Chapter 15 : Wastewater Collection

Example 15.1 Page No : 15-4

In [1]:
#initialisation of variables
q = 0.25	#in
Q = 0.34	#in
r = 0.76	#in
v = 0.83	#in
n = 0.78	#in
r1 = 0.84	#in
v1 = 0.70	#in
w = 2	#in
q1 = 0.056	#in
d = 0.16	#in
v2 = 0.53	#in
n1 = 0.80	#in
d1 = 0.18	#in
n2 = 0.46	#in
V = v*w	#fps
N = v1*w	#fps
V1 = v2*w	#fps
V2 = n2*w	#fps
print 'The one fourth their full flow = %.2f fps'%(N)
print 'The one enghteenth their full flow = %.2f fps'%(V2)
The one fourth their full flow = 1.40 fps
The one enghteenth their full flow = 0.92 fps

Example 15.2 Page No : 15-9

In [2]:
#initialisation of variables
v = 2.5	#fps
N = 0.015	#fps
a = (40+27)	#in
b = (40*27+27*19)/a
c = 0.440	#cfs
w = 49*0.09/100	#cfs
g = 0.008	#percent
Q = 0.82	#cfs
r = 0.795	#cfs
t = 2.35*1.16	#fps
d1 = 113.20-113.03	#ft
d2 = 12	#ft
R = r/Q	#cfs
D = g*r	#in
D2 = d1*d2	#in
print 'The required capacity and find the slope size and hydraulic characteristics of the system = %.0f in'%(D2)
The required capacity and find the slope size and hydraulic characteristics of the system = 2 in

Example 15.3 Page No : 15-17

In [3]:
#initialisation of variables
p = 20	#min
N = 0.012	#in
k = 2.19	#min
l = k+1.97	#min
q = 340/(60*3.94)	#min
r = 2.56*0.508	#min
del1 = 0.42	#min
j = 84.28	#min
w1 = 0.92	#min
r1 = r*k	#cfs
w = p+q	#min
G = j-del1	#min
S = (G-w1)	#min
print 'The required capacity and find the slop size and hydraulic = %.2f min'%(S)
The required capacity and find the slop size and hydraulic = 82.94 min

Example 15.4 Page No : 15-25

In [2]:
import math 
#initialisation of variables
a = 42.	#in
d = 45.	#mgd
d1 = 0.75	#in
s = 60.	#ft
p1 = 9.	#in
p2 = 8.4	#in
p3 = 9.	#in
c1 = 13*63.6	#sq in
c2 = 9*55.4	#sq in
c3 = 9.21	#sq ft
M = d*1.547	#cfs
v = M/c3	#fps
g = 0.025*32.2	#ft/sec**2
F = v/math.sqrt(g*(p1/12))	#ft
S = s/d1	#in
print 'the port near the end of the diffuser pipe = %.2f in'%(F)

# note : rounding off error.
the port near the end of the diffuser pipe = 9.73 in