10: Nuclear Detectors

Example number 1, Page number 284

In [3]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration    
c=500;           #counting rate(counts/min)
n=10**8;         #number of electrons per discharge
e=1.6*10**-19;   #charge(coul)

tn=n*c*e;          #total number of electrons collected(coul/min)
q=tn/60;           #average current(amp)

print "average current is",round(q*10**10,2),"*10**-10 amp"
average current is 1.33 *10**-10 amp

Example number 2, Page number 284

In [6]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration    
q=1.333*10**-18;       #current(amp)
e=1.6*10**-19;         #charge(coul)

n=q*60/e;              #counting rate per min

print "counting rate per min is",int(round(n))
counting rate per min is 500

Example number 3, Page number 284

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration    
cr=3;         #change in count rate(%)
cv=100;       #change in working volt(V)
crl=0.1;      #count rate limit(%)

V=crl*cv/cr;     #maximum permissible voltage fluctuations(volt)

print "maximum permissible voltage fluctuations is",round(V,1),"volt"
maximum permissible voltage fluctuations is 3.3 volt

Example number 4, Page number 285

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration    
V=1000;          #voltage(V)
r=0.02;          #radius(m)
lt=10**9;        #life time(counts)

Emax=V/(r*(2.3*math.log10(b/a)));     #radial field at the centre(V/m)
N=lt/x;                               #counter will last for(years)

print "radial field at the centre is",round(Emax/10**3,2),"*10**3 V/m"
print "answer for radial field given in the book is wrong"
print "counter will last for",round(N,1),"years"
radial field at the centre is 9.45 *10**3 V/m
answer for radial field given in the book is wrong
counter will last for 3.7 years