=0.31;                      # specific volume of ammonia in m^3/kg
vg=0.23;                     # specific volume  of ammonia in m^3/kg

#Calculation for (b)
# v > vg . Since from superheated table by interpolation for 550kPa and v
T=82.1;                      # Temperature of ammonia in degree celcius

#Result for (b)
print "\n(b).Ammonia 550kPa and 0.31m^3/kg\n","Temperature of ammonia = ",T,"oC\n"

#Variable declaration for (c)
# (c).Freon 12, 0.35MPa and 0.036 m^3/kg
# From saturation table of Freon 12 at 0.35MPa
v=0.036;                     # specific volume of Freon 12 in m^3/kg
vf=0.000722; vg=0.049329;    # specific volume  of Freon 12 in m^3/kg

#Calculation for (c)
x=(v-vf)/(vg-vf);            # Quality of vapour since v<vg

#Result for (c)
print "(c).Freon 12, 0.35MPa and 0.036 m^3/kg\n","The Quality of Freon 12  = ",round(x,2)

#Variable declaration for (d)
# (d).Methane 0.5MPa and 1.0 m^3/kmol
v=1;                         # specific volume of Methane in m^3/kmol
# From table at 0.5 MPa molar values are
vf=0.04153; vg=2.007;        # specific volume  of Methane in m^3/kmol

#Calculation for (d)
x=(v-vf)/(vg-vf);            # Quality of vapour since v<vg

#Result for (d)
print "\n(d).Methane 0.5MPa and 1.0 m^3/kmol","\nThe Quality of Methane  = ",round(x,4)
(a) Ammonia 26 oC and 0.074 m^3/kg
The Quality of ammonia =  0.589

(b).Ammonia 550kPa and 0.31m^3/kg
Temperature of ammonia =  82.1 oC

(c).Freon 12, 0.35MPa and 0.036 m^3/kg
The Quality of Freon 12  =  0.73

(d).Methane 0.5MPa and 1.0 m^3/kmol 
The Quality of Methane  =  0.4877

Example 3.3, Page No:83

In [3]:
#Variable declaration
V=300;        # Volume of air in the room in m^3
p=1;          # Atmospheric pressure in bar
T=25;         # Temperature of air in Degree Celcius
R=287;        # Characteristic constant of Air in J/kg k

m=(p*10**5*V)/(R*(T+273)); # Ideal gas equation

print "Mass of air in room = ",round(m,2),"kg"
Mass of air in room =  350.0 kg

Example 3.4, Page No:84

In [4]:
#Variable declaration
D=20;                      # Diameter of the sphere in cm
m=2.54;                    # Mass of gas filled in sphere in gram
p=10;                      # Pressure of gas in bar
T=25;                      # Temperature of gas in Degree Celcius
R=8.3144*10**3;            # Universal gas constant in J/kmol K

V=(3.14*(D*10**-2)**3)/16; # Volume of das in sphere in m^3
M=(m*10**-3*R*(T+273))/(p*10**5*V); # Molecular weight of the gas

print "Molecular weight of the gas = ",round(M,3),"\nTherefore gas in sphere is Helium (unless mixture of two or more gases)"
Molecular weight of the gas =  4.008 
Therefore gas in sphere is Helium (unless mixture of two or more gases)

Example 3.5, Page No:85

In [5]:
#Variable declaration
p2=2.5;                        # Pressure of air in the cylinder in bar
T1=430;                        # Temperature of air in cylinder in Degree Celcius
V1=1.2;                        # Volume of cylinder in m^3
V2=0.6;                        # Volume of cylinder upto end stops in m^3

#Calculation for (a)
# (a) Temperature of air when the piston reaches the stops
T2=(T1+273)*(V2/V1);           # constant pressure process

#Result for (a)
print "(a).Temperature of air when the piston reaches the stops = ",round(T2,1),"K"

#Calculation for (b)
# (b) The pressure of air when its temperature equals to 25 oC
T3=25;                        #Room temperature in Degree Celcius
p3=p2*((T3+273)/T2);          # constant volume process

#Result for (b)
print "\n(b).The pressure of air when its temperature equals to 25 oC = ",round(p3,2),"bar"
(a).Temperature of air when the piston reaches the stops =  351.5 K

(b).The pressure of air when its temperature equals to 25 oC =  2.12 bar

Example 3.7, Page No:92

In [6]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
p=6000;                   # Pressure of nitrogen gas in kPa
T=150;                    # Temperature of nitrogen gas in kelvin
V=250;                    # Volume of tank in litres
R_1=8.3143;               # Universal gas constant in kJ/kmol K
M=28.1013;                # Molecular mass

#Calculation for (a)
# (a).Beattie - Bridgeman equation of state
# Constants for nitrogen gas
c=4.2*10**4; Ao=136.2315; a=0.02617; Bo=0.05046; b=-0.00691;
# By substituting these values in the following equation 
# p=(R_1*T/v^2)*(1-(c/(vT^3)))*(v+Bo*(1-(b/v)))-(Ao/v^2*(1-(a/v)))
# By trial and error we get
v=0.1222;                # specific volume in m^3/kmol
m=(M*V/1000)/v;          # Mass of nitrogen gas

#Result for (a)
print "(a).Beattie - Bridgeman equation of state","\nMass of nitrogen gas = ",round(m,2),"kg"
print "specific volume of nitrogen gas = ",round(v,4),"m^3/kmol"

#Calculation for (b)
# (b).Nitrogen tables
# From property table of nitrogen fas
v=0.004413;            # specific volume in m^3/kg
m=(V/1000)/v;          #  Mass of nitrogen gas

#Result for (b)
print "\n\n(b).Nitrogen tables","\nMass of nitrogen gas = ",round(m,2),"kg","\nspecific volume of nitrogen gas = ",round(v,6),"m^3/kg"

#Calculation for (c)
# (c).Ideal gas equation of state
m=(p*V/1000)/(R_1*T/M);  #Mass of nitrogen gas

#Result for (c)
print "\n\n(c).Ideal gas equation of state","\nMass of nitrogen gas = ",round(m,2),"kg"

#Calculation for (d)
# (d).Generalized compressibility chart
# The crictical properties for nitrogen gas 
Tc=126.2;              # Temperature in kelvin
Pc=3.349;              # Pressure in MPa
# Reduced properties are
Pr=p/Pc; Tr=T/Tc;
z=0.6;                 # From chart
m=(p*V/1000)/(z*R_1*T/M); #Mass of nitrogen gas

#Result for (d)
print "\n\n(d).Generalized compressibility chart","\nMass of nitrogen gas = ",round(m,2),"kg"

#Result for (e)
#(e).Arrangement the methods in order of percentage error
print " \n\n(e).Arrangement the methods in order of percentage error : "
print "Nitrogen tables","\nBeattie - Bridgeman equation of state","\nGeneralized compressibility chart","\nIdeal gas equation of state"
(a).Beattie - Bridgeman equation of state 
Mass of nitrogen gas =  57.49 kg
specific volume of nitrogen gas =  0.1222 m^3/kmol

(b).Nitrogen tables 
Mass of nitrogen gas =  56.65 kg 
specific volume of nitrogen gas =  0.004413 m^3/kg

(c).Ideal gas equation of state 
Mass of nitrogen gas =  33.8 kg

(d).Generalized compressibility chart 
Mass of nitrogen gas =  56.33 kg

(e).Arrangement the methods in order of percentage error : 
Nitrogen tables 
Beattie - Bridgeman equation of state 
Generalized compressibility chart 
Ideal gas equation of state

Example 3.8, Page No:97

In [7]:
#Variable declaration
T=-58.7;              #Normal boling point of CF3Br in Degree Celcius
Tc=340.9;             # Crictical temperature of CF3Br in K
pc=4.05;              # Crictical pressure of CF3Br in MPa
M=148.9;              # Moleclar mass of CF3Br
p=1.01325*10**5;      # Atmospheric pressure in N/m^2
R1=8314.4;            # Universal gas constant in J/kmol K
R=R1/M;               # Gas constant of CF3Br

a=(0.42748*R**2*Tc**2.5)/(pc*10**6); # Constant of Redlich-Kwong equation of state
b=(0.08664*R*Tc)/(pc*10**6); # Constant of Redlich-Kwong equation of state
vi=(R*(T+273))/p; # Ideal gas volume for assigning initial value
# By substituting these values in the Redlich-Kwong equation of state 
vi_1=(R*(T+273)/p)+b-((a/(p*(273+T)**0.5*vi))*((vi-b)/(vi+b))); #and solving it by trial and error method we get

print "Saturated vapour volume = ",round(vi_1,5),"m^3/kg   (roundoff error)"
Saturated vapour volume =  0.1145 m^3/kg   (roundoff error)