#initialisation of variables
a = 0.75 #ft
p = 123 #mg
v = 100 #ft
s = 33 #mg
s1 = 67 #mg
d = 26.6 #mgd
d1 = 0.0477 #mgd
q = 0.750 #gpd/sq mile
d2 = 365 #days
S = p/a #mg per sq mile
Cv = v*s/s1 #percent
M = d*d1 #mgd per sq mile
D = v*q/M #MAF
D1 = (v*p)/(M*d2) #MAF
R = p/q #days
print 'the use monthly averages rather then daily stream flow = %.0f days'%(R)
#initialisation of variables
d = 750000 #gpd per sq mile
v = 0.22 #ft
a = 1.27 #ft
q = 0.30 #ft
d1 = 365 #days
p = 0.25 #ft
Q = q*a*d1 #mg/sq mile
H = p*a*d1 #mg/sq mile
print 'the results obtained by normal analytical procedures and by Hazen s = %.0f mg/sq mile'%(H)
#initialisation of variables
d = 30.0 #mgd
a = 40.0 #sq miles
a1 = 1500 #acres
r1 = 47.0 #in
r2 = 27.0 #in
q = 0.9 #in
k = 640 #in
h = 0.052 #gpd/sq mile
Q = r2-(r2+a-r1)*q*a1/(k*a) #in
D = d+a*h #mgd
A = a-(q*a1/k)*(1-(r1-a)/(r2)) #sq miles
R = r2+a-r1 #in
S = R*q #in
print 'the revised mean annual runoff = %.1f in'%(Q)
print 'the equivalent mean draft = %.1f mgd'%(D)
print 'the equivalent land area = %.1f sq miles'%(A)
print 'the adjusted flowline = %.0f in'%(S)
#initialisation of variables
p = 100. #ft
q = 27000. #acre-ft
p1 = 10. #ft
s = 8250. #acre-ft
R = p*s/q #percent
print 'the ratio of peak inflow from fuller values = %d percent'%(R)