Chapter 5:The second Law of Thermodynamics

Example 5.1,Page no:59

In [1]:
T1=373.0 				#initial temperature [K]
T2=573.0 				#final temperature [K]
Q2=750.0 				#Heat absorbed by carnot engine[J]

e=(T2-T1)/T2 			#efficiency of the engine
W=e*Q2 				#Workdone by the engine[J]
Q1=T1*Q2/T2 			#Heat rejected by the engine[J]
print"Efficiency of the engine =",round(e,3) 
print"\n Workdone by the engine =",round(W),"J"
print"\n Heat rejected by the engine =",round(Q1),"J"
Efficiency of the engine = 0.349

 Workdone by the engine = 262.0 J

 Heat rejected by the engine = 488.0 J

Example 5.2,Page no:61

In [2]:
T1=250.0 #temperature of heat rejection[K]
T2=1000.0 #temperature of heat absorption[K]
print"Efficiency of the corresponding carnot engine =",e,"or",e*100,"%"
print" Therefore , the inventors claim of 80% efficiency is absurd.The patent application should be rejected" 
Efficiency of the corresponding carnot engine = 0.75 or 75.0 %
 Therefore , the inventors claim of 80% efficiency is absurd.The patent application should be rejected

Example 5.3,Page no:62

In [46]:
T1=323.0 				#temperature [K]
T2=423.0 				#temperature [K]
W=1.3 				#work [KJ]
e=(T2-T1)/T2 			#efficiency
Q2=W/e 				#minimum heat withdrawal from heat source[KJ]
print"Minimum heat withdrawal from heat source=",round(Q2,2),"kJ"
Minimum heat withdrawal from heat source= 5.5 kJ

Example 5.5,Page no:64

In [4]:
T=298 			#Temperature [K]
n=1 			#no. of moles
V1=500 			#initial volume [cm3]
V2=1000 		#final volume [cm3]
R=8.314 		#Universal gas constant [J/mol/K]
import math
S=R*math.log(V2/V1)		#molar entropy change at constant temperature[J/K]
print"Molar entropy change of argon =",round(S,1),"J/K"
Molar entropy change of argon = 5.8 J/K

Example 5.6,Page no:64

In [47]:
W=1728.0 			#Isothermal and reversible work done[J/mol]
T=298.0 			#Isothermal temperature[K]

S=W/T 			#change in molar entropy for isothermal and reversible process
print"The change in molar entropy =",round(S,1),"JK^-1mol^-1"
The change in molar entropy = 5.8 JK^-1mol^-1

Example 5.7,Page no:68

In [6]:
H=-92.22 			#Standard reaction enthalpy[KJ]
T=298 				#Temperature [K]

	#standard reaction enthalpy is H.Therefore, heat gained by the surroundings at 298K is -H
S=-H*1000/T 			#Change in entropy[J/K]
print"Change in entropy of the surroundings at 298k =",round(S,1),"J/K"
Change in entropy of the surroundings at 298k = 309.5 J/K

Example 5.8,Page no:69

In [7]:
T1=298.0 				#Initial Temperature[K]
T2=573.0 				#Final Temperature[K]
Cv=29.1 			#Specific Heat capacity of argon gas [J/K/mol]
n=1 				#no. of moles

import math
S=n*Cv*math.log(T2/T1) 		#Change in entropy [J/K]
print"The change in entropy of the argon gas is",round(S,2),"J/K"
The change in entropy of the argon gas is 19.03 J/K

Example 5.9,Page no:69

In [8]:
T1=276.0 				#Initial temperature[K]
Tf=278.7 			#Freezing point temperature[K]
Tb=353.3 			#Boiling point temperature[K]
T2=373.0 				#Final temperature[K]
Hf=9870.0 			#Standard enthalpy of fusion[J/mol]
Hv=30800.0 			#Standard enthalpy of vaporization[J/mol]
Cp=136.1 			#Specific heat capacity of benzene[J/K/mol]
mol_wt=78.0 			#molecular weight of benzene[g/mol]
mass=200.0			#weight of solid benzene[g]
print"Cp doesnot change within this temp limit" 
import math
n=mass/mol_wt 			#no. of moles

S1=n*Cp*math.log(Tf/T1) 	#entropy change in heating [J/K]
S2=n*Hf/Tf 			#entropy change in melting[J/K] 
S3=n*Cp*math.log(Tb/Tf) 	#entropy change in heating[J/K]
S4=n*Hv/Tb 			#entropy change in vaporization[J/K]
S5=n*Cp*math.log(T2/Tb) 	#entropy change in heating[J/K]
S=S1+S2+S3+S4+S5 		#total entropy change in heating from 276 to 373K
print"Total entropy change in heating 200g benzene from 3 to 100`C is",round(S,1),"J/K or",round(S/1000,3),"KJ/K"
print"\nNOTE:In textbook the value of 'n' is wrongly calculated as 25.64 instead of 2.564,SO there is a error in answer shown in book" 
Cp doesnot change within this temp limit
Total entropy change in heating 200g benzene from 3 to 100`C is 419.4 J/K or 0.419 KJ/K

NOTE:In textbook the value of 'n' is wrongly calculated as 25.64 instead of 2.564,SO there is a error in answer shown in book

Example 5.10,Page no:71

In [9]:
mass=32 			#weight of methane gas[gm]
P1=6*10**5 			#Initial temperature[N/m2]
P2=3*10**5 			#Final pressure[N/m2]
mol_wt=16 			#molecular weight of methane gas[g/mol]
T=298 				#Temperature[K]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
import math	
n=mass/mol_wt 			#no. of moles
S=n*R*math.log(P1/P2) 		#change in entropy of gas[J/K]

print"The change in entropy of the gas is",round(S,2),"J/K"
The change in entropy of the gas is 11.53 J/K

Example 5.11,Page no:75

In [4]:
import math
black=2              #No. of black balls
white=1              #No. of white ball


print"1.Total No. of possible configuration:",W
print"2.Probability of getting a configuration=",P,"or 1/3"
print"3.Total energy of system=",E
print"  Therefore,Average energy=",E_av
print"4.In this case,Total energy=",E_dash
print"  Change in total energy of system=",change
1.Total No. of possible configuration: 3
2.Probability of getting a configuration= 0.333333333333 or 1/3
3.Total energy of system= 9
  Therefore,Average energy= 3
4.In this case,Total energy= 18
  Change in total energy of system= 9

Example 5.12,Page no:77

In [50]:
n=1.0 			#no. of moles
T=273.0 			#temperature [K]
Hf=6000.0 		#enthalpy of fusion at 273K [J/mol]
k=1.38*(10**-23) 	#boltzmann constant[J/K]

print"\nTHE RESULT IS 10^24,which is too large to be displayed by ipython "
print"This value of w is very large to calculate for python,because it's in the range of 10^24"
print"The relative no. of distinguishable quantum states in 1 mole of water and ice at 273K is 10^24" 
print"\nTHE RESULT IS 10^24,which is too large to be displayed by ipython "
THE RESULT IS 10^24,which is too large to be displayed by ipython 
This value of w is very large to calculate for python,because it's in the range of 10^24
The relative no. of distinguishable quantum states in 1 mole of water and ice at 273K is 10^24

THE RESULT IS 10^24,which is too large to be displayed by ipython 

Example 5.13,Page no:86

In [51]:
T=300 			#temperature[K]
n=4 			#no. of moles of an ideal gas
P1=2.02*10**5 		#initial pressure[N/m2]
P2=4.04*10**5 		#final pressure[N/m2]
R=8.314 		#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
import math
G=n*R*T*2.303*math.log10(P2/P1) 	#[J]
print" The change in Gibbs free energy is",round(G,1),"J"
 The change in Gibbs free energy is 6916.6 J

Example 5.14,Page no:86

In [52]:
n=1 			#no. of moles
T=300 			#temperature[K]
V1=2 			#initial volume[m3]
V2=20 			#final volume[m3]
R=8.314 		#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
import math
A=-n*R*T*2.303*math.log10(V2/V1) 	#Change in work function[J/mol]
print"The change in Helmholts free energy is",round(A),"J/mol"
The change in Helmholts free energy is -5744.0 J/mol

Example 5.15,Page no:87

In [14]:
print"C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) --> 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)"
T=298 				#Temperature[k]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
S=182.45 			#standard entropy change at 298K [J/K]
U=-2808 			#change in internal energy at 298K[KJ/mol]
	#reaction is taking place in bomb calorimeter so no volume change 
	#therefore U=Q at constant volume
A=U-T*S*0.001 			#Energy extracted as heat[KJ/mol]
Wmax=A 				#work done [KJ/mol]
dn=6-6 				#change in no. of moles
H=U+dn*R*T 			#Change in enthalpy of the bomb calorimeter[KJ]
print"The energy change that can be extracted as heat is",round(A),"KJ/mol"
print"\nThe energy change that can be extracted as work is",round(-A),"KJ/mol"
print"\nThe change in enthalpy of bomb calorimeter is",round(H),"KJ/mol"
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) --> 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)
The energy change that can be extracted as heat is -2862.0 KJ/mol

The energy change that can be extracted as work is 2862.0 KJ/mol

The change in enthalpy of bomb calorimeter is -2808.0 KJ/mol

Example 5.16,Page no:87

In [55]:

T=298.0 				#temperature[K]
S=421.5 			#change in entropy[J/K]
H=-5109000.0 			#Heat of reaction[J]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
dn=8-(1+12.5) 			#change in no. of moles

U=H 				#[J]
A=U-T*S 			#Change in helmholts free energy[J]
G=A+dn*R*T 			#Change in Gibbs free energy[J]
print"The change in Helmholts free energy is",round(A),"J"
print"\nThe change in Gibbs free energy is",round(G),"J"
print"The calculation is not precise in book,that's why a slight change in answer"
The change in Helmholts free energy is -5234607.0 J

The change in Gibbs free energy is -5248234.0 J
The calculation is not precise in book,that's why a slight change in answer

Example 5.17,Page no:88

In [56]:
S=-339.23 			#standard change in entropy [J/K]
T=298 				#temperature[K]
Hf1=20.42 			#enthalpy of formation of C3H6(g)[J]
Hf2=-393.51 			#enthalpy of formation of CO2(g)[J]
Hf3=-285.83 			#enthalpy of formation of H2O(l)[J]
dn=3-4.5-1 			#change in no. of moles
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]

H=3*Hf2+3*Hf3-Hf1 		#Enthalpy of the reaction[J]
U=H-dn*R*0.001*T 		#Change in internal energy of the reaction[J]
A=U-T*S*0.001 			#Helmholts free energy change[J]
G=A+dn*R*0.001*T 		#Gibbs free energy change[J]
print"The change in Helmholts free energy is",round(A,2),"kJ"
print"\nThe change in Gibbs free energy is",round(G,2),"kJ"
The change in Helmholts free energy is -1951.16 kJ

The change in Gibbs free energy is -1957.35 kJ

Example 5.19,Page no:92

In [17]:

S1=-242.98 				#standard entropy change for the combustion reaction[J/K]
Hf1=-74.81 				#Enthalpy of formation of CH4(g)[KJ/mol]
Hf2=-393.51 				#Enthalpy of formation of CO2(g)[KJ/mol]
Hf3=-285.83 				#Enthalpy of formation of H2O(l)[KJ/mol]
T=298 					#temperature[K]
H=Hf2+2*Hf3-Hf1 			#Change in enthalpy of reaction[KJ]
S2=-H*1000/T 				#Change in entropy of the surrounding[J/K]
Stotal=(S1+S2)*0.001 			#Total entropy change 
print"The total change in entropy is",round(Stotal,2),"KJ/K"
The total change in entropy is 2.74 KJ/K

Example 5.20,Page no:93

In [18]:
Hf1=-285.83 				#standard enthalpy of formation of H2O(l)[KJ/mol]
S=-327 					#Standard entropy change for the same reaction[J/K]
T=298 					#temperature[K]

H=2*Hf1-0-0 				#Enthalpy of the reaction[KJ/mol]
G=H-T*S*0.001 				#Change in Gibbs free energy[KJ]
print"The change in Gibbs free energy is",round(G,2),"KJ\n "
print"As change in Gibbs free energy is negative.Therefore,the reaction is spontaneous"
The change in Gibbs free energy is -474.21 KJ
As change in Gibbs free energy is negative.Therefore,the reaction is spontaneous

Example 5.21,Page no:94

In [57]:
S=-242.98 			#standard entropy change for reaction [J/K]
T=298 				#temperature[K]
Gf1=-50.72 			#standard Gibbs free energy of formation for CH4(g)[KJ/mol]
Gf2=-394.36 			#standard Gibbs free energy of formation for CO2(g)[KJ/mol]
Gf3=-237.13 			#standard Gibbs free energy of formation for H2O(l)[KJ/mol]

G=Gf2+2*Gf3-Gf1 		#Standard Gibbs free energy for reaction[KJ/mol]
H=G+T*S*0.001 			#Standard enthalpy of reaction [KJ]
print"The standard enthalpy of reaction is",round(H,2),"kJ"
The standard enthalpy of reaction is -890.31 kJ

Example 5.22,Page no:94

In [21]:
mass=25.0 			#mass of glucose for combustion under standard condition[gm]
T=298 				#temperature[K]
Gf1=-910 			#Standard Gibbs free energy of formation for C6H12O6[KJ/mol]
Gf2=-394.4 			#Standard Gibbs free energy of formation for CO2(g)[KJ/mol]
Gf3=-237.13 			#Standard Gibbs free energy of formation for H2O(l)[KJ/mol]
mol_wt=180.0 			#molecular weight of glucose[gm/mol]
n=mass/mol_wt 			#no. of moles
Gactual=G*n 			#Gibbs free energy for the combustion of 0.139mol of glucose 
print"The energy that can be extracted as non-expansion work is",round(-Gactual),"KJ" 
The energy that can be extracted as non-expansion work is 400.0 KJ

Example 5.23,Page no:97

In [58]:
a=1.39*10**-2 		#constant for a vanderwaal's gas[lit2.atm/mol2]
b=3.92*10**-2 		#constant for a vanderwaal's gas[lit2.atm/mol2]
R=0.082 		#Universal gas constant[lit.atm/deg/mol]
Ti=(2*a)/(R*b) 		#inversion temperature [K]
print"The inversion temperature for the gas is",round(Ti,3)," K"
The inversion temperature for the gas is 8.649  K

Example 5.26,Page no:100

In [59]:
T=169.25 			#Boiling point[K]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
print"Therefore using these two equations we calculate the He(enthalpy) of ethylene" 

x=(2.303*834.13/T**2)+(1.75/T)-(2.30*8.375*10**-3) #it is dlnP/dT
He=R*0.001*T**2*x #Enthalpy of vaporization[J/mol]
print"\n\nThe Enthalpy of vaporization of ethylene at its boiling point is",round(He,3),"KJ/mol"
Therefore using these two equations we calculate the He(enthalpy) of ethylene

The Enthalpy of vaporization of ethylene at its boiling point is 13.846 KJ/mol

Example 5.27,Page no:101

In [24]:
P1=101.3 			#Initial Pressure[KPa]
P2=60 				#Final Pressure[KPa]
He=31.8 			#Enthalpy of vaporization[KJ/mol]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
T1=353.2 			#boiling point of benzene at 101.3KPa[K]
import math

T2=x**-1 			#Boiling point of benzene at 60KPa
print"The boiling point of benzene at 60KPa is",round(T2,1),"K"
The boiling point of benzene at 60KPa is 336.9 K

Example 5.28,Page no:101

In [60]:
P1=0.016 			#Vapour pressure of pure ethanol at 273K[bar]
P2=0.470 			#Vapour pressure of pure ethanol at 333K[bar]
T1=273 				#initial temperature [K]
T2=333 				#final temperature[K]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
P=1.01 				#vapour pressure at normal boiling point[bar]
import math
He=-R*0.001*math.log(P2/P1)/x 	#molar enthalpy of vaporization[J/mol]
T=(t**-1)-273 			#normal boiling point [C]
print"\n\nThe normal boiling point for pure ethanol is ",round(T,1),"C"
print"The molar enthalpy of vapourization is",round(He,2),"J/mol"

The normal boiling point for pure ethanol is  77.4 C
The molar enthalpy of vapourization is 42.58 J/mol

Example 5.29,Page no:102

In [5]:
T2=353.2 			#normal boiling point of benzene at 1.01325bar[K]
T1=298	 			#temperature [K]
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
P2=1.01325 			#Vapour pressure of benzene[bar]
import math
	#benzene obey's Trouton's rule
print" from Troutons rule , " 
print" He/Tb=85J/K/mol" 

He=85*T2 			#molar enthalpy of vapourization[J/K/mol]
print"\nThe vapour pressure of benzene at 298K is",round(P1,3)," bar"
 from Troutons rule , 

The vapour pressure of benzene at 298K is 0.152  bar

Example 5.30,Page no:111

In [27]:
c=1 			#no. of components(only CO2)
p=2 			#no. of phases(liquid + gas)

F=c-p+2 		#degree of freedom
print"Degrees of freedom is",F 
print"Degrees of freedom 1 means that either pressure or temperature can be varied independently,i.e.when temperature is fixed,pressure is automatically fixed" 
Degrees of freedom is 1
Degrees of freedom 1 means that either pressure or temperature can be varied independently,i.e.when temperature is fixed,pressure is automatically fixed

Example 5.31,Page no:111

In [61]:
c=1 			#no. of components
p=1 			#no. of phases

F=c-p+2 		#Degrees of freedom
print"Degrees of freedom,F is",F 
print"Degrees of freedom 2 means both the pressure and temperature can be varied independently" 
Degrees of freedom,F is 2
Degrees of freedom 2 means both the pressure and temperature can be varied independently

Example 5.32,Page no:113

In [30]:
P=1.75*10**-5 			#Vapour pressure of pure water at 293K[torr]
dP=1.1*10**-7 			#Lowering in vapour pressure of water

x=dP/P 				#mole fraction of sucrose
print"The mole fraction of sucrose is",round(x,6) 
The mole fraction of sucrose is 0.006286

Example 5.33,Page no:114

In [31]:
P=94.6 				#The vapour pressure of pure benzene at 298K[torr]
n1=20.0 				#no. of moles of pure benzene
n2=5.0 				#no. of moles of pure naphthalene

x=n1/(n1+n2) 			#(mole fraction of benzene)
p=x*P 				#the partial vapour pressure of benzene[torr]
print"The partial vapour pressure of benzene is",p,"torr"
The partial vapour pressure of benzene is 75.68 torr

Example 5.34,Page no:114

In [32]:
x=0.28 				#mole fraction of solute
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
T=298 				#temperature[K]
import math

du=R*T*math.log(1-x) 		#reduction in chemical potential[J/mol]
print"The reduction in chemical potential is",round(-du,1),"J/mol"
The reduction in chemical potential is 813.9 J/mol

Example 5.35,Page no:116

In [62]:
Kb=0.51 			#ebullioscopic constant of water [K*Kg/mol]
n=155.0/180.0 			#no. of moles of glucose
m=n/1 				#[mol/Kg]
Ti=373.0 				#Boiling point temperature of water[K]

Tf=(Ti+Kb*m)-273 		#boiling point temperature of the solution[C]
print"The boiling point of the solution is",round(Tf,2),"degree C"
The boiling point of the solution is 100.44 degree C

Example 5.36,Page no:117

In [65]:
Ti=5.44 #freezing point of pure benzene[K]
Tf=4.63 #freezing point of solution[K]
m1=2.12 #mass of the solute[gm]
m2=125.0 #mass of the benzene[gm]
Kf=5.12 #cryoscopic constant of pure benzene[K*Kg/mol]

dTf=Ti-Tf 	#depression in freezing point[K]
M2=(m1*1000*Kf)/(m2*dTf) #molar mass of solute
print"The molar mass of solute is",round(M2),"(approx)"
The molar mass of solute is 107.0 (approx)

Example 5.38,Page no:124

In [66]:
T=298 			#Temperature[K]
Gf1=-16450 		#Gibb's free energy of formation for NH3(g)[J/mol]
R=8.314 		#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
import math	
Gf=2*Gf1			#Gibb's free energy for the reaction[KJ]
print"The Kp for above reaction is",round(Kp),"or 5.85*10^5,in scientific notation(APPROX)" 
The Kp for above reaction is 584861.0 or 5.85*10^5,in scientific notation(APPROX)

Example 5.39,Page no:124

In [37]:
T=298 #Temperature[K]
Kp=900 #Equilibrium constant for above reaction
P1=0.32 #partial pressure of N2(g)[bar]
P2=0.73 #partial pressure of H2(g)[bar]
P3=0.98 #partial pressure of NH3(g)[bar]
R=8.314 #Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
import math

print"The reaction Gibbs free energy is",round(Gr*1000),"J/mol "
The reaction Gibbs free energy is -14322.0 J/mol 

Example 5.40,Page no:125

In [38]:

Kp1=5.85*10**5 #equilibrium constant at 298K
H1=-46.11 #standard enthalpy of formation of NH3(g)[KJ/mol]
T1=298 #Initial temperature[K]
T2=423 #Final temperature[K]
R=8.314 #Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
import math

H=2*H1 #enthalpy for reaction [KJ]
print"The Equilibrium constant for reaction  at 423K is",round(Kp2) 
The Equilibrium constant for reaction  at 423K is 35004905509.0

Example 5.41,Page no:128

In [39]:
T=298.0 			#Temperature[K]
R=8.314 		#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
E1=-0.7618 		#Standard electrode potential for Zn2+/Zn [volts]
E2=-0.403 		#Standard electrode potential for Cd2+/Cd [volts]
F=96500.0 		#Faraday's constant[coulomb/mol]
n=2.0 			#no. of electrons balancing

Ei=E2-E1 		#Standard potential for the reaction[volts]
import math
Gi=-n*F*Ei 		#Standard Gibb's Free Energy [KJ/mol] 
Ki=math.exp(-Gi/R/T) 	#Equilibrium constant
print"The Free energy for the rection is",Gi*0.001,"KJ/mol"
print"The value of equilibrium constant is",Ki 

E3=0.6141 		#Standard electrode potential for Hg2SO4(s),SO4^2-/Hg(l) [volts]

Eii=E3-E2 		#Standard potantial for the reaction[volts]
Gii=-n*F*Eii 		#Standard Gibb's free energy[KJ/mol]
Kii=math.exp(-Gii/R/T) 	#Equilibrium constant
print"The Free energy for the rection is",round(Gii*0.001,1),"KJ/mol"
print"The value of equilibrium constant is",Kii
print"PLEASE REDO the last line calculation,It is showing wrong result in my PC"
The Free energy for the rection is -69.2484 KJ/mol
The value of equilibrium constant is 1.37586809667e+12
The Free energy for the rection is -196.3 KJ/mol
The value of equilibrium constant is 2.56773255559e+34
PLEASE REDO the last line calculation,It is showing wrong result in my PC

Example 5.42,Page no:130

In [67]:

m1=0.02 			#concentration[M]
Y1=0.65 			#mean ionic activity coefficient
m2=1.5 				#concentration[M]
Y2=0.29 			#mean ionic activity coefficient 
R=8.314 			#Universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
T=298 				#Temperature [K]
F=96500 			#Faraday's constant[coulomb/mol]
import math
E=R*T*(math.log(m2*Y2/m1/Y1))*3/2/F 	#[volts]
print"The overall e.m.f of the cell is",round(E,4),"volt"
The overall e.m.f of the cell is 0.1352 volt

Example 5.43,Page no:131

In [41]:
m1=0.02 			#concentration[M]
Y1=0.88 			#mean ionic activity coefficient
m2=1 				#concentration[M]
Y2=0.81 			#mean ionic activity coefficient
R=8.314 			#universal gas constant[J/K/mol]
T=298 				#Temperature[K]
F=96487 			#Faraday's constant[coulombs/mol]
t=0.178 			#Tranference number of Cl-1
import math

E=-2*t*R*T*(math.log(m1*Y1/m2/Y2))/F 	#e.m.f of the cell[volts]
print"The e.m.f of the cell is",round(E,3)," volts" 
print"\nWrongly calculated in book as 0.351 volt"
The e.m.f of the cell is 0.035  volts

Wrongly calculated in book as 0.351 volt

Example 5.44,Page no:133

In [68]:
print"The values for reaction that goes on within the cadmium cell" 
n=2 			#no. of moles
E=1.01463 		#standard cadmium cell potential[volts]
d=-5*10**-5 		#i.e d=dE/dT[V/K]
F=96500 		#[coulomb/mol]
T=298 			#Temperature [K]

dG=-n*E*F 		#Change in Gibb's free energy[J]
dS=n*F*d 		#Change in entropy [J/K]
dH=dG+T*dS 		#change in enthalpy[J]
print" dG=",dG,"J\nWrongly calculated in book as -195815 J"
print"\n dS=",dS,"J/K"
print"\n dH=",dH,"J"
The values for reaction that goes on within the cadmium cell
 dG= -195823.59 J
Wrongly calculated in book as -195815 J

 dS= -9.65 J/K

 dH= -198699.29 J