import math
#Variable declaration
D=10000; #in metres
TxEIRP=30; #Effective Isotropic Radiated Power(EIRP)dBW
lamda=0.2; #in metres
Pt=10; #Transmitted power in dBW
Gt=20; #transmitter gain in dBi
Gr=3; #receiver gain in dBi
Lo=6;#total system lossses in dB
Nf=5; #noise figure in dB
BW=1.25; #mHz
k=1.38*10**-23; #Boltzmann constant
T=290; #temperature in degree kelvin
Lp=20*math.log10(lamda/(4*math.pi*D)); #free space loss
Pr=Lp+Pt+Gt+Gr-Lo;# received power in dBW
No=10*math.log10(k*T); #Noise density in dBW
NO=No+30; #factor of '30' to convert from dBW to dBm
Pn=Nf+10*math.log10(BW*10**6)+NO;# noise signal power in dBm
print 'The received signal power is %d dBm'%(round(Pr+30)); #factor of '30' to convert from dBW to dBm
print 'SNR is %d dB'%SNR
import math
#Variable declaration
#As we have to use data from Eg 10.1,
D=10000; # in metres
TxEIRP=30; #Effective Isotropic Radiated Power(EIRP)dBW
lamda=0.2; #in metres
Pt=10; #trasmitted power in dBW
Gt=20; #transmitter gain in dBi
Gr=3; #receiver gain in dBi
Lo=6;#total system lossses in dB
Nf=5; #noise figure in dB
BW=1.25; #mHz
k=1.38*10**-23; #Boltzmann constant
T=290; #temperature in degree kelvin
#additional data given in this eg
hr=40.; #height of receiver in metre
ht=2; #trasmittter antenna height in metres
Pr=Lp+Pt+Gt+Gr-Lo;# received power in dBW
No=10*math.log10(k*T); #Noise density in dBW
NO=No+30; #factor of '30' to convert from dBW to dBm
Pn=Nf+10*math.log10(BW*10**6)+NO;# noise signal power in dBm
print 'The received signal power is %d dBm'%(round(Pr+30)); #factor of '30' to convert from dBW to dBm
print 'SNR is %d dB'%SNR
import math
#Variable declaration
Pin=12.; #Input power in watts
Ploss=3; #resistive losses in Watts
D=5; #Directivity
print 'Gain of the antenna is %.2f dB = %.2f'%(10*math.log10(G),G);
#Variable declaration
G=12.; #Gain of antenna in dBi
print 'The 3-dB beam width of a linear element antenna is %.1f degrees'%Theta
import math
#Variable declaration
N=12; #number of turns
fr=1.8; #frequency in GHz
DH=lamda/math.pi;# diameter of helix in milli-meters
S=lamda/4;#turn spacing in millimetres
print 'The optimim diameter is %d mm'%(DH*1000);
print 'Spacing is %.1f mm'%(S*1000);
print 'Total Length of antenna is %d mm'%(L*1000);
print 'The antenna gain is %.1f dBi'%(10*math.log10(G));
print 'The BeamWidth of antenna is %d degrees'%Theta
#Variable declaration
E0=1000.; #average SNR
Eg=10; #threshold value for SNR
M=3; #3-Branch Combiner
e=2.71828; #Euler's number
P3=(1-e**(-x))**M; #Considering 3-branch selection combiner
print 'By considering 3-branch selection combiner technique, probability comes to be %.e'%P3;
print ' BY not considering diversity technique, probability comes to be %.e'%P1;
#Variable declaration
SR=3.84; #spreading rate in Mcps
print 'Minimum delay distance to successfully resolve the multipath components and operate the Rake receiver is %d m'%Dd