Chapter 3: Radio Propagation and Propagation Path-Loss Models

Example 3.1, Page 51

In [3]:
import math

#Variable declaration
hb=100; #in feets(height of BS antenna)
hm=5;  # in feets(height of mobile antenna)
f=881.52;#in MHz
lamda=1.116;  #in feet
d=5000;  #in feet
Gb=10**0.8;  #8dB(BS antenna gain)
Gm=10**0;   # 0dB (Mobile antenna gain)

print 'Free space attenuation is %d dB \n'%y
reflect_atten= (d**4/(hb*hm)**2)*(Gb*Gm)**-1;
print 'Reflecting surface attenuation is %d dB \n '%x
Free space attenuation is 87 dB 

Reflecting surface attenuation is 86 dB 

Example 3.2, Page 52

In [5]:
import math

#Variable declaration
d=8000; #Distance between base station and mobile station
f=1.5*10**9;#in Hz 
lamda=0.2;  #in metres
Pt=10; #BS transmitted power in watts
Lo=8;   #Total system losses in dB
Nf=5;    #Mobile receiver noise figure in dB
T=290;   #temperature in degree kelvin
BW=1.25*10**6; #in Hz
Gb=8;  #in dB
Gm=0;   #in dB
Hb=30;  #in metres
Hm=3.;   #in metres
B=1.38*10**-23; #Boltzmann's constant

Pr=Free_Lp-Lo+Gm+Gb+Pt;  #in dBW
print 'Received signal power is %d dBW \n'%(10*math.log10(Pn))
print 'SNR ratio is %d dB \n'%(round(SNR))
Received signal power is -138 dBW 

SNR ratio is 31 dB 

Example 3.3, Page 58

In [8]:
import math

#Variable declaration
d=3*1000;#in metres
Y=4;# path loss exponent
Pt=4;  #Transmitted power in watts
f=1800*10**6;#in Hz
Shadow=10.5;  #in dB
d0=100.;#in metres
P0=-32;   #in dBm

print "Using equation 3.11 and including shadow effect we get"
print 'Received power is %.1f dBm \n'%Pr
print 'Allowable path loss is %.1f dB \n'%path_loss
Using equation 3.11 and including shadow effect we get
Received power is -80.6 dBm 

Allowable path loss is 116.6 dB 

Example 3.4, Page 58

In [10]:
#Variable declaration
shadow=10.; #in dB
Lp=150;  #in dB

print "Using equation given in Problem i.e Lp=133.2+40*math.log(d) we get,"
print "Separation between transmitter and receiver as %.2f km"%d
Using equation given in Problem i.e Lp=133.2+40*math.log(d) we get,
Separation between transmitter and receiver as 1.48 km

Example 3.5, Page 61

In [11]:
import math

#Variable declaration
v=60*0.44704;  #.. mph to mps
fc=860*10**6;#in Hz
td=2*10**-6; #RMS delay spread in sec
c=3.*10**8;# speed of light in m/sec
Rs=19200.; #Coded symbol rate in bps

fm=v/lamda; #Maximum doppler shift
tc=1/(2*math.pi*fm);#Channel coherence time
print 'Channel coherence time is %.4f sec \n'%tc
ts=1/Rs; #symbol interval
print 'Symbol interval is %d microsec \n'%(ts*10**6);
print "As the symbol interval is much smaller compared to the channel coherence time. So, Symbol distortion is minimal and fading is slow.";
print "";
print 'Coherence Bandwidth is %.2f kHz \n'%(Bc/1000)
Channel coherence time is 0.0021 sec 

Symbol interval is 52 microsec 

As the symbol interval is much smaller compared to the channel coherence time. So, Symbol distortion is minimal and fading is slow.

Coherence Bandwidth is 79.58 kHz 

Example 3.6, Page 65

In [13]:
import math

#Variable declaration
p=1;# reflection coefficient of ground 
c=3.*10**8;# velocity of light in free space(m/sec)
e=2.71828;#Euler's number
fm=20;  #in Hz
fc=900*10**6; #carrier frequency in Hz

print 'NO of fades per second are %.2f  \n'%Nr
print 'Average fade duration is %.4f sec \n '%Afd
print 'Maximum velocity of mobile is %.2f m/sec = %d Km/hour \n'%(v,v*18/5);
NO of fades per second are 18.44  

Average fade duration is 0.0073 sec 
Maximum velocity of mobile is 6.67 m/sec = 24 Km/hour 

Example 3.7, Page 70

In [1]:
import math
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

#Variable declaration
d=np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);  #in km
hb=30; #Height of BS antenna in metres
hm=2;# height of mobile antenna in matres
fc=900;#carrier frequency in MHz
W=15;  #street width(m)
b=30;  # distance between building along radio path (m) 
phi=90; # incident angle relative to the street
hr=30; #in m


# By COST 231 model
L50=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

#Okumura/Hata model
L_50 = np.array(L_50)

fig,ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.set_xlabel('Distance from transmitter(in km)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Path loss (in dB)')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.legend(['COST 231 model'],loc=0)
ax2.legend(['HATA model'],loc=0)
print "L50 values by Cost 231 model"
print '%.2f  %.2f  %.2f  %.2f  %.2f \n '%(L50[0],L50[1],L50[2],L50[3],L50[4]);
print "L50 values bu Okumura/Hata model"
print '%.2f  %.2f  %.2f  %.2f  %.2f \n '%(L_50[0],L_50[1],L_50[2],L_50[3],L_50[4]);
print "The results from the plot of two models shows that the calculated path loss with the COST 231 model is higher than the value obtained by the Okumura/Hata model."

#Answers vary due to built-in functions of Python used
L50 values by Cost 231 model
129.03  140.47  147.16  151.91  155.59 
L50 values bu Okumura/Hata model
125.13  135.73  141.93  146.34  149.75 
The results from the plot of two models shows that the calculated path loss with the COST 231 model is higher than the value obtained by the Okumura/Hata model.

Example 3.8, Page 76

In [22]:
import math

#Variable declaration
SNRmin=12;#in dB
n=3; #No of floors
Backgroundnoise=-115; #dBm
pt=100  #in dBm

Sr=Backgroundnoise+SNRmin; #receiver sensitivity
#Refering table 3.4
Lp_d0=38;  #ref path loss at the first meter(dB)
Lf=15+4*(n-1); #signal attenuation through n floors
y=3; #path loss exponent
X=10; #Shadowing effect(dB)
d=10**((Lpmax-Lp_d0-Lf-X)/30); #max allowable path loss

print 'Coverage radius of an access point = %d m \n'%(round(d))
Coverage radius of an access point = 54 m 

Example 3.9, Page 77

In [24]:
import math

#Variable declaration
SSmean=-100; #signal strength(dBm)
Sr=-110; #receiver sensitivity(dBm)
sd=10;  #standard deviation(dB)


print 'probability of exceeding signal beyond the receiver sensitivity is %.2f \n'%(P_Smin)
probability of exceeding signal beyond the receiver sensitivity is 0.84 

Example 3.10, Page 81

In [25]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Lp=140; # path losses in dB 
k=1.38*10**-23; # Boltzmann’s constant (W/Kelvin-Hz)
f=900;#in MHz
Gt=8; #transmitting antenna gain(dB)
Gr=0; #receiver antenna gain(dB)
Ag=24;#gain of receiver amplifier in dB 
Fmargin=8;#Fade margin(dB)
Nf=6;#Noise figure(dB)
L0=20; # other losses in dB
Lf=12; # antenna feed line loss in dB 
T=24.6;#Temperature expressed in dB
R=39.8; # data rate in dB 
M=8;  #overall link margin(dB)

#From equation  (3.54)
pt_db=M-Gt-Gr-Ag+ Nf + T+ k_db+ Lp+ Lf+ L0 + Fmargin+ R+ Eb_No;

Pt=10**(pt_db/10);  #dB into normal number

print 'Total transmitted power is %d Watts \n'%Pt
Total transmitted power is 6 Watts