Chapter 2:Important terminologies in Thermodynamics

Example 2.1,Page no:13

In [1]:
m=25.0 				#weight of water vapour [grams]
w=18.0 				#molecular weight of water vapour [grams/mol]
T=9.69 				#increase in temperature [K]
Qp=0.45 			#heat supplied at constant pressure[KJ]

n=m/w 				#no. of moles of water vapour
Cp=Qp/(n*T) 			#specific heat capacity at constant pressure[KJ]
Cp=Cp*1000			#specific heat capacity at constant pressure[J]

print"The specific heat capacity at constant pressure =",round(Cp,2),"J K^-1 mol^-1"
The specific heat capacity at constant pressure = 33.44 J K^-1 mol^-1

Example 2.2,Page no:14

In [2]:
import math
m=16.0 				#weight of oxygen [grams]
w=32.0 				#molecular weight of oxygen [grams/mol]
T=300.0 				#Temperature during compression [K]
P1=1.0 				#initial pressure of process [atm]
P2=100.0 				#final pressure of process[atm]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant [J/K/mol]
n=m/w 				#no. of moles of oxygen
print"Mininmum work done to compress oxygen =",round(W),"J(approx)"
Mininmum work done to compress oxygen = 5743.0 J(approx)