# To determine SNR at the detector output stage
# Given data
SNRin=20# # SNR at the receiver antenna input terminal in dB
F=6# # Noise figure in dB
# SNR at the detector output stage
SNRout=SNRin-F# # SNR at the detector output stage in dB
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n SNR at the detector output stage = %0.0f dB'%(SNRout)#
from __future__ import division
from math import log10
#To compute noise figure of mobile receiver system
#Given data
F1=3# #Coaxial cable loss in dB
F1=10**(F1/10)# #Coaxial cable loss
F2=6# #Noise figure of phone in dB
F2=10**(F2/10)# #Noise figure of phone
Fsys=F1+((F2-1)/0.5)# #Noise figure of mobile receiver system
Fsys=10*log10(Fsys)# #Noise figure of mobile receiver system in dB
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n Noise figure of mobile receiver system = %0.0f dB'%(Fsys)
from __future__ import division
from math import log10
# To determine average output thermal noise power
# Given data
T0=300# # Ambient room temperature in K
Fsys=8# # Noise figure of the system
Tant=290# # Effective temperature of antenna in K
K=1.38*10**-23# # Boltzmann's constant in J/K
B=30000# # Effective bandwidth in Hz
Te=(Fsys-1)*T0# # Effective noise temperature in K
Ttotal=Tant+Te# # Overall system noise temperature in K
# To determine average output thermal noise power
Pn=(1+(Ttotal/T0))*K*T0*B# # Average output thermal noise power in W
Pn=10*log10(Pn/(10**-3))# # Average output thermal noise power in dBm
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n Average output thermal noise power = %0.1f dBm'%(Pn)#
# To determine average signal strength at the antenna terminal
# Given data
Pn=-119.5# # Average output thermal noise power in dBm
SNR=30# # SNR at the receiver output in dB
# To determine average signal strength at the antenna terminal to provide 30dB SNR
Ps=SNR+Pn# # Average signal strength at the antenna terminal
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n Average signal strength at the antenna terminal to provide 30dB SNR = %0.1f dBm'%(Ps)#
# To determine average signal strength at the antenna terminal
# Given data
Pn=-104.5# # Average output thermal noise power in dBm
SNR=36# # SNR at the receiver output in dB
# To determine average signal strength at the antenna terminal to provide 36dB SNR
Ps=SNR+Pn# # Average signal strength at the antenna terminal
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n Average signal strength at the antenna terminal to provide 30dB SNR = %0.1f dBm'%(Ps)#
from __future__ import division
from math import log10
#To compute noise figure of mobile receiver system
#Given data
F1=5# #Coaxial cable loss in dB
F1=10**(F1/10)# #Coaxial cable loss
F2=8# #Noise figure of phone in dB
F2=10**(F2/10)# #Noise figure of phone
Fsys=F1+((F2-1)/0.5)# #Noise figure of mobile receiver system
Fsys=10*log10(Fsys)# #Noise figure of mobile receiver system in dB
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n Noise figure of mobile receiver system = %0.0f dB'%(Fsys)
# To determine SNR at the detector output stage
# Given data
SNRin=30# # SNR at the receiver antenna input terminal in dB
F=6# # Noise figure in dB
# SNR at the detector output stage
SNRout=SNRin-F# # SNR at the detector output stage in dB
# Displaying the result in command window
print '\n SNR at the detector output stage = %0.0f dB'%(SNRout)#